Susan B. Anthony Papers, 1815-1961. Correspondence. With family, 1849. 14 ALS, 4 fragments. A-143, folder 14. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



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Canajoharie Jan. 6th 1839. Sunday eve.

Dear Parents

I sat up with Uncle last Friday night. he was more comfortable, in the morning the Doctor said he could call him better, with no qualifications, George sat up too, or rather laid down. I never slept a minute. Uncle was so much better, he is exceedingly weak. Doctor Matthews left last evening. Uncle is still better to day. Aunt Mary is about the same as regards bodily health, but much improved in spirits since Uncle is thought to be better & out of danger. Thus we all may hope that he may yet live as blessing to all. George sat looking at him evening & suddenly exclaimed "Good God he is too good to die, he ought to live to be a hundred & fifty."

Dan & Sarah have acquitted themselves nobly as care takers & Nurses. Dan could lift Uncle more easily than any one, & no one could administer medicine & dress blisters like Sarah.

I received a letter from brother D.R. on Friday, which I enclose, I wish I could once more receive a line from Sister Mary. I hope soon to have that she is better. Will not that disease work itself out of her system. I should think it better to bed in the leg than face. Has William called on you since his return from C.

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I commenced school on Thursday, with sixteen scholars, There will be more no doubt this week. The room is more comfortable now than it has been since I have been here, still the careful Mothers would not believe their darlings can be comfortable there. I had hoped this term might prove a profitable one, but you cannot tell much about the first week & last week was so stormy & cold that those in the country would not come. I could be content I think with 30 scholars of $50 Class.

I have nothing to write oh yes I must tell you of my New-Years Present, although it came a few days after the first day. Joseph by order of his wife Margaret brought me, from Albany, a beautiful Port Folio, which I prize highly, having long wished to own one, Aunt Mary sent me a pair of white yarn stockings which were very acceptable as my pillow is rather light, & Sarah sent me some very coarse yarn to knit me a pair of socks, I have finished one. Oh I am kindly thought of by my friends here, but still I, some times, yes often, say to myself, one look of my good mother, is worth more to me than all else beside. I find no one to feel the interest in my affairs that my own Father & Mother mothers & sisters do,

But I am content & enjoying myself cheerily, in the indulgence of the idea that I am making myself some what useful to those dear to them I most love.

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Canajoharie Jan 14, 1849.

Dear Mother & Father

I feel that it's right to make acknowledgements (Here comes John Mills & two gents from New York John's face & eyes do not betoken Tee-Totalism now they have left. Dan & Sarah have rode over here to day. Joseph went down to the Shed, got D's horses & sleigh & has taken M. over the river. Jane is gone out some where & I am left with the three Children)

I believe I was going to apologize for keeping you so long in suspense, with regard to the state of Uncle's health, he is now better.

My last letter was mailed Monday morning, Uncle was that smart & Margaret that on Tuesday eve when she came home felt very happy about both Father & Mother. I sat up Monday night & Tuesday night Eleanor sat up [?] about 3 oclock Uncle was violently attacked in the right side & seemed as bad as ever. The Dr. was sent for, applied a blister & administered medicines which soon relieved him, but the relapse of course set him back & it has taken him all of last week to get where he was on Monday last. I sat up again on Friday

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night. Uncle had that day received a letter from you. Sarah & Dan were shown the letter & seemed highly gratified with those lines relative to themselves.

In the night Uncle woke up & talked about Uncle Aaron & Uncle Howe & all. I went to Church this A.M. listened to a Sermon from the Secretary of the State Temperance Society. his text was "The Law & the Testimony. he went on the prove that the Bills not only advocated the moderate use of strong drink, but enforced total abstinence. The same man preaches, this P.M., at the Lutheran Church his subject is to be "If the Temperance Move ment be not of God it will come to nought but if of God, it must & will prevail" I was very anxious to go, but Jane went off & M. Joseph wished to go over the river, so I forego the pleasure & spend the time in writing to those I love.

8 oclock Evening After the first Church bell range, I went down to Georges & staid until Church time, Mr. Peggs son preached.

I had intended to have written to Uncle Howe to also to [Guelmy?] & Hannah & David, but this is all I have written, I have read a few pages, listened to two Sermons & the rest of the moments, where are they? Echo answers, where are they.


My school numbers 20, & I expect some additions this week. The new Principal takes well. he rules with an iron sway.

his school is small, -- Last week has been was the coldest kind of weather, last night it rained & to day the sun has shone warmly all day. __ Margaret thinks Father neglected to sympathize with her in her afflictions, I told her I supposed Father was like J. did'nt call her's sickness. I had the head ache the other day & M. remarked that she had had it for weeks & J. answered , "Mine is the real head ache, real pain, yours is sort of natural consequence."

I had a line fom H. this week saying Charlotte was going to be married Wednesday if she did change her mind.

I read Merritts letter to Joshua, & am happy to see that he improves in writing & hope he will practice often.

Well I can't write so I will give it up. Mr. Erwin's Mill that used to be [Feros?] was burned last Monday, the distillery also partly burned. The Canajoharians feel that misfortunes come not single. they are yet to see harder times. Such a sink of pollution . . . it must pass the furnace.

With much love to all I am your daughter

SB Anthony

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(seq. 5)

[Verso of letter; text in landscape orientation]

[Postmark] Canajoharie N.Y. 15 JAN

Mr. Daniel Anthony Rochester Monroe Co. N.Y.

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