


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1880 Abraham Miss M. L. Edinburg Johnson Indiana Dec. 1879 Indianapolis Prin. Central Normal Col. 8 Peoria County Illinois American (Virginia) Bloomington Indiana State Normal 1869 McLean County Illinois 35 40
1879 Adams Frank P. Danville Hendricks Indiana Dec. 1879 Indianapolis Prin. Central Normal Col. 10 American (Virginia) American (Kentucky) Lebanon Ohio 1869 Harrison Ohio 45
1880 Alexanders Will P. Anoka Cass Indiana Dec. 1880 3 Indiana Ohio Terre Haute State Normal 1876 Cass County Indiana 40 40
1880 Atkinson E. B. Annnapolis Park Indiana 5 Park County Indiana Ohio & Indiana Terre Haute State Normal 1875 Park County Indiana 35 50
1880 Ahern Nellie Martinsville '83 Peru 86 Spencer Owen Indiana Dec. 1880 Indianapolis Grammar School 2 Indianapolis Ireland Spencer Indiana High School 1878 Bloomfield Indiana 40 40
1880 Anderson Melville B. 4 Buckle St. Indianapolis Marion Indiana Dec. 1880 Indianapolis Indianapolis H. S. 6 Michigan English and Scotch University 1872 Texas 110 95
1880 Allen Maria West Newton Marion Indiana Dec. 1880 Indianapolis Graded School 12 Hendricks County Indiana Ohio and Indiana 15 42
1881 Allen F. M. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Supt. 15 Ohio Ohio Delaware College 1865 Jeffersonville 50 150
1881 Arbuckle S. Ella Delphi Carroll Indiana 1881 Indianapolis 6th Yr Grade 4 Jefferson County Indiana American Madison Public School Indiana 40 40
1882 Allen Fred E. Annapolis Parke Indiana Terre Haute Normal 1880 45 60
1882 Alexander P. D. Mount Vernon Posey Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Prin. Grammar School Mount Vernon Purdue University 1882 Mt. Vernon 50 50
1883 Applegate Martha F. Delphi Carroll Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Grammar grade Bedford Pennsylvania American Iowa, Lebanon Ohio University Normal 1860 Iowa City 30 45
1883 Armstrong D. K. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Washington DC American Ohio Indianapolis High School 1878 Owen County Indiana 60
1883 Aley R. J. Bloomington, Vincennes, Spencer Monroe, Knox, Owen Indiana 1883 Indianapolis High School Owen County Indiana American Valparaiso Normal 1877 Owen County Indiana 35 50
1883 Allen Elwood D Bloomingdale Parke Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Student Bloom Academy Bloomingdale Indiana American North Carolina Bloomington University
1883 Alexander Rose B Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Tr in Graded Sch Cass County Indiana Ohio Terre Haute Normal 1880 Cass County Indiana 35 44
1883 Ahern Jo Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Grammar 5 Spencer and Bloomington High School & College 45
1883 Ault Lee Hagerstown Wayne Indiana 1883 Indianapolis
1884 Arbogast S. Albert Parker Randolph Indiana 1884 Indianapolis Indiana High School 1883 Indiana 35 36
1884 Aley Mrs. R. J. Spencer Owen Indiana 1884 Indianapolis
1884 Arbuckle O. E. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1880 Indianapolis High School Teacher 4 Hanover 30 100
1885 Ahern Mary E Peru Miami Indiana
1885 Anderson J. M. Grandview Spencer Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Pr. High School 6 Spencer County Indiana English Bloomington Indiana State University Delphi 1879 Grandview 35 70
1885 Adams A. M. Rockport Spencer Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Pr. High School Rockport Rockville Indiana American Bloomington Ind State University 1883 Rockport 55 75
1885 Alley Clifford Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Teacher in Pub. S. 3 Thorntown Indiana American Evanston Illinois High School 1883 Thorntown 40 35
1885 Alley F. S. New Paris Preble Ohio 1885 Indianapolis Supt. 10 Brookville Indiana Virginia Brookville High School & College 35 80
1886 Aker T. D. Trafalgar Johnson Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Pr. of Traf. Schools Randolph County Indiana German Terre Haute Normal 1873 Jay County Indiana 35 75
1886 Anderson E. Francis Vevay? Switzerland Indiana 1886 Indianapolis 8 37.5 30
1886 Avery M. D. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Pr. of Training Dept I. S. Nor. 7 Indianapolis American Terre Haute Normal 1875 Marion County 45 82.5

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