(seq. 11)
[center] 5
[right] [n.d.]
[left] My indenture failed because I was trying to be good because I had to for fear of going back. You have taught me to be good not because I have to, but because I want to.
I find it so much eiser that way, that I can't find the words or way to thank you enough.
If those officers, whose names have been dragged through the mud can make good, so can I.
Respectfully yours Your X problem Marie Viens
(seq. 12)
Dear Dr. Van Waters
I hope I am not imposing on you too much if I ask for a few minutes after church to talk to you. It is very important to me as it means my whole future I have to see Miss O'Keefe in the morning, but would like very much to talk to you first as I dont want to hurt no one, from all I heard I know you will be understanding and advise me to do the right thing. I shall always be grateful to you if you grant me this favor.
Respectfully yours Irene Vincent
(seq. 13)
[May 16, 1939]
[left] [unknown insignia]
[right] Tuesday Eve.
dear Doctor Van Waters;
When I read in the paper that you were to speak in Watham and having received a present of a Sona Tone Instrument shortly after I came home from my daughter. I couldn't resist going to hear you.
I have never used it in a gathering like that and was so pleased with the results
I heard you perfectly and wished I might have told those women just how fortunate these young folks are when they get into trouble to have
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[right-hand side of the page] 2
you to work so faithfully for there welfare.
I always envied all the woman at the assemblie there when they could hear you and your guest speakers.
I have always hoped since the time Miss James helped me with that other instrument that I might be fitted to a good one.
Now I am happy. I hear so well. It really is a wonderful invention and they are working all the [time?] to better them.
I won't look forward to an answer to this because I am leaving to-morrow for Meredith N.H. to work and I'm sure
[left-hand side of the page] 3.
I wouldn't have gotten it but for this instrument
[triangle design stamp]
Just I wanted to say thanks for a pleasant evening. I have been out so seldom since coming home.
I am enclosing the clipping from the Waltham Tribune you might like to read it.
Miss James will hear from me as soon as I know more of my work.
I think she is just the grandest girl, she is always so forgiving, so understanding, but if you we won't help yourselves,
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you we can expect miracles to happen
I'm sure I will use my will this time so that I won't again be a trouble
Most sincerely Eileen Vinton