Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: U-V, 1932-1957. A-71, folder 346. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 31)

(seq. 31)


The roads here are very bad one day they are opened and then the next they are blocked I dont go no where Dr. I am always at home. [Laurs?] Wright will call me when he wants me so there is no use of me getting out. My divorce is coming along good I expect to have it this coming month. The papers were served on Mr. [Visburgh?] about three weeks ago. Then I am going to be married in six months from that time. So you see every thing will

Last edit almost 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
(seq. 32)

(seq. 32)

5 [25 Jan. 1935]

come out all right for me. But Dr. I can't wait six months for my children if you know how lonely I am. I cry nearly all night long and so does Mother. I don't see why they won't let me have them now. The school is the next place from my house. And I always sent my little girl before and she was getting along good in school. If you wrote to the teacher you could find out. I always use to send Leona warm dinners

Last edit almost 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
(seq. 33)

(seq. 33)


and the teacher said that she was dressed better than any of the others. Mrs Anna Willets of South Sandsfield is the lady that looks after the children over this way. I wish you would write to her and she can tell you more than I can. For she knows that I can take care of my children if they only give me the chance. I thank you Dr. for writing to the state house for me and I know you will do all


you can to help me get my little ones home. As for my self Dr. Don't worry about me for I made a promise to God - before I left your house that I would not do a wrong thing if I could have a chance. And I have kept that promise my heart is to near broken to do any thing but right. So please try and help me get the children home And God will help you. Write when you can Mother looks for your letters

Last edit almost 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
(seq. 34)

(seq. 34)


she ask me every day about the mail. Remember me to the girls. Dr. If you have a photo of your self I would love to have one I was going to ask you before I left.

Kindest regards Mabel.

Speeches File

Mabel [Vostburgh] Monteray Mass.

EB - please return

Last edit almost 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
(seq. 35)

(seq. 35)

100 Summer St. New Bedford Mass Jan 15, 1946


Dear Dr. Van Waters,

Hello to you and all of the girls in Framingham. I am getting along good. Have a job in a restaurant here. They serve liquor but I have permission from my parole agent to work there. She trustand believe in me and

Last edit almost 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 41 in total