(seq. 91)
2) She had a wake at Graham's Undertaking parlor Thursday P.M. between 8 and 10. Want to tell you how remarkable it was.
There were six girls there -all yours I believe --and myself. Doctor, it certainly was touching to see those same girls kneel and say the Rosary in a firm voice. I was kneeling behind them and my admiration for those girls I cannot express in words.
Im sure they will not be angry if I mention their name. There was Josie Feehan, Flo Sermett Corine Mae, Pricella, Leilia and big Alice, not Lutz. They were swell.
(seq. 92)
3) Ruth had Mass at Cath. of Holy Cross Friday a.m. and was buried at Fairview Cemetery W. Roxbury.
Shall get deed at an early date and try hard to get some nice grave stone. Oh yes, she had flowers too. Josie Feehan sent a boquet the covered almost half the coffin. The casket and surroundings were fine.
I wand to thank you for advise extended me. Sure was alone and some of the obstacles thrown in my way was brutal. Thank God the mission was accomplished and if Ruth is looking down at me now - "she understands"
(seq. 93)
Please tell Eleanor and her friends Boots was buried decent. Give my regards to Miss Slobogian, she seems like a mighty fine person. Also say Hello to Miss OKeefe and my friend [G?] Sibert.
Maybe some of Ruth's intimate friends will remember her in their prayers Sun.
Gee, Eleanor must be an awful nice person, her letters to Ruth were always inspiring.
In conclusion would like to say hello to Ruth friends for her -- and off the record Doctor - Ruth had remarkable courage..
Sincerely yours Charles H. La Vache
(seq. 94)
July 6, 1950
Student letter file M.V.W.
Mr. Charles H. LaVache 94 West Newton Street Boston, Massachusetts
Dear Mr. LaVache:
Thank you for your letter July 3rd. I was very glad you called me and that advice given helped you secure for Ruth a decent and Christian burial. There never ought to have been any difficulty in the first place, because Ruth was always a good church member. Had I known when the services were held I should have been there.
I am glad many of Ruth's former companions, all girls who had been here, came to do her reverence and honor.
Miss O'Keefe and Miss Slobodzian read your letter, and asked me to thank you for writing it. I am sure Ruth would appreciate your thinking of her friends among us all at this time. It is good of you to take the trouble to write.
As you say, Ruth had remarkable courage. She fought as long as anyone I ever knew.
All good wishes to yourself.
Sincerely yours,
Miriam Van Waters, Superintendent