(seq. 9)




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not it would be permissable.

As you know, I was one of the girls
who signed the pledge which was presented
to you. When you left I tried hard to keep
that pledge. I have not been perfect, but
I have improved immensly. I have never
explained just how I felt to you before,
but I am going to try now.

When I came to you, I was hurt,
deeply hurt and I wanted to hurt everyone
else. I would not let myseld make
friends or improve, because I was to busy
feeling sorry for myself. I did not want
to see my faults or to improve them, and if
there had been anyone but you in charge
here, I probably never would have.

I did not realize untill I saw,
composed and in print, all the things
that I have done; just how they must
appear to someone else. Up untill now,
they have never hurt anyone except my-
self. I can't tell you how I felt when I
heard that they were among the things


which they held against you. It did
something to me inside. It made me
see the other fellows point of view. I feel
sure that there will never be a repeat
performance of my shamefull actions.

It is a late date to say
this I know, but I would give anything,
do anything, even more time; if I could
only make those people realize how
I feel.

You took me, picked me up out of
the gutter and showed me the way to decent
living. I was ungratefull, but I am paying
now. I only hope and pray that God
will bring you back to us: so that I
can prove to you the words I have
written. I am ashamed of my record,
but if it would help to undo the wrong
I have helped to cause I would shout it
from the roof of the State House for all
the world to hear.

I only wish that I were in a position
to be there beside you to explain to

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