Memories of Highland Mill Village, by Wilhelm Hamilton





Name: Shirley Wilhelm Hamilton

Current Address: [redacted]

Email Address: [redacted]

Phone number: [redacted]

What was your address when you lived in Highland? Mill Street (where the parsonage is now) Myrtle Street (no longer there)

What is your Father's Name? Robert Marvin Wilhelm

What is your Mother's Name? Dorothy Aileen Wilhelm

Last edit almost 2 years ago by High Point Museum


[Wilhelm Hamilton]

List the names of Family members you grew up with in Highland: Troy Ronnie Tim Mark [at right: all my brothers]

Write down your memories of Highland:

We lived on Mill Street beside the church until about 1960. Had to move because they were tearing down our house to build the parsonage. We moved to Myrtle Street where we lived for about 4 years. Dad lost his eye sight so he could no longer work. We then we moved to Central Avenue (at Blair Park Golf Course). Lived there until I was out of high school & went to college.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by High Point Museum
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