(seq. 42)
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4 revisions | nanco at May 26, 2020 02:36 PM (seq. 42)New Rochelle 8 mo 4. 1839.
First day morning.
Recd. Saturday 10th Aug
Your most acceptable letters, mail-
ed the 25 & 30 all were joylously received on the 2d inst.
One of them as you perceive having been eight days
on the way. I think letters put in Battenville Office on the
third day of the week come to New Rochelle, more expeditiously
than those mailed on any other day. As the coming
home business seems to be the principal topic in both
letters, I will try to tell you something about it. I asked
E. last night if she would wish me to stay longer than
three months from the time I came. She answered, she
thought if the school remained as large as at the present, she
should want me to remain until vacation, which commen-
ces the 20th of 10 month & will continue untuil the 4 of 11 month.
Time flies so swiftly, that the eleven remaining
weeks will have passed away before I shall be aware.
I do not wish the time away for when I think of it,
and think how quickly 9 weeks have passed, it seems wicked
to wish it to pass swifter than it does. She cannot tell
whether she will want me through the winter or not until
the term commences, and she knows the number of schol-
ars she will be likely to have. I have thought considerable
of visiting Curtisville [belle] & Aadams on my return home & think
I shall if time will admit and you do not any of you come to
accompany me home and may be if you should, you would
New Rochelle 8 mo 4. 1839. Recd. Saturday 10th Aug Aaron, Your most acceptable letters, mail- Time flies so swiftly, that the eleven remaining (seq. 42)New Rochelle 8 mo 4. 1839.
First day morning.
Recd. Saturday 10th Aug
Your most acceptable letters, mail-
ed the 25 & 30 all were joylously received on the 2d inst.
One of them as you perceive having been eight days
on the way. I think letters put in Battenville Office on the
third day of the week come to New Rochelle, more expeditiously
than those mailed on any other day. As the coming
home business seems to be the principal topic in both
letters, I will try to tell you something about it. I asked
E. last night if she would wish me to stay longer than
three months from the time I came. She answered, she
thought if the school remained as large as at the present, she
should want me to remain until vacation, which commen-
ces the 20th of 10 month & will continue untul the 4 of 11 month.
Time flies so swiftly, that the eleven remaining
weeks will have passed away before I shall be aware.
I do not wish the time away for when I think of it,
and think how quickly 9 weeks have passed, it seems wicked
to wish it to pass swifter than it does. She cannot tell
whether she will want me through the winter or not until
the term commences, and she knows the number of schol-
ars she will be likely to have. I have thought considerable
of visiting Curtisville [belle] & Aadams on my return home & think
I shall if time will admit and you do not any of you come to
accompany me home and may be if you should, you would
New Rochelle 8 mo 4. 1839. Recd. Saturday 10th Aug Aaron, Your most acceptable letters, mail- Time flies so swiftly, that the eleven remaining |