


Status: Complete

in the village and will be presented around
the 1st of June

We were also received a CBI grant that we
will be using on a project where I am
collecting information on the people who
worked at Highland Cotton Mills and
the families that grew up here and all the
rich history and will be putting it in a archive
and preserving it. And I am hoping
to place it somewhere so people can learn
and know the history that is in this place.
I feel like Highland Mill Village is like a
small Mayberry in the middle of HP City.
Everyone knew each other/worked/helped and grew
up together like One Big happy family.

I am also hoping to put a book together about
the people of HLC Mills Village and how it was
to grow up here.

There are a lot of elderly here some are on fixed
incomes, some disabled, familys that need some help
and when they heard That InAsMuch had
chosen their community to come in and help
them they were so overwhelmed, Thankful
Some of the residents told me that the In As much
was a blessing and God sent to them.

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