Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: L, 1947-1950. A-71, folder 310. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 41)

(seq. 41)


"he will do everything possible to prevent that awful tragic thing from going through. He has plenty of weight and if he can only be made to realize what underture means to the people to whom it concerns he will do something but fast. That is what is needed so badly, action! Yes, dear family I'd long to have one of the kittens named for me, I'll feel right proud. Wish I could have one of those dear little kittens, guess I'd better wait 'tho until the spring comes, think I'll have gained some strength by then. Not a word about how you are feeling. Good I hope

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 42)

(seq. 42)


and pray every day, and this the day when I'm peeling potatoes, or washing the dishes sometimes sweeping the floor, I'm sort of talking, or praying to God. Maybe sounds crazy but if so, it's being "nuts" in a comforting sort of way. I have so much to be thankful for, having you for a friend, why even being allowed to call you my family. For a very warm place to live not having to go out these terrible cold days or nights for having people so kind, so thoughtful in so many ways. When he has any extra money he brings home ice cream likeyou used to. Remember?


Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 43)

(seq. 43)


Yes, you guessed it, chocolate. I'm so thankful for so many things, things I used to just take for granted. The thing for which I am most thankful for, how my way of life is changed, I am really living the way I believe in. And you my dear Family, for having known you have caused this to happen. Otherwise, I would have gone right on, stupidly believing the world owed me, and I was out to collect. I must have been twins, one person could not have been so stupid. I'm glad Dr. Castle, is still fighting God bless her, give her my love, please. you are giving her renewed hope & courage

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 44)

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each day, as you did me with these few precious mintues from your so busy day. Well, I am living proof of your influence. From where I'm sitting I can look right at your picture. The other day, Saturday, to be exact, you feel right over, Duke was telling me about meeting someone I would have been glad to see. Duke didn't give her my adress, 'cause I had told him, not to give it to anyone. Then he was telling me, I said good, I do not wish to see her, that's when you fell over. not like you a bit. Yes, we at [Framinghorn?] are strong in woman - power, I have so often thought there (over)

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 45)

(seq. 45)


isn't a college anywhere with the strong sense of loyalty towards each other. It is right from the heart. In any case of need, they all pitch in and help, look what they did for me when I needed all those blood transfusions. Tho' I can't put all I mean into words, but I know you know, what I am trying to say. Well family dear, your time is too important to take up reading any more from me. May God bless, guide and help you each & every day. May He give you the health and strength you need to carry on your work of mercy & compassion to those who need it so very much. All my love

Your family

Ruth La Leche

P.S Duke re-read your letter too, and he sends his very best.

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 94 in total