(seq. 1)




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December 9, 1954
Mrs. Mary J. Punty
Stow Rest Home
Stow, Mass.

My dear Mrs. Punty:

I was sorry I could not see you yesterday but it was impossible
at that time. I have given you letter thought and prayerful
consideration. I am delighted that Margaret Upham is with you and that
she is being kind and considerate to your patients. I am well
aware of Margaret's probpem of alcoholism is deeply complicated by her
tendency to be dependent on Terry but it would, I feel, be crushing to
Margaret to prohibit the visits and correspondence.

Here at the Reformatory we can supervise the situation. If it
were abruptly terminated and by authority, I fear Margaret would crack
up. I have consulted our Psychiatrist and he agrees for the present
the visits should be permitted.

I so deeply appreciate your care and concern for our girls and
I want you to know that I consider it a privilege to work with you.

Miriam Van Waters,
Student [illegible] letter file

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