(seq. 1)
New Rochelle. 6 mo. 3 1839.
Dear Parents,
After Father left me in the streets of Troy, I called at P. [Fanchers?] and L. Woodards. and then returned to Dorlons where I found Christopher waiting for me. From Dorlons we walked or rather ran to the boat where we arrived just in time. Met with Uncle Aaron [Rogers?] and wife and Aunt Ruth. Also Dr. [Huddleston?] and his daughter Elizabeth who was quite sociable, she appears like an agreeable girl.
We soon found ourselves near Albany where we took the 2 dollar boat, my fare however was reduced to 1.50 for some reason. In such a crowd I never before found myself when on board a steam boat, some imagined these were 500 passengers. As for sleep, all I found was on a cloak spread on the floor, which was but very little, landed about 6 in the morning, took a hack and tode to Thomas Carpenter's in [Henry?] Street where I boarded through yearly meeting. They are a very pleasant family indeed. To give a particuliar account of the business transacted and the good meeting and all that I saw that gratified the eye would require to much time. Aunt Hannah, Cynthia and Uncle Albert were at yearly meeting. Albert told Aunt H. he wished her to accompany Cynthia down even if she had not a cent of money. Grandmother is in a [?] condition according to their account. The woman who has been there is going to leave as soon as they return, they tell a sad story about Grand [?]
(seq. 2)
I have attended every sitting through Yearly wtih the excep tion of one or two remining wedings. Visited at Cousin Anson Laphams he has a fine woman and swede little boy. Saw Cousin Lyman & Maria Clapp. Maria deeply feels the boys of he darling boy. I attended Bose [ ] yesterday morning & came to this place in the afternoon. The country around here is very beau tiful and [ ] & [ ] pleasantte though rendered gloomy this morning by the ruine. Le. Motte boarded at the same place I dide I will not give the [ ] at present. Lydia has a small prospecte of (attending) teaching school for [ ] merritt in Saratoga. I should not be in the least surprised if she were to return in less than three months. How are the [ ] [ ] & how does the [ ] mill progress. One week has seemed like a month to me, I am within 12 mile of [ ]. they are well at Charles Millers. Neither [ ] nor Emma were at yearly meeting.
From your affectionate daughter S. B. Anthony
(seq. 3)
Ch (1 or 7?) 18 3/4 Daniels Anthony P.(H?). Ba Hemillas Wash C. (ty?) No. Y. New-Rochelle Jun 4 N-Y. 1839
One day has finished very comfortably in (Schon...?) (?) Love to (all?)
(seq. 4)
Batten Ville June 10th 1839
Susan - Here is a regular family sitter for you. The part of in that I [Shall] write will be rather limited but there is as much written by the other members of the family as you will be able to read x realize in some days that relate to Center Falls mine must relate to Batten Ville, as I know but little of the world save this City. And grew Batten Ville famous as it is for Change and variety afford at present but little matter for Epistolary communication. Who to commence with the most [impor tauh pah?] of the City, that is your mast Oft aud his [whenalovts?], of will state that the trade and things with as goes off rather dull although as well as I had [auy?] reason to Expect. My health is as good as usual, who my head and Eyes don't fear to go off Exactly [appeopo?] to myself. Its now 9 1/2 O Clock -- And that -- I [stuff?] au how Lattle than I aus set up unless it should be occanionaly to hold communication, Either verbal or written, with a friend or so. Eliza Lesine left two weeks tomorrow Tuesday for her fathers house. Like all the rest of the Ladies she has much rather stay here than go Elsewhere though she dare not say so Exactly. E -- is a good soul of a [Hall?] -- [Esgr M Leavis?] Mr [Cartur?]. [Hartuelly?], Fords and all the rests of the folks in the City and vincinity are as they were when you was last here. All the Ladies in Your [Casue?] out to meeting [but?] Yesterday in New Bonnetts. Our Church presented as splendid an array of new Hats and pretty [facets?] as you can friend any where. [Benf Bishop?] and Hamish Hone were married necks before Last. Mr Pitcher pronounced the ceremony. And after he was through Mrs Stove arose and gave the New-married Coupple a sermon on the pleasures and pains [Rases?] Thorns to be met with in the [Conmebial?] State. And [cxpondide?] to them the savoring duties of married life other remedies were said to be long. [and flas?] And I should say very much out of Time
(seq. 5)
Center Falls. June 9. 1839. Monday [Sem?] 10th
Dear Sister, Your letter mailed June 4 was recieved the 8th. Pleased to learn that after a pleasant jounrney you arrived safely at new Rochelle, where I suppose you now are, instructing your pupils. After you left we were quite lonesome; mifsed you very much. The next day, Friday, Milifsa assisted me in making my dress, also the same day, Mary M Leon and E Perine were on their way from [Union?] Village to Batterville, called and took dinner with us. The next Monday or Tuesday I returned to her home in Lysander. The 27 of last month which was Monday. [So?]... Wilson gave H.[S?] myself an invitation to visit after. [Pettises?] in the evening [Let?] however leaving rather a saving day. of course it would be somewhat pleasant, also they were strangers to us. Ye. Ye. ----- we concluded [uvd?] to Maria and Rufus went. -- They said a kings Coffin was to leave the next morning and it was on her account that the visist was proposed. R said by the Harringtons [be?]. ----- Wednesday eve. May 29. The Band from the village were up. I suppose merely for the purpose of honouring Centre Falls, as they went no farther than Barbers -- They called at C Falls House took drinks of Lemonade and Segars, etc. conducted themselves politely. ---- Friday May 31. Maria Wilson put on her oldest quilt [unintelligible] a few of the neighbours. but all that were there. were hers [sefft?]. hers Lusher. H and myself --- Saturday Ann Hendrixson visited here. ---- Tuesday June 4 I did nearly all of the washing before I had finished Aaron and Dr Collins called. I quickly changed my dresses and entertained them as politely as possible. After they left Mary Ann M Leon and Henry [K?] called and I went to the village with them to see about a bonnet did not she speak for any. Please look back on the former page*
Mary [edim?] remained at the village -- Wednesday the 5. (Ch. I and S Burdick came to board with us a week ago or were) I with S Burdicks assistance out and hastly made our carpet which you will readily suppose is out of the Loom Ive have not any Binding yet, hope soon to be able to find some. A called and took tea. Daniel went to the village and Mary Ann came home with him -- about tea time h y M Leon happened to call a few moments-staid no linger than Lewis went to the village and [achirued?] -- Friday 7th I with Mary A. walked to Battenville enjoyed [aurseluegd?] very well. Ive took dinner at "Uncle Jimmys" after which Mary and [Shaney?] with us called at the Store Mr Pitchers and H R M Leans Sent Ann seemed very