High Point Garden Club Minutes, 1924-1927 (9 of 9)






The Garden Club held its regular meeting on Apr. 5th in the home of Mrs. E. D. Steele. In the absence of both president and vice-president Mrs. Calwell presided.

The Flower Show Com. reported the change from Mrs. J. D. Cox's home to Mrs. S. H. Tomlinson's, as a place for holding flower show which will probably take place the last week in May. The com. hoped to set the date definitely by next meeting. The Reidsville Garden Club is thinking of entertaining the State Garden Clubs in May also. Mrs. A. S. Parker had not been able to see Mr. Lindley with regard to his [crossed out: offer] promise of $50 in plants.

The School Grounds Com. had no report.

The Secretary was requested to write a note to Mrs. Thompson of Reidsville expressing the Clubs sympathy in her illness and its regret that she will not be able to talk to us as planned.

As to the exchange of plants it was decided that each member as she had plants to give away, bring some to the meeting. This was decided a better plan than to try to set some particular day for the purpose. There was a request from Miss Matson for vines and plants to be used in a vacant lot adjacent to YW where the girls can enjoy them during summer. Mrs. Tate also suggested that members bring any interesting specimens of bloom to the meetings. The Sec. was asked to include this suggestion when next meeting was announced in paper as so many members were absent.

Last edit 11 months ago by High Point Museum


Mr. Bykes gave us an interesting history of the chrysanthemum from its native growth in Persia to N. Africa where it is a very insignificant flower through its wonderful development by China and Japan into the glorious blossoms we see today. Mr Bykes recommends it to all flower lovers and growers as a plant of clean habit less trouble to take care of and one that pays bigger returns than any other. The Club adjourned to meet again April 19th with Mrs A E [Yate?].

Mrs Calwell acting Pres.

Mrs Ralph Parker acting sec

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Last edit 8 months ago by skycloud86
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