Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: L, 1947-1950. A-71, folder 310. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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(seq. 31)

seems somebody could have made her awfully happy. I never hid behind a woman's skirts and never intend to hide behind Ruths.

Needless to mention hers has been an unfortunate experience and trust I shall be in position to extend her some future happiness. Contemplating things and hope to materialise plans for a more pleasant life for both of us.

I'm a bit up-set about things and I'm sure a message from you would make me understand more clearly. Ruth seemed to share a lot of confidence you.

Speaking for Ruth, wish to add I'm feeling fine and getting along alright. Guess I shall be out of here next month.

In conclusion, guess I'll close and trust you will extend me a reply

Yours Respectfully Chas. H. LaVache


AM please ans today for me to sign, MVW

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
(seq. 32)

(seq. 32)

September 26, 1947

Mr. Charles H. LaVache 215 Charles Street Boston, Massachusetts

Dear Mr. LaVache:

Your letter of September 15, 1947 was most welcome. Ruth is getting along very nicely - her condition is improving daily. She is up and dressed now, but it will take time for her to regain her strength.

Yesterday she visited the dentist and is well pleased that by October 7th she will have a new denture.

Several times this week she has gone over to my poarch and sat in the sun - and I do believe she will be fit in no time.

As to your health, I hope you are well and am happy to know you will be released soon.

Sincerely yours,

Miriam Van Waters Superintendent


Last edit about 2 years ago by gabriella_petrone
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(seq. 33)


Our Files



My dear family:

Did not write last night, but will write a few lines now.

Believe me, I disliked very much calling you yesterday for help. But it was really an S. O. S. I had tried and failed at all other means I know of. (With-in the law)

Received your check this A. M. and it is a life-saver more than I can explain.

Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
(seq. 34)
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(seq. 34)


I must call the Arch-Bishop this after noon. Oh, Doctor I was so afraid Duke was on the verge of doing some thing he gets so discouraged.

He is really trying this time no mistake about it. Not one step in the wrong direction.

That makes me feel very good

I'm taking good care of myself drinking egg-nogs, (without the brandy) don't dare have the temptation around. Sleeping fairly good, eating very good, things I never thought I could, beans, ect. But beans are nourishing I eat 'em.


I have also gotten over that highly nervous state I was in.

I think of you every day, most of all in the early evening. What I wouldn't give for one of those quite talks. Remember how I used to rave + rante over having my freedom? Here's some thing funny, now I stay in most all the time. Went to one show downtown + one in the neighborhood - called on a couple I've known for years. Twas a short walk - But if things will only work out, I keep hoping + praying and trying to cheer + encourage Duke. He has a study job for Monday.

Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
(seq. 35)
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(seq. 35)


My needs are simple, I've made my taste correspond with our circumstance. It has not been easy to make ends meet but thank God! your presence seems to be with me, your friendly smile and your voice seem very near at times. Guess that sounds crazy, but it's true.

I know I should have written to Eleanor, I will to-night.

Give Dr. Castle my love, + say hello to Edna. Give Dr. Tiffany my love, hope she got her books O.K. Keep me in your heart + prayers my family.

I'm going to take a light out of somekind. I'd feel better.

Your devoted family

Ruth La Vache.

P.S. Tell Miss Mahoney I'll write later. Ruth.

Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 94 in total