page [33] 6 Jul 1901 (seq. 35)




Status: Needs Review

Salem, N.Y.
July 6

It rained very hard last night and the ground was
well watered. Cloudy & clearing all day. Mercury
ranging around 85°.

This morning I spent in the the garden by the
creek and in the house talking with the ladies
on the piazza. This afternoon I went to drive
with Miss Florence and Miss Young. Mr. Potter
who owns a stable took us in a light covered
carryall with a pair of chestnut horses. We drove
about twenty miles going north through a corner
of Hebron and then into West Rupert in
Vermont and home over the hills following
White Creek. We ascended steadily the first
half of the way and among the hills we had
very fine views. To the west we looked far in
the direction of Fort Edward. In the immediate
vicinity the hills were piled one over another in
grand confusion. The roads were very good, but
there has been a sad cleaning up of much
of the roadside in places, everything being stripped
off between the road and wall. Where this
has not happened, rock maples seem the pre-
vailing tree. Elms, very large locusts (Robinia
), Hornbeams (Carpinus), Butternuts
occur along the way. The field of waving
rye and oats were very beautiful. The rye
has turned to a golden yellow and is now
ready to be harvested. The Bugloss (Echium
is a very pernicious week through-
out this region. In two spots during our
drive I saw a large hill slope of a

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