Journal of Harrison & Hooe, 1778-1787 (1 January 1780 - 31 December 1782)


Robert Townsend Hooe partnered with Richard Harrison (of Alexandria, Virginia and later, Cadiz, Spain) to run a store in Alexandria, Virginia, from 1778 through at least 1790. Accounts in this journal (or day book) include house (overhead) accounts, fellow merchants and tradesmen, ships, and men and women living in Alexandria and the surrounding area.

Unlike a ledger, this journal accounts for the transactions that occurred each day - showing the debits and credits merged together. The journal will allow us to recreate the missing pages from the Hooe & Harrison ledgers during this time. This Work contains the years 1780 and 1782 and contains 149 unnumbered pages. Be sure to check out the other sections of this same journal also part of this project. The original manuscript may be found within the collections of the various Hooe & Company ledgers at the New York Public Library.




Marginalia: January 3d, 1780


Prefix First Name Last Name Suffix Profession Location Reference Date Dr/Cr Entry Same Entry Names/Places Journal Folio Reference Folio Reference Raw Material RM Quantity RM Qualifier Money Type 1 Colony_1 Pound_1 Shilling_1 Pence_1 Money Type 2 Colony_2 Pound_2 Shilling_2 Pence_2 Comments
Robert T [Townsend] Hooe 1780-01-03 Debit To Cash paid for making Bens Cloathes [Clothes] false true 18 191 Currency Virginia 10
Robert T [Townsend] Hooe 1780-01-03 Debit To Cash paid John Lomax per bill false false 18 191 Currency Virginia 19 16
Robert T [Townsend] Hooe 1780-01-03 Debit [Subtotal] false false 191 Currency Virginia 29 16
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-03 Credit By Cash of Adam Lynn for hire Syphax false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 55
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-03 Credit By Cash of John Harper false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 22
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-03 Credit By Cash of James Steward false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 33
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-03 Credit [Subtotal] false false 86 Currency Virginia 110
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-03 Debit To Cash paid for 9 y'ds [yards] Penistones [Pennystone] & 2 Scanes [Skeins] thread for Will & Syphax false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 68 2
Captain Joseph Greenway 1780-01-03 Debit To Cash false false 18 139 Currency Virginia 100 10
H [House] Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-03 Debit To Cash paid Ben Hickman for 1486.75 [pounds] Pork [at] 60£ false true 18 37 Currency Virginia 892
Captain Thomas Jenkins 1780-01-03 Credit By Cash for 1 Barrell [Barrel] Brown Sugar 290 w [pounds] Ntt [Net] a [at] 130£ false false 18 124 Currency Virginia 377 5
Charges [on Merchandise] 1780-01-03 Debit To Merch [Merchandise] for 26 feet [of] 1 Inch Plank a [at] 2/: false false 174 32 Currency Virginia 2 12
Captain Richard Johns 1780-01-05 Debit To Sales No 3 per the Gen [General] Arnold, 30 Bushells [Bushels] Salt a [at] 40£; & 20 Bags a [at] 50/: false true 181 59 Currency Virginia 1250
John Daily 1780-01-05 Debit To Sales No 3 per the [General] Arnold 2 hh'ds [hogsheads] Rum, 201 Galls [Gallons] a [at] 16£ false true 181 186 Currency Virginia 3216
H [House] Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-05 Debit To Cash paid Charles Alexander for 8.5 Bushells [Bushels] Peas false true 18 37 Currency Virginia 51
Joseph W Harrison 1780-01-05 Debit To Cash paid John Lomax per bill false true 18 99 Currency Virginia 77 3
Charges [on Merchandise] 1780-01-06 Debit To Cash paid for a Black ball false false 18 33 Currency Virginia 3
Joseph Speake 1780-01-06 Debit To Cash paid for 1 Scane [Skein] thread for Len false true 18 83 Currency Virginia 12 Len or Lew?
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-06 Debit To Sales p [per] the [General] Arnold No 3, 8.5 y'ds [yards] Wrappers a [at] 10/ for Syphax & Will false true 181 86 Currency Virginia 4 5
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-06 Debit To Ditto [Sales] p [per] the Dragon No 2, 8.5 y'ds [yards] do [Wrappers] a [at] 10/ for Syphax & Will false true 179 86 Currency Virginia 4 5
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-06 Debit To Cash paid for 1 Scane [Skein] thread for Syphax & Will false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 12
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-07 Debit To Cash paid for 3 hanks thread for Cyphax [Syphax] & Will false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 1 16
Ship Gen [General] Washington 1780-01-07 Credit By Cash rec'd of Wm [William] Hartshorne false true 18 173 Currency Virginia 2935 3
John Herndon 1780-01-08 Debit To H [House] Expences [Expenses] 22.5 Cord Wood a [at] 30£ false false 37 186 Currency Virginia 675
John Herndon 1780-01-08 Credit By Ditto [House Expenses] 10 Bushells [Bushels] Corn at false false 37 186
Crop Tobacco 1780-01-10 Debit To Cash paid for 1 hh'd [hogshead] on Nanjemoy vizt [videlict] Jno [John] Courts [[Marginalia] [TM: 2449] TB]] [TM: 2500] IC 389 1054. .104. .950 [pounds] a [at] 30£; & Cask 6£ false true 18 23 Currency Virginia 291
Colonel Robert H [Hanson] Harrison 1780-01-11 Credit By Cash of John Lomax false true 18 86 Currency Virginia 45
Cash [Account] 1780-01-11 Credit By Charges pd [paid] D Roberdeau for Repairing Church false true 33 18 Currency Virginia 50 Dennis or Daniel?
Cash [Account] 1780-01-11 Credit By Ignatious Simms pd [paid] Ditto [D Roberdeau] for Ditto [Repairing Church] false true 61 18 Currency Virginia 20 Dennis or Daniel?
Cash [Account] 1780-01-11 Credit By Ship Gen [General] Washington paid John _Edlon_, Henry Young, & Wm [William] Freeman, for money due them in the West Indies 82 Silver Dolls [Dollars] a [at] 30 for one false true 173 18 Currency Virginia 738 Edlon?
Cash [Account] 1780-01-11 Debit [Subtotal] false true 128 18 Currency Virginia 808
Cash [Account] 1780-01-11 Debit To Simms & Speake false false Currency Virginia 1434
Last edit 9 months ago by MollyKerr


Marginalia: January 12th 1780


Prefix First Name Last Name Suffix Profession Location Reference Date Dr/Cr Entry Same Entry Names/Places Journal Folio Reference Folio Reference Raw Material RM Quantity RM Qualifier Money Type 1 Colony_1 Pound_1 Shilling_1 Pence_1 Money Type 2 Colony_2 Pound_2 Shilling_2 Pence_2 Comments
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Debit To James Hendricks false true 131 18 Currency Virginia 2544 12 James Hendricks account, folio 131
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Debit To Allison & Ramsay false true 110 18 Currency Virginia 5924 12 Allison & Ramsay account, folio 110
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Debit To Capt [Captain] Thomas Jenkins for 1.5 Barrells [Barrels] Bro [Brown] Sugar 410 w [pounds] Ntt [Net] a [at] 125£ } false true 124 18 Currency Virginia 512 10 Thomas Jenkins account, folio 124
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Debit To Capt [Captain] Henry Norris for 0.5 Barrell [Barrel] Do [Brown Sugar] 116 w [pounds] a [at] 125£ false true 126 18 Currency Virginia 145 Henry Norris account, folio 126
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Debit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 9126 14
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Credit By Portobacco [Port Tobacco] Store 7405..15..0 MC [Maryland Currency] false true 190 18 Currency Virginia 5924 12 Port Tobacco store account, folio 190; Marginalia: [total] is 7405..15..0 MC [Maryland Currency]
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Credit By Josiah Watson per Rec't [Receipt] false true 43 18 Currency Virginia 2500 10 Josiah Watson account, folio 43
Cash [Account] 1780-01-12 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 8425 2
Cash [Account] 1780-01-14 Credit By Robert T [Townshend] Hooe paid for making Anthy [Anthony] Cloaths [Clothes] false true 191 18 Currency Virginia 3 12 Robert T. Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-01-14 Credit By Ship Genl [General] Washington paid Adam Lyn per bill false true 173 18 Currency Virginia 42 12 Ship General Washington account, folio 173
Cash [Account] 1780-01-14 Credit By Crop Tobacco paid John Gibbs for 1 hhd [hogshead] Broad Creek vizt [TM: 2451 IHG] [Number] 368 1133. .110. .1023 a [at] 30£; & Cask 6/ ; p [per] Inspection 24/ } [TM: 2452 TB] false true 23 18 Currency Virginia 314 2 Crop Tobacco account, folio 23
Cash [Account] 1780-01-14 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 360 6
H [House] Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-17 Debit To John Mills 3.5 lb [pounds] Hard Soap a [at] false true 184 37 John Mills account, folio 184
H [House] Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-17 Credit By John Mills 105 lb [pounds] Hog Lard a [at] false true 184 37 John Mills account, folio 184 Identified entry in Mills ledger (Mills_1775_232R) charged to General Expenses (described in a petty journal, missing) - also not tallied with monetary total
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit By H [House] Expences [Expenses] paid Mich [Michael] Gretter for 113 w [pounds] Tallow 45/ false true 37 18 Currency Virginia 254 5 House Expenses account, folio 37
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit By Crop Tobacco pd [paid] Edward Langham for 2 hh'ds [hogsheads] Piscatty [Piscataway] 1866 w [pounds] Ntt [Net] a [at] 30£; & Casks a [at] 6£ } false true 23 18 Currency Virginia 571 16 Crop Tobacco account, folio 23
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit By Charges paid Lawson Speake's exps [expenses] to Geo Town [Georgetown] false true 33 18 Currency Virginia 8 8 Charges Account, folio 33
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit By Robert T [Townshend] Hooe paid for 1 pr [pair] shoes for Chloe 21..0..0 } true true 191 18 Currency Virginia Robert Townshend Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit By Ditto [Robert Townshend Hooe] pd [paid] for 2.25 y'ds [yards] White Serge 8..2..[0] } true false 11 18 Currency Virginia
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit [Subtotal] true false 18 Currency Virginia 29 2
Cash [Account] 1780-01-17 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 863 11
Allison & Ramsay 1780-01-17 Debit To Sales of Cargo No 3 p [per] the Arnold 1 hh'd [hogshead] Rum 102 Gs [Gallons] [at] 16£ false true 181 110 Currency Virginia 1632 Sales Cargo No. 3 per the Arnold account, folio 181
Allison & Ramsay 1780-01-17 Debit To Sales of ditto [Cargo] No 2 p [per] the Dragon 5 hh'ds [hogsheads] 508 Galls [Gallons] [at] 16£ false true 179 110 Currency Virginia 8128 Sales Cargo No. 2 per the Dragon account, folio 179
William Hartshorne 1780-01-19 Credit By Cash false false 18 96 Currency Virginia 3104 10 Cash account, folio 18
William Hartshorne 1780-01-19 Credit By Sales No 2 p [per] the Dragon for 18 y'ds [yards] Penistones [Pennystone] overchd [overcharged] false true 179 96 Currency Virginia 108 Sales Cargo No. 2 per the Dragon account, folio 179
William Hartshorne 1780-01-19 Credit By Sales No 3 p [per] the Arnold 7.5 y'ds [yards] ditto [Pennystone] false true 181 96 Currency Virginia 45 Sales Cargo No. 3 per the Arnold account, folio 181
William Hartshorne 1780-01-19 Debit To Sales p [per] the Dragon No 2 for 4 y'ds [yards] Glazed Linen Short Charged } false true 179 96 Currency Virginia 20
Cash [Account] 1780-01-20 Credit By Thomas Moxly false true 134 18 Currency Virginia 100 2 Thomas Moxley account, folio 134
Cash [Account] 1780-01-20 Credit By H [House] Expences paid John Shaw for 50 Barrells [Barrels] false true 37 18 Currency Virginia 300 House Expenses account, folio 37
1780-01-20 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 400 2
Cash [Account] 1780-01-20 Debit To James Hendricks false true 131 18 Currency Virginia 3439 16 James Hendricks account, folio 131
Edward Ramsay 1780-01-22 Debit To Sales No 2 p [per] the Arnold 1 w [pound] Jesuits Bark false true 164 127 Currency Virginia 10 Sales Cargo No. 2 p [per] the Arnold account, folio 164
James Kirk 1780-01-22 Debit To Merch [Merchandise] 50 Scupper Nails used on your House false true 174 81 Currency Virginia 10 Merchandise account, folio 174
William Rumney 1780-01-22 Debit To H [House] Expences [Expenses] 2 Bottle Wine a [at] 5£ for [the] Hospital false true 37 170 Currency Virginia 10 House Expenses account, folio 37
William Rumney 1780-01-22 Debit To Cash paid for 2 w [pounds] Bark, omd [omitted] for [the] Hospital false true 18 170 Currency Virginia 10 Cash account, folio 18
Furniture [Account] 1780-01-23 Debit To Cash paid for a pr [pair] Scissars [Scissors] false false 18 39 Currency Virginia 6 Cash account, folio 18
William Hunter 1780-01-23 Credit By Cash in full false false 18 185 Currency Virginia 3277 2 Cash account, folio 18
Robert T [Townshend] Hooe 1780-01-23 Debit To Cash gave 3 poor men false true 18 191 Currency Virginia 4 10 Cash account, folio 18
Captain Joseph Speake 1780-01-23 Debit To Cash paid for makg [making] Lens Trowsers [Trousers] false true 18 83 Currency Virginia 1 4 Cash account, folio 18 Len = Adam Lyn?
Last edit 8 months ago by MollyKerr
Needs Review


Marginalia: January 26th 1780


Prefix First Name Last Name Suffix Profession Location Reference Date Dr/Cr Entry Same Entry Names/Places Journal Folio Reference Folio Reference Raw Material RM Quantity RM Qualifier Money Type 1 Colony_1 Pound_1 Shilling_1 Pence_1 Money Type 2 Colony_2 Pound_2 Shilling_2 Pence_2 Comments
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit By Col. [Colonel] H. Harrison paid his Sunfire fine false true 18 Currency Virginia 3 H. Harrison account, folio 86
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit By Richard Harrison paid ditto [sunfire fine] false true 18 Currency Virginia 3 Richard Harrison account, folio 70
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit By Thomas Moxly paid for 10 w [pounds] Brown Sugar } & 10 y'ds [yards] oznabrigs [osnaburg] } false true 18 Currency Virginia 54 Thomas Moxley account, folio 134
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit By Col. H. Harrison paid for sundries for Miss Sally vizt. [To] 4 y'ds [yards] Linen 24£; [To] 1.25 y'ds [yards] silk & lace 58..5..0 } [To] 3 y'ds [yards] Black Ribbon 7..4..0; [To] 1 paper pins 4..10..0 } false true 18 Currency Virginia 93 19 H. Harrison account, folio 86
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit By Charges paid J. W. H. [Joseph White Harrison] expences [expenses] to Baltimore false true 18 Currency Virginia 243 3 5 Charges account, folio 33
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit By Joseph White Harrison Cr. [Credit] false true 18 Currency Virginia 250 Joseph White Harrison account, folio 99
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Credit [Total] false false Currency Virginia 644 8 5
Cash [Account] [Ditto] 1780-01-26 Debit To John Daily 2023..10..0 } To ditto [John Daily] 1192..10..0 } false true 18 Currency Virginia 3216 John Daily account, folio 186
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Debit To Josiah Watson rec'd [received] of May & Hoffman false true 18 Currency Virginia 170 7 8.75 Josiah Watson account, folio 43
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Debit To Ship Gen. [General] Washington, rec'd [received] of Richard Curson } & Co. [Company] for frt. [freight] Sundries from St. Eustatia [Eustatius] false true 18 Currency Virginia 1472 17 7 Ship General Washington account, folio 173
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Debit To William Sydebotham false true 18 Currency Virginia 720 William Sydebotham account, folio 79
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Debit To Dugan & Cravatt in full false true 18 Currency Virginia 937 6 1.75 Dugan & Cravatt account, folio 151
Cash [Account] 1780-01-26 Debit [Total] false false Currency Virginia 6516 11 5.5
Dugan & Cravatt 1780-01-26 Debit To Brig. Lady Washington her acc't [account] into for you } 1/8th of a Ball. [Balance] due in Holland 5092 Guilders includg. [including] } Interest a [at] 22.5 Sterling p [per] Guilder is 477..7..5 Sterling } rated in Dollars at 4/6 is 2122 Dollars = Exchange on } this at 30 for 1 is 63..66..0 Dollars your Quota is } false true 151 Currency Virginia 2387 5 Brigantine Lady Washington account, folio 153
David Moore 1780-01-26 Debit To Brig. Lady Washington her acc't [account] in Compy. [Company] } for your 1/8th of 5092 Guilders due in Holland } settled as above } false true 151 Currency Virginia 2387 5 Brigantine Lady Washington account, folio 153
Ignatius Simms 1780-01-26 Debit To James Hendricks false true 61 Currency Virginia 96 10 6 James Hendricks account, folio 131
Robert & Alexander McKim 1780-01-26 Debit To Brig. Maryland over charged in money advanced } Capt. [Captain] Earl at Baltimore } false true 160 Currency Virginia 6 8 Brigantine Maryland account, folio 177
Robert & Alexander McKim [Ditto] 1780-01-26 Credit By Merch. [Merchandise] 300. 3 & 4 w [pounds] Ball per Bill 656..5..0 is VC [Virginia Currency] false false 160 Currency Virginia 525 Merchandise account, folio 174
William Patterson 1780-01-26 Debit To Brig. Lady Washington acct. [account] for your 1/4th of a } Ball. [Balance] due in Holland 5092 Guilders including Interest } a 22.5d Sterling p [per] Guilder is 477..7..5 Sterling rated in } Dollars at 4/6 is 2122 Dollars _ Exchange on this at } 30 for 1 is 63..66..0 Dollars your Quota } false true 122 Currency Virginia 4774 10 Brigantine Lady Washington account, folio 155
William Patterson 1780-01-26 Debit To Pierce Richard for Sales 3 Barrells [Barrels] Gun Powder false true 122 Currency Virginia 354 8 Pierce Richard account, folio 97
William Patterson [Ditto] 1780-01-26 Credit By Schooner Betsy her acct. [account] proper pd. [paid] Capt. [Captain] Bailys } expences [expenses] to & from Balti. [Baltimore] & for advertising of her } false true 122 Currency Virginia 18 Schooner Betsy account, folio 149
Cash [Account] 1780-01-27 Credit By Robert T. [Townshend] Hooe gave a poor man false true 18 Currency Virginia 6 Robert Townshend Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-01-27 Credit By Joseph Robertson false true 18 Currency Virginia 50 11 Joseph Robertson account, folio 126
Cash [Account] 1780-01-27 Credit By ditto [Joseph Robertson] for a Firkin Butter 106 w [pounds] a [at] 42/ false true 18 Currency Virginia 222 12 Joseph Robertson account, folio 126
Cash [Account] 1780-01-27 Credit By Joseph Caverly pd. [paid] for 1 ditto [Firkin] 92 w [pounds] a [at] 42/ false true 18 Currency Virginia 193 4 Joseph Caverly account, folio 63
Cash [Account] 1780-01-27 Credit By Geo. [George] Gilpin false true 18 Currency Virginia 75 George Gilpin account, folio 148
1780-01-27 Credit [Total] false false Currency Virginia 547 7
Cash [Account] 1780-01-27 Debit To Simms & Speake false true 128 Currency Virginia 1161 13 Simms & Speake account, folio 128
Captain Joseph Greenway 1780-01-27 Debit To Sales of Cargo No 3 per the Arnold, 1.5 Bushs. [Bushels] Salt false true 139 Currency Virginia 60 Sales Cargo No. 3 per the Arnold account
Cash [Account] 1780-01-29 Credit By Robert Hooe gave a poor man false true 18 Currency Virginia 1 10 Robert Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-01-29 Credit By Joseph White Harrison pd. [paid] Ann Sharpe p [per] Bill false true 18 Currency Virginia 31 4 Joseph White Harrison account, folio 99
Cash [Account] 1780-01-29 Credit By Ditto [Joseph White Harrison] for mending your Boot false true 18 Currency Virginia 4 10 Joseph White Harrison account, folio 99
Cash [Account] 1780-01-29 Credit [Total] false false Currency Virginia 37 4
Last edit over 1 year ago by HBollinger
Needs Review


Marginalia: January 31st, 1780

Folio: 131

Prefix First Name Last Name Suffix Profession Location Reference Date Dr/Cr Entry Same Entry Names/Places Journal Folio Reference Folio Reference Raw Material RM Quantity RM Qualifier Money Type 1 Colony_1 Pound_1 Shilling_1 Pence_1 Money Type 2 Colony_2 Pound_2 Shilling_2 Pence_2 Comments
House Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-31 Debit To Cash paid for 1.5 Cotton false false 37 Currency Virginia 10 16 Cash account, folio 18
House Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-31 Debit To Cash paid for sundry provisions this month false false 37 Currency Virginia 32 10
House Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-31 Debit [Subtotal, lines 1 and 2] false false 37 Currency Virginia 43 6 0
House Expences [Expenses] 1780-01-31 Debit To Sales of Cargo No. 2 per the Gen. [General] Arnold, 2 w [pounds] Bark false true 37 Currency Virginia 20 Sales of Cargo No. 2 per General Arnold account, folio 164
Cash [Account] 1780-01-31 Credit By Ship Gen. [General] Washington paid for 1 Barrell [Barrel] Tarr [Tar] false true 18 Currency Virginia 24 Ship General Washington account, folio 173
Cash [Account] 1780-01-31 Credit By James Kirk paid mendg. [mending] a Lock & Key on the Lott [Lot] false true 18 Currency Virginia 2 James Kirk account, folio 81
Cash [Account] 1780-01-31 Credit By Charges paid Zimmerman for shoeing Horses false true 18 Currency Virginia 17 Charges account, folio 33
Cash [Account] 1780-01-31 Credit By Furniture paid Zimmerman per Bill false true 18 Currency Virginia 5 12 Furniture account, folio 39
Cash [Account] 1780-01-31 Credit By Robert Hooe, paid for a pr [pair] shoes for Win 21..0..0 } soling a pair shoes for Wat £9; mending a Boot 24/ } false false 18 Currency Virginia 31 4 Robert Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-01-31 Credit By Charges paid Postage this month false false 18 Currency Virginia 4 11 Charges account, folio 33
Cash [Account] 1780-02-03 Credit By Ignatius Simms paid for soleing a pr [pair] shoes false true 18 Currency Virginia 9 Ignatius Simms account, folio 61
Cash [Account] 1780-02-03 Credit By Negro Jack Robison paid for a pr [pair] shoes false true 18 Currency Virginia 21 Jack Robison account, folio 125
Cash [Account] 1780-02-03 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 30
Cash [Account] [Ditto] 1780-02-03 Debit To William Hartshorne false true 18 Currency Virginia 2007 William Hartshorne account, folio 96
Doctor David Steward 1780-02-04 Debit To Cash in full false false 75 Currency Virginia 729 19 Cash account, folio 18
Ignatius Simms 1780-02-04 Debit To Cash false false 61 Currency Virginia 9
Cash [Account] 1780-02-07 Credit By Furniture paid for a scrubbing Brush false false 18 Currency Virginia 6 Furniture account, folio 39
Cash [Account] 1780-02-07 Credit By Brig. Virginia paid Edwd. [Edward] Ramsay per bill false true 18 Currency Virginia 168 Brigantine Virginia account, folio 172
Cash [Account] 1780-02-07 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 174
Cash [Account] [Ditto] 1780-02-07 Debit To William Hartshorne false true 18 Currency Virginia 1060 William Hartshorne account, folio 96
Cash [Account] 1780-02-10 Credit By Robert Hooe paid for makg. [making] Moses' Cloaths [Clothes] false true 18 Currency Virginia 4 10 Robert Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-02-10 Credit By Thomas Moxly false true 18 Currency Virginia 280 10 Thomas Moxly account, folio 134
Cash [Account] 1780-02-10 Credit By Crop Tobacco paid John Low for 1 Hhd [Hogshead] Brod. [Broad] Creek vizt. [Marginalia: TB] [TM: IG, capitalized] [Number] 320. .1081 [less] 96 [is] 983 at 30£ & Cask 6£ false true 18 Currency Virginia 300 18 Crop Tobacco account, folio 23
Cash [Account] 1780-02-10 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 585 18
William Sydebotham 1780-02-14 Credit By Cash of Mr. Hartshorne false true 79 Currency Virginia 317 6 Cash account, folio 18
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By James Young in full false true 18 Currency Virginia 1230 James Young account, folio 114
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By Capt. [Captain] Joseph Speake to be acct'd [accounted] for false true 18 Currency Virginia 5244 Joseph Speake account, folio 83
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By ditto [Captain Joseph Speake] paid Mrs. Gretter F. Beck's order false true 18 Currency Virginia 75 Joseph Speake account, folio 83
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By ditto [Captain Joseph Speake] paid 0.75 y'd [yard] Broad Cloth & 0.5 y'd [yard] Shalloon false false 18 Currency Virginia 54 Joseph Speake account, folio 83
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit [Subtotal, lines 27 through 29] false false 18 Currency Virginia 5373
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By Robert Hooe, given 2 poor Men 3..0..0 } [By Robert Hooe] paid expences [expenses] at Duvals 34..4..[0] } [By Robert Hooe] pd. [paid] William Paton Taylors [Tailor's] Bill ..[0]..18 } [By Robert Hooe] pd. [paid] Wm [William] Hartshorne, in part of a seal } 24..0..0 } to be purchased for the Corporation } false true 18 Currency Virginia 62 2 Robert Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By Charges pd. [paid] for 4 Black Balls 9..12..[0] } [By Charges] our Donation to the Presbiterian [Presbyterian] } 50..[0]..[0] } Church a [at] 2d time } false true 18 Currency Virginia 59 12 Charges account, folio 33
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit By Furniture paid for a Cloth Brush false false 18 Currency Virginia 3 Furniture account, folio 3
Cash [Account] 1780-02-14 Credit [Subtotal] false false 18 Currency Virginia 6727 14
Cash [Account] [Ditto] 1780-02-14 Debit To Ship G. [General] Washington rec'd J. Bradley & B. Cary for Prize Money false true 18 Currency Virginia 141 6 7 Ship General Washington account, folio 173
J. [Josiah] Watson 1780-02-14 Credit By U. [United] States Lottery 3 Ticketts [Tickets] in 3d Class No. 34.241 } No. 34.242 & No. 34.243 } false false 43 Currency Virginia 27
Last edit over 1 year ago by HBollinger
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Marginalia: February 15th 1780


Prefix First Name Last Name Suffix Profession Location Reference Date Dr/Cr Entry Same Entry Names/Places Journal Folio Reference Folio Reference Raw Material RM Quantity RM Qualifier Money Type 1 Colony_1 Pound_1 Shilling_1 Pence_1 Money Type 2 Colony_2 Pound_2 Shilling_2 Pence_2 Comments
Josiah Watson 1780-02-15 Credit By Brig. Virginia 1 Barrell [Barrel] Tarr [Tar] false true 43 Currency Virginia 24 Brigantine Virginia account, folio 172
Josiah Watson 1780-02-15 Credit By Brig. Maryland 3 w [pounds] Nails omd. [omitted] 5th Novem. [November] a [at] 36/ false true 43 Currency Virginia 5 8 Brigantine Maryland account, folio 177
Josiah Watson 1780-02-15 Credit By Cash in full false false 43 Currency Virginia 1519 2 3.5 Cash account, folio 18
Charges 1780-02-15 Debit To Cash paid for a paper Pins false false 33 Currency Virginia 7 10 Cash account, folio 18
Furniture [Account] 1780-02-15 Debit To Cash paid for 1 pr. [pair] Smoothing Irons false false 39 Currency Virginia 22 10 Cash account, folio 18
Sales of Cargo No. 2 per the Dragon 1780-02-15 Credit By Cash for 1 Hh'd [Hogshead] Rum 95 Gallons a [at] 16£ false false 179 Currency Virginia 1520 Cash account, folio 18
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Credit By Richard Harrison pd. [paid] for soleing a pr [pair] shoes for Lamo [L'Amour] false true 18 Currency Virginia 3
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Credit By Joseph Robertson false true 18 Currency Virginia 330
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Credit By Capt [Captain] Joseph Greenway false true 18 Currency Virginia 67 10
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Credit By Furniture paid for 4 pot lids false false 18 Currency Virginia 6
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Credit [Total] false false 18 Currency Virginia 406 10
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Debit To Sales of Cargo No. 1 p [per] Dragon 2 ps. [pieces] Table Linnen [Linen] false false 18 Currency Virginia 360 Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon account, folio 167
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Debit To Robert Adams false true 18 Currency Virginia 3372 Robert Adam account, folio 145
Cash [Account] 1780-02-17 Debit [Total] false false 18 Currency Virginia 3732
Wallace & Smith 1780-02-17 Debit To Brig. Maryland for her outward Cargo to be } accted [accounted] for 102 hh'ds [hogsheads] & 14 B'bls [Barrels] Tobacco 107,834 w [pounds] & 7350 hhd [hogshead] Staves } false true 182 Brigantine Maryland account, folio 177
Wallace & Smith 1780-02-17 Debit To Brig. Lady Washington her accot. [account] proper, Cash rec'd [received] for a Boom false true 182 Currency Virginia 110 1 3 Brigantine Lady Washington account, folio 67
Wallace & Smith 1780-02-17 Credit By Brig. Maryland for her inward Cargo as p [per] Invoice false true 182 Currency Virginia 3839 4 2 Brigantine Maryland account, folio 177
Wallace & Smith 1780-02-17 Credit By Ditto [Maryland] for her Disbursments [Disbursements] as p [per] Acc't [Account] false true 182 Currency Virginia 5085 0 1 Brigantine Maryland account, folio 177
Wallace & Smith 1780-02-17 Credit By Schooner Gen. [General] Arnold short credit for disbursments [disbursements] } last voyage } false true 182 Currency Virginia 74 3 5 Schooner General Arnold account, folio 171
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Credit By John Mills false true 18 Currency Virginia 2226 John Mills Account, folio 184
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Credit By Thomas Moxly false true 18 Currency Virginia 300 Thomas Moxly account, folio 134
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Credit By Robert Hooe gave a poor Man false true 18 Currency Virginia 3 Robert Hooe account, folio 191
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Credit By Joseph Robertson false true 18 Currency Virginia 330 Joseph Robertson account, folio 126
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Credit [Total] false false 18 Currency Virginia 2859
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Debit To Capt. [Captain] Richard Conway false true 18 Currency Virginia 11210 14 Captain Richard Conway account, folio 103
Cash [Account] 1780-02-22 Debit To H. [House] Expences [Expenses] 2.25 w [pounds] Hyson Tea false false 103 House Expenses account, folio 37
Cash [Account] 1780-02-24 Debit To William Hartshorne false true 18 Currency Virginia 1200 William Hartshorne account, folio 96
Cash [Account] 1780-02-24 Debit To Thomas Fletcher false true 18 Currency Virginia 70 7 6 Thomas Fletcher account, folio 161
Cash [Account] 1780-02-24 Debit [Total] false false 18 Currency Virginia 1270 7 6
John Mills 1780-02-24 Debit To Richard Johns per order false true 184 Currency Virginia 1384 1 5.75
Josiah Watson 1780-02-24 Credit By Schooner Gen. [General] Arnold 1 Barrell [Barrel] Tarr [Tar] false true 43 Currency Virginia 24 Schooner General Arnold account, folio 171
Cash [Account] 1780-02-27 Credit By Furniture paid Oliver Price per Bill false true 18 Currency Virginia 12 Furniture account, folio 39
Cash [Account] 1780-02-27 Credit By ditto [Furniture] for 1 Girth false false 18 Currency Virginia 3 Furniture account, folio 39
Cash [Account] 1780-02-27 Credit By Lawson Speake false true 18 Currency Virginia 19 Lawson Speake account, folio 148
Cash [Account] 1780-02-27 Credit By Charges pd. [paid] J [Ignatius] Simm's exps. [expenses] to & at Portobacco [Port Tobacco] false true 18 Currency Virginia 79 4 Charges account, folio 33
Cash [Account] 1780-02-27 Credit By William Thompson pd. [paid] for 51 w [pounds] Bohea Tea false true 18 Currency Virginia 765 William Thompson account, folio 80
Cash [Account] 1780-02-27 Credit By Joseph W. [White] Harrison pd. [paid] Duvall in full false true 18 Currency Virginia 45 14 2 Joseph W. Harrison account, folio 99
Cash [Account] 1780-02-28 Credit [Total] false false 18 Currency Virginia 923 18 2
Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon 1780-02-28 Credit By Cash for 3 ps. [pieces] Table Linnen [Linen] false false 167 Currency Virginia 540 Cash account, folio 18
Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon 1780-02-28 Debit To Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon vizt. 16 ps. [pieces] Broad Bunting a [at] 66£ false false 184 Currency Virginia 1056 Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon account, folio 167
Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon 1780-02-28 Debit [To Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon vizt.] 18 Sand Glasses a [at] 3£ false false 184 Currency Virginia 54 Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon account, folio 167
Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon 1780-02-28 Debit [To Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon vizt.] 9 pair thread Hose a [at] 9£ false false 184 Currency Virginia 81 Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon account, folio 167
Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon 1780-02-28 Debit [To Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon vizt.] 1 Chest Jesuits Bark 101 w [pounds] a [at] 3£ false false 184 Currency Virginia 757 10 Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon account, folio 167
Sales of Cargo No. 1 per the Dragon 1780-02-28 Debit [Total] false false 184 Currency Virginia 1948 10
Last edit 6 months ago by HBollinger
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