Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: U-V, 1932-1957. A-71, folder 346. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 41)

(seq. 41)

Getting along swell. My husband here with me. Moving into new apartment this next week. Hope to get the children.

Not working now. Nick doesn't want me to. Expect to have the children in a few weeks. Hope everyone there is well. My love + regards to all the girls - always Mary Vrooman

Last edit almost 2 years ago by madeleinemurphy6
Displaying pages 41 - 41 of 41 in total