Susan B. Anthony Papers, 1815-1961. Correspondence. From McLean family and cousin Anna W. Anthony, 1850. 4 ALS. A-143, folder 15. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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Tuesday 2 P.M.

My dear Susan

It is my privilege to send a few lines in the letter that is getting up for "Susan" but the time is short, and must necessarily be only a few-

I would prefer not being so much bound as there are many things of interest I would like to say to you --

Poor M. A. Bailey! She receiv'd the sad intelligence on Friday last-that her husband was dangerously ill in N. Y. requesting her to come immediately. She was in Whithall when the word came - her Brother T. went there, and they took the earliest train, ar'vd in N. Y. Saturday eve. too late to see him alive. he expired in the morning. was'nt it hard that when so near, she could not be allowed to see & hear him speak one word - - - The congregation contemplate giving Mr. Pitcher a donation-on Thursday wish as in days of yore, you would favor us with your presence on the occasion - we are going to make some preparation tomorrow, if some management with regard to Mr. Bailey's funeral does not prevent. do not know any particulars. they had not returned with the corpse, the last word __ So you ate Christmas turkey with [?Mrs.?] W___ that was nice. glad you got safely through the snow drifts to your own, quiet & happy home. as for our family we experienced some of the same perils at about the same time in going & returning from a turkey feast at Aunt Hannah's. where we were waited upon with the usual politeness of Mr B [Prine?] -- Fridays the same week--we had all our children (10) except Lucy and grandchildren (3) at home New Years passed of very quietly with us. nothing going for us to participate in.

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Aaron & Lib came home from Troy that day - They staid the previous night with your sister Hannah. --- H is very deeply afflicated in the death of her dear little Charlie -- Lib says it is very lonely there, without him. - [Ted?] grows finely - laughs out loud sometimes -- suppose A & G. tell you particulars about the youngons. I must not omit telling you. Mrs. Minick requests to be remembered to you - says she thinks often of your kindness to her while at your house - and hopes for an opportunity at some time to repay you -- says tell your Father. that her plant got along safely and is growing finely -- I am having a new gingham dress just like Guelma's -- shant we look like sisters? -- I have a new [sh--rd?] uncut velvet bonnet -- dark storm col'd -- Mother got it N.Y. -- that's all the new things I've had since I returned from Wis -- my time is out and I will close by requesting you to excuse the very ill appearance of this and desiring much love to your own dear Self. your Mother, Mary x[small heart drawing]--

In Haste M.A.

P.S. if you are fortunate enough to incur a visit from the highly favored (among old maids) bride cousin Almira & her Leige Lord--please give her my congratulations, and well wishes for her future felicity.


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Racine May /50

My dear Susan

It would be very silly for me to apologize for my long & unparelled neglect -- when you so well know it all arises out of my own old habit of procrastination -- I am very much obliged for your kind letter received last winter--also, for the one a few days since

I am fondly anticipating the happiness of seeing you soon-- & then we will have all these things over -- "face to face".

I certainly shall not fail to visit you en route home but exactly when that time will be I do not yet know -- sometime in June I think. I would very much like

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to visit Niagara Falls - if I do so perhaps I will write you from Buffalo - previous to starting for the Falls - if not I shall probaly drop in upon you some day unawares -- neither do I know yet what company I shall have -- Uncle Gordon & wife talk of going last of June - if they decide to do so, I shall wait & go under their escort.

As for a fellow dont be skeer'ed -- I shall not do so foolish a thing as to take him to your house -- untill the Gordian knot is secured - lest you in a fit of desperation might make an invisible attack and wrest him from my slight hold on his affections --

Just received a letter from Guelma she says Maggie was quite sick - nothing serious I hope -- I sometimes fear some thing will happen some of those young'uns before I get there. Gula brags some about that boy -- say he is not handsome, but good looking. __ Dewitt & Mary board with them. I think they must be full -- Lib wrote me some time since


that they were going to turn the whole of that house into a store--but I hear nothing of it since -- so infer they are living on in the old spot __ I suppose to Mrs. White's infinite relief, Battenville has got rid of Dr MLean. but it seems there has another hungry one come on -- in the person of Aaron's partner

I fear Mrs. W. will have to serve up McLeans three times a day -- a little longer.

I expect Mary Roddis here next week. I have visited her this winter - spent 2 weeks with her - design going there again - saw Mrs. Sarah Ford Austin also _ _ _ I wish you would make the tour of these western waters this spring -- come on -- come first to Racine via Michigan central R.R. - and then we will go and visit those two girls in Milwaukie -- & home around the Lakes __ Mrs. Tefft expects to start for the east next week -- M.E. is to keep house while she is gone ____ I will write no more as I expect to see you so soon __ Love from M.A.

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[verso of letter]

M.A. Mc

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