Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: N, 1936. A-71, folder 326. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 1)

(seq. 1)

This letter from Carol was stamped and sealed and mailed but was stopped at the front office as it was students mail-- I did not know who had written it and Miss Kelly opened it thinking it was from Ruth Douglas.

I will not tell Carol that it was opened as it is so personal but thought you would like to read it. I showed it to Anne -- Perhaps I shouldn't have.

L. Watson 7.29.36

I just mailed you a letter Carol Nelson wrote : Mrs Watson wished me to see it -- the "tribute" is lovely. Only such faith conveys more credit to the one who conceives it -- than the object.

Carol loves

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 2)

(seq. 2)

you. Please write her. and all the girls -- they need it.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 3)

(seq. 3)


Maria and Helen --Thank you very much for the coffee and all your care of me. I am happy tonight. You too sleep well: happy dreams-

your adopted Mother --

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 4)

(seq. 4)


Dear Maria --

I am rushing to take Sarah to school and cannot write you much. I never change from being your Mother. I shall try to have time to talk to you. You cannot realize my cares and troubles. If all my children are happy and obey me in little things I am happier too.

affectionately -- your adopted Mother

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Susalie
(seq. 5)

(seq. 5)


Last edit almost 4 years ago by Susalie
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 14 in total