


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Bowman Mary E. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1865
1877 Byers Mrs. Lizzie S. Evansville Terre Haute Vanderburg Indiana 1865
1877 Byrne Miss M. C. Evansville Terre Haute Vanderburg Indiana 1865
1877 Bosworth R. S. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1865
1881 Brown Eli F. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Teacher High School Richmond 18 Virginia Virginia & Pennsylvania Indiana High SChool & College 1863 Richmond 55 140
1877 Bartholomew G. H. Greencastle Putnuam Indiana 1865
1877 Brown Maggie Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1865
1877 Brown Emma Danville Hendricks Indiana 1865
1877 Burns A. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana 1865 Terre Haute County Superintendent 15 Maryland Swiss & German Maryland College 1856 Maryland 40
1877 Brackett Ruth E. Monrovia Morgan Indiana 1865 Terre Haute High School Hartford City 15 Bristolville Ohio Ohio Seminary & College 1863 Indiana 12 40
1877 Batterton Jennie Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1865
1877 Burdick L. S. Greenwood Johnson Indiana 1865
1877 Butler Valois Warsaw Kosciusko Indiana 1865
1877 Brown M. T. Cincinnati Hamilton Ohio 1865
1877 Butts Samuel A. Cincinnati Hamilton Ohio 1865
1877 Butler S. Cincinnati Hamilton Ohio 1865
1877 Byers Virginia Colfax Clinton Indiana 1866
1877 Basdel Sue Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1866
1877 Brown Augusta F. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1866
1877 Brown Helen A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1866
1877 Britton W. P. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1866
1877 Buttet E. W. Carthage Rush Indiana 1866
1877 Bacon Julia M. South Bend St. Joseph Indiana 1866
1877 Bigger Mattie M. Battle Ground Tippecanoe Indiana 1866
1877 Beal Mary Stockwell Tippecanoe Indiana 1866
1877 Button Emma J. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1866
1877 Brash Susan R. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1866
1877 Bryant Susan Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1866
1877 Broadhurst Ellen Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1866

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