(seq. 22)
Dept. (now.) I pay ten ($10) out
of that for my rent which leave
me four ($4.00 left). My baby
gets fed, but half the time
I go without, so I will be in
better circumstances when I go on
"Mother's Aid."
Dr.: I'm not too anxious
to stay around here now that mom has
passed away. I asked Mr Gallagh
if and when I'm on "Mother's Aid"
is it permissible to move to another
town, and he said it would be all
right so long as I got a letter from
my Landlord stating I have resided
here in Fall River Mass one year
so as I may be elibible for the
aid. My trouble has started here as
a young girl and I hope now
have ended. - For my part they have
Dr.: I will close now
and will continue to write you -over-
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