(seq. 1)
My dear children as you know today is my birthday I am getting old, I had a very nice day I recieved nice card and few nice gifts also some nice flowers and loads of good wishes was given a nice Party last night but beleve me I be the most happy Persone if I could have seen you's on this day but I know it could not be so I must be so very grateful for having ben so well rememberd hope to see you's in a near future
Sincerely your loving Mother Mrs. V. Lefebvre
(seq. 2)
To Dr. M. Van Waters
Dear Dr seeing that I cant have 5 minutes of your time I am writing you this letter to ask you if you will grant me a grate favor as you know since Miss James and also Miss Kilburn as gone I am so alone and lonely so would you Please grant me the Permission that Mrs. M. Brydeu could come once a week to have dinner with me like she as done for the Past 6 months it means so much to me I get so depress at time that I fear for my mind Mrs Brydeu is verry
(seq. 3)
good to me shes verry nice compa ny for me I hope that you will grant me this grate favor I also would like to do some sewing for her she as done like Miss Kilburn bought the food and I do the cooking and wee enjoy our dinner after her work hours if you do aprove this Please Sign this letter so no one will get in trouble and returne it to me I thank you
Sincerely yours Victoria Lefebvre North Wing
(seq. 4)
Dr. Van Waters:
Victoria came in this morning to complain that she is not getting her newspapers and magazines. She said she has always had permission to pick them up at the Front Office, but Mrs. Watson has given orders that everything is to go through the Library, and she does not get things addressed to her.
Victoria was very disturbed. Is she to be allowed to get them from the Front Office, or will they have to go through Mrs. Watson?
Victoria has permission to recieve her own newspapers + magazines M. Van Waters
(seq. 5)
[Victoria Lefebvre] 5-1-50
Dr. Van Waters:
Miss Frieh, in Miss Johnson's office, asked for permission the other day to go to Victoria's room to have a dress fitted. I told her it should be done in the sewing room.
Victoria came in this morning demanding that it be done in her room, so I told her I would ask you for a decision.
Approved M.V.W.