Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: L, 1947-1950. A-71, folder 310. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 36)
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(seq. 36)

P.S. Wasn't it too bad about Gandhi? I think he was or is a good man. Ruth.

Boston, Mass. Feb. 1-1948.

My dear, dearest Family:

Can you, and will you please forgive me? Believe me, you are always in my thoughts, you have an important part in every day of my life, because I often stop, think, and don't do it. In other words I say to myself, would the Doctor approve of this or that sometimes single things.

Again sometime things aren't so single, anyway I always wind up by doing what I know you would want me to do.

It was so nice seeing Miss Mahoney, I was so glad.


Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
(seq. 37)
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(seq. 37)


Mrs. Ripley has been over three times, I look forward to her visits. She is so bright, keen witted and so humorous. We had such a nice visit I believe last week it was.

Anyway I was telling her about the two favorite pslams I read several times a day, I have never found anything so comforting. They are the twentyfifth + twenty-seventh. I was very will, did not tell Miss Mahoney, I did not want to worry her. God knows you have more than your share of headaches, the least I can do is not add to them. But that is not an excuse for not writing you. The truth is pride: ashamed because I have not been in a position to return any part of the money you advanced me.

Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
(seq. 38)
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(seq. 38)


Well seems I've waited as long as I could. My dear Family, I am living my life as you want me to. That basket at Christmas was just what I needed you even thought of the coffee.

It made me so happy I sat down and cried. Family dear I pray every day God will give you health, strength, courage and wisdom to carry out your help to those who need it so badly. I have my freedom, but don't go anywhere. Hope you are feeling good, please take care of yourself. Anytime I read an unfavorable comment about you I burn up. You do more good in one hour than those cheap, stupid people that make those comments could ever do in a life-time.

Won't you please write me soon? I'm better now, but not able to go out anymore. Such a winter, guess I'm not missing much. (over)

Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
(seq. 39)
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(seq. 39)


This pain has been too constant for comfort. I want to know all about you, how you are. Mrs. Ripley is coming up there soon as the weather breaks. A little bird told me she would enjoy very much seeing you. I have talked so much about your indenture bill I think Mrs. Riply must think I'm a little "teched" in the head.

Please let me hear from you soon. I hope Mother is comfortable. Give Dr. Castle my very best regards, and miss Mahoney.

I only wish all your staff were half as loyal to you. She is a hundred per cent.

Well dear Family, I'm going back to bed. I have a warm place about all I can say for it. Duke wishes to be remembered to you. My love + prayers are with you every day.

Your family

Ruth La Vache.

Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
(seq. 40)
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(seq. 40)

P. S. no. 2 - Please tell me just what you think of this letter to the ArchBishop.

Boston, Mass.

Feb. 10-1948.

My Dear Dearest Family:

Well, here I am just as happy as if I had good sense. Why? Because of your so lovely letter which I just received and re-read for the "umteenth" time. But I'm frightened too but only for a minute because it came to me in a flash, prayer, I'm going to write to the Arch-Bishop Cushing. I'll send the letter for you to read before I mail it so please read it very careful like, tell me what to add, or subtract. I just know


Last edit over 4 years ago by hannahb25
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 94 in total