page [97] 24 Aug 1901 (seq. 99)




Status: Needs Review


Magnolia, Mass.
Aug. 24

Clear in A.M., cloudy in P.M., light rain at 7.30 P.M.
thunder later in the evening. Breeze off the sea, quite
warm in the sun in the midday.

This morning we & Mrs. White walked over to
Norman's Woe. M. & Mrs. W. sat on the rocks. I wan-
dered about over the rocks and barren soil in the
neighborhood. Of Butterflies I saw Cybele, rapae,
(took two), pseudocolus subsp. {subspecies} (took two),
(took one). Helianthus divaricatus is the most
abundant plant there and it gives a bright yellow
color to the point. This sunflower seems to be very
local even in the region where it is abundant.
I have seen it nowhere else in my walks about
here. It is still in full flower. Sericocarpus
very abundant too is going by now.
I took a few plants for my herbarium: —
Prenanthes serpentaria, Pursh. abundant
Sanicula marilandica, L. saw two patches.
Lespedeza stuevei {var.} intermedia, Watson, one patch of a dozen plants
Lechea saw one plant only,
Sericocarpus conyzoides, Nees. abundant.

This afternoon we walked over to Miss Alice
Allyn's and spent a pleasant hour or so on the
piazza. A number of her lady friends were
there and tea & cakes were served. The house
is very high on the hill, surrounded by trees
and a vista opening towards the beach has
been made by cutting down a great many
trees. More still must go to keep the view
open. We called afterwards on Mr. John Allyn's
whose house is just below the former.

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