(seq. 3)
Our files
My dear family:
Well, after all I got the
the job last night when I called at 730
she said she had thought over all
the people she'd interviewed during the
day and decided they liked me best.
oh, I'm so happy, I'm in a daze.
(more so than usual) I might add.
But don't you think it's wonderful?
I have a whole week to get ready
until next Thursday. Thanks! My dear
dear kind wise family for allowing me
this God-given chance to prove to you,
myself, and others that I can go out
and live like other people.
There's so many things I want to
say, but as usual, can't find the
words, but I know you under stand
all I'm trying to say.
I'll se you then we'll talk it
all over
Ruth La Vache.
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