(seq. 1)
This letter from Carol was stamped and sealed and mailed but was stopped at the front office as it was students mail-- I did not know who had written it and Miss Kelly opened it thinking it was from Ruth Douglas.
I will not tell Carol that it was opened as it is so personal but thought you would like to read it. I showed it to Anne -- Perhaps I shouldn't have.
L. Watson 7.29.36
I just mailed you a letter Carol Nelson wrote : Mrs Watson wished me to see it -- the "tribute" is lovely. Only such faith conveys more credit to the one who conceives it -- than the object.
Carol loves
(seq. 4)
Dear Maria --
I am rushing to take Sarah to school and cannot write you much. I never change from being your Mother. I shall try to have time to talk to you. You cannot realize my cares and troubles. If all my children are happy and obey me in little things I am happier too.
affectionately -- your adopted Mother