High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1924-1927 (2 of 9)





On Jan. 13th the Garden Club met with Mrs. Chase Idol at her home on Hamilton St.

After roll call the minutes were read and approved. The committee in charge of having programs printed reported that they had hoped to have booklets at this meeting, but the printers failed to get them out in time. They were to be delivered soon. The president reported that Mrs. Levi Hayworth who had been asked to become a member expressed her regret over not being able to join but found it impossible.

No new business came before the club. For the program Mrs. Cox gave us a very interesting and helpful talk on "The Lure of the Catalog." She pointed out the importance of learning all we can about plants, whether they were suited to our climate, to sun or shade, and kind of soil needed for them before we make our orders. She also read an article on the flowers at Sing Sing.

Mrs. S. C. Clark invited the club to meet with her Jan. 28th.

As there was no further business the meeting adjourned.

Mrs. King, Pres. Ethel Clayton Sec.

Last edit over 1 year ago by High Point Museum



On Feb. 11th the Garden Club met with Mrs. Steve Clark.

After roll call and reading of minutes which were approved, there being no business to come before club, the program hour was entered into. On account of having missed the Jan. meeting the program for that time was combined with the program for this meeting.

Mrs. Jones gave us a splendid paper on Continuous Bloom in the garden; and Mrs. Slane gave to us suggestions on arrangement of color in gardens. Both talks will be most helpful to us in making our garden plans. Mrs. McEwen reminded us of the use of wild winter berries as an indoor decoration. Mrs. Cox recommended two books a Garden Guide and Mrs. Elly's Practical Flower Garden as helpful to gardeners.

The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. C. F. Tomlinson Feb. 17th.

Mrs. King Pres. Mrs. Clayton Sec.

Last edit over 1 year ago by High Point Museum


The Garden Club met with Mrs. C. F. Tomlinson on Feb. 17th with a large number present.

After Roll call the minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A motion carried to have Sec. write to University Extension Dept. for a recently published book on Trees.

For the program hour we enjoyed a paper on ferns by Mrs. Steele, also one by Mrs. Tate. Mrs. Herndon spoke to us on Lilies, spring planted. All were very interesting. Mrs. Cox spoke to us on the importance of spraying roses, peonies, and phlox in early spring.

It was suggested by Mrs. King that questions for round table discussion be written and laid on table to be answered at meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned to meet March 3rd.

Mrs. King Pres. Ethel Clayton Sec.


On Tuesday evening Feb. 24th the Executive Com. met with Mrs. Elwood Cox. At this time plans for observance of National Garden Week were made. April 22nd is to be the date on which a public meeting is to be held at the Country Club.

Last edit over 1 year ago by High Point Museum


At this time guests are to be invited. The Secretary was instructed to write to Washington in regard to securing films showing Garden Week.

The board recommended the following names for membership: Mrs. Albert Hart Mrs. A. S. Calwell.

Mrs. King Pres. Ethel Clayton Sec.

Last edit over 1 year ago by High Point Museum


On March 4th the Garden Club met with Mrs. W. F. Clayton. After roll call the minutes were read and approved.

Mrs. Moffitt who has charge of the program during National Garden Week brought us plans for observing same. It was recommended that a Com. composed of Mrs. Moffitt, Mrs. White Miss Effie Cox and Mrs. Clayton visit the schools and give the principals plans for observance of N. Garden Week and ask their cooperation in their respective schools. Two prizes - one of one dollar, and the second of fifty cents - are to be given to each school for the best poster on value and charm of flower gardens. Any child may compete for prize. The prize winning posters are to be displayed at our public meeting.

It was moved and carried that Mrs. Albert Hart and Mrs. A. S. Calwell be asked to join our club.

For the program Mrs. Taylor gave us a most splendid paper on Roses. She also displayed a chart of the 37 varieties which she has in her yard. A round table discussion followed. There being no further busines the meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Harmon.

Mrs. King Pres. E. Clayton Sec.

Last edit over 1 year ago by High Point Museum
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