


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Barnes Charles Madison Jefferson Ind 1854 Indianapolis Supt. Madison Sch. Lancaster, Ky. Oxford, O. & Danville, Ky. Univ. & College Dayton, O.
1876 Buell George P. Indianapolis Marion Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Brown James H. Lawrenceburg Dearborn Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Beach Mip L. S. Connersville Fayette Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Butter A. R. Westland Hancock Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Brokaw W. P. Fortsville Hancock Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Brown Mary A. Madison Jefferson Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Bishop W. H. Greenwood Johnson Ind 1854 Indianapolis County Subscription Sch. 14 Covington Va Virginia Covington V High Sch. 1847 Greenbriar E Va 15 45
1876 Bowman E. W. Anderson Madison Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Barr J. C. New Ross Montgomery Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Burns Cordelia Farmington Rush Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Beard James A. Sullivan Sullivan Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Beard Stephen P. Sullivan Sullivan Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Beard Felix P. Sullivan Sullivan Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Bishop C. M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Butler E. M. New Garden Wayne Ind 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Brainerd John Cleveland Cuyahoga Ohio 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Bragdon E. E. Greencastle Putnam Ind 1854 Indianapolis Asbury Univ.
1876 Bowen Silas T. Indianapolis Marion Ind 1853 Madison
1876 Benham W. J. Indianapolis Marion Ind 1856 Lafeyette
1876 Balchetder G. W. Columbus Ohio 1856 Lafayette
1876 Bogne Oliver H. Richmond Wayne Ind 1874 Lafayette High School 6 Dublin Ind Indiana Richmond College 1867 Henry Co 50 120
1876 Bragg C. S. Cincinnati Hamilton O. 1876 Indianapolis Publisher Maine
1876 Boyer J. A. Terre Haute Vigo Ind 1870 Indianapolis Teaching 8 Joy Co Ind Ohio Terre Haute Normal 1860 Joy Co 45 45
1876 Boyer Lizzie E. Terre Haute Vigo Ind 1876 Indianapolis Teaching 2 Terre Haute Ind. Terre Haute 1875 35 36
1876 Boyer J. A. Terre Haute Vigo Ind 1872 Logansport Teaching 6 Joy Co Ohio Litrer College 1870 Joy Co 40 50
1876 Bisbee Maria Evansville Vanderburg Ind 1876 Indianapolis 6 Maine Am. Lewiston Farmington Seminary Normal 1864 Auburn 8 75
1876 Bloss John M. Muncie Delaware Ind 1867 New Albany Tom Orleans Head 18 New Philadelphia Ind. N.Y. & Ind. South Hanover College 1855 New Philadelphia 20 250
1876 Blount B. M. Irvington Marion Ind Ohio Am Lipton N.W.C. 1846 Lipton & Ind 11

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