Susan B. Anthony Papers, 1815-1961. Diaries. 1853-1856, with scattered later entries, most n.d. A-143, folder 8. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 51)
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Corinne By Madam De Stael

Page 26th

Corinne - Ah! if I have but power to do you any service, believe not that I will ever renounce it.

Oswald - Take heed, be careful of what benefit you confer on me.

For two long years an iron grasp has pressed upon my...If feel some relief while breathing your sweet presence, what will become of me when thrown back upon mine own fate! What shall I be then? __

Corinne -- Let us leave that to time & chance, they will decide whether the impression of an hour shall last beyond to day. If our souls commune, our mutual affection will not be fugitive; be that as it may, let us admire together all that can elevate our minds; We shall thus at least secure some happy moments. ____

I do not think the heart is so constituted, that it must either feel no love at all, or the most unconquerable passion. There are early symptoms which may vanish before self-examination. We flatter we deceive ourselves; and the very


enthusiasm of which we are susceptible, if it renders the enchantment more rapid, may also bring the re-action more promptly. --

Oswald You have reflected much on this sentiment madame --

Corinne I suppose no woman of heart ever reached the age of twenty-six without having known the illustions of love; __ but if never to have been happy, never to have met an object worthy of her full affections, is a claim on sympathy I have a right to yours.

Corinne Dear Oswald, let us mingle then blend love, religion, genius sunshine, odors, music, poetry.

There is no no Atheism, but cold selfish baseness. -- Christ has said, when two or three are gathered together in my name, I will be amongst them?? and what oh God! - is assembling in thy name, if we do not so, while enjoying the Charms of Nature, therein praising and thanking thee for our life; above all, when some other heart, created by thy hands, responds entirely to our own. -

Last edit about 4 years ago by newmad
(seq. 52)
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(seq. 52)


Oswald A German Philosopher has said "I know but two beautiful things in the universe, the starry sky above our heads, and the sense of duty in our hearts."

Religion is the links men with each other, unless self-love and fanaticism render it a cause of jealousy and hate. To pray together in whatever tongue or ritual is the most tender brother hood of hope and sympathy that men can contract in this life --

Corinne's fragments of though after her return to Italy

152 - It is not first love that is ineffaceable - we love then because our affections crave an object.

But, when, after we have known life and our judgement is matured, we meet at last the mind and the heart which we have till then sought for in vain, imagination is lost in reality, and reason itself aggravates our suffering --



"Knowest thou yesterday, its aim and reason? Work'st thou well to day for worthy things? Then fear not thou the morrow's hidden season, But calmly wait what hap soe'er it brings."

Last edit about 4 years ago by newmad
(seq. 53)
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(no text on page)


The equal ballet which

"_ _ soft falling Like the snow flake on the sod Doth execute a greeman's will Tis lightning does the will of God." __ "The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small."

Last edit about 4 years ago by newmad
(seq. 54)
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Lucretia Mott

"In the true marriage relation, the independence o the husband and wife is equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal." __ Truth for authority not Authority for truth

was the last autograph line she made just a few days before her death Nov. 11 1880 - She would have been 88 - the 3 of Jan. 1881 --

Last edit about 4 years ago by newmad
(seq. 55)

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[upside down]


Brooklyn has 47 Grammar 4 Intermediate, 28 Primary Schools—Of these six grammar, & three primary are colored These schools are taught by 328 teachers—27 - males - 301 females. Of these 3 males & 6 females colored & instruct in the colored schools— whole number of pupils 35.468—of these 900 are of the colored schools—


50 White schools Free 11 Colored—11.00 colored scholars

Last edit over 2 years ago by Jannyp
Displaying pages 51 - 55 of 58 in total