


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Banta W. H. Valparaiso Porter Indiana 1872 Logansport Superintendent City Schools 10 Ohio Ohio Ohio and Indiana Public School 1865 Newton County Indiana 33 177
1876 Beck James K. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 1st Assistant Prep. Def. Indiana University 2 Hamburg Indiana United States of America Indiana University College 1874 Orleans 80 100
1876 Beckwith Miss Minerva Peru Miami Indiana 1868 Indianapolis Principal Teacher 9 Peru Virginia Peru Public School 1867 Logansport 40 40
1876 Bass George F. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Principal Ward School 11 Indiana Kentucky & Indiana Indianapolis N. W. C. U. 1865 Johnson County Indiana 40 110
1876 Brown Jesse H Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1861 Indianapolis Teacher at Richmond 23 Virginia Virginia & Pennsylvania Virginia ungraded 1853 Maryland 50 160
1876 Brown Dr. Ryland T. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Lafayette Practicing Physician (Salary per Mo. When Began Teaching $1.50 per Scholar for 3 mo.) 50 Mason County Kentucky Virginia & Pennsylvania 1826 Rush County Indiana
1876 Bell William A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1861 Indianapolis Principal Williamsburg School Wayne County 15 Clinton County Indiana Ohio & Pennsylvania Yellow Springs Ohio College 1852 Clinton County Indiana 17
1876 Brown George P Indianapolis Terre Haute Marion Indiana 1860 Indianapolis Superintendent Richmond 18 Lenox Ohio Vermont Grand River Indiana College 1854 Cherry Valley Ohio 18 280
1876 Bogart Elbert Freelandville Knox Indiana 1876 Indianapolis District School 22 Cincinnati Brooklyn New York Farmer's College College 1854 Cincinnati 80 54
1876 Barnett D. W. C. Nineveh Johnson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Interm. 1 1/2 Edinburg Kentucky & New York Bloomington Indiana College 1873 Johnson County 45 45
1876 Bishop W. H. Greenwood Johnson Indiana
1876 Blunt Ambrose Goshen Elkhart Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Superintendent Goshen 20 Bristol Maine Bristol Maine Middletown Connecticut College 1854 Bristol Maine 17 120
1876 Barnett M. A. Elkhart Elkhart Indiana 1872 Logansport Superintendent Attica 7 Danville Indiana Kentucky Greencastle College 1864 Hendricks County 40 152.8
1876 Boone R. G. Frankfort Bloomington 1886 Clinton Indiana 1872 Logansport Teacher Sand Creek 8 Spiceland Indiana North Carolina & Ohio Spiceland Academy 1867 Rush County 40 112
1876 Blakeman D. D. Delphi Bedford Carroll Lawrence Indiana 1871 Indianapolis Superintendent City Schools Delphi 24 New York New Hampshire & Connecticut Spring Arbor Michigan College 1852 Michigan 18 133
1876 Bline J. W. Hartsville Bartholomew Indiana 1869 Indianapolis Teacher in Hartsville Public School 19 Ohio Virginia 1857 Southern Indiana 25 50
1876 Binford John H. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1864 Indianapolis Com. School 8 Hancock County Indiana & North Carolina 1863 Hopewell 25 85
1876 Buroker J. P. Mier Grant Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Com. School 2 Grant County America Grant County District 1875 Grant County 40 45
1877 Baldwin M. F. Marion Grant Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Ward School 3 Grant County Marion, Indiana Normal 1874 Grant County 36 45
1877 Bickmore C. E. Logansport Cass Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal 15 Bradford, Maine America Terre Haute Normal 1855 Maine 15 55
1877 Burton John T. Irvington Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Milroy, Indiana 6 Milroy Indiana Indiana Irvington University 1868 Rush County 35 65
1877 Bass W. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Indianapolis Ward Schools 4 Columbus Indiana Kentucky & Indiana Terre Haute Normal 1873 Indianapolis 45 50
1877 Barnes L. D. Greensburg Decatur Indiana
1877 Bond Pleasant Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1857 Richmond Student 10 Wayne County Indiana Ohio Richmond Indiana & Ann Arbor Michigan College & University 1857 Marion County 35
1877 Black James C. Logansport Michigan City Cass Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Valley Mills 4 Danville Indiana America Indianapolis & Terre Haute College & Normal 1867 Pittsboro 45 100.85
1877 Buckley A. E. Bluffton Wells Indiana Indianapolis Thorntown, Boone County Indiana 12 Fairfield Indiana Connecticut & Indiana Brookville & Lebanon College & Normal 1866 Metamora, Indiana 60 120
1877 Branson George Mansfield Parke Indiana 7 Parke County Indiana America Bloomingdale College & Normal 1871 Parke County Indiana 17 48
1877 Brown H. B. Valparaiso Porter Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Principal N. I. N. School 15 Mt. Vernon, Ohio Ohio & Maryland Delaware Ohio & Lebanon Ohio University & Normal 1862 Madison, Ohio 24
1877 Baker P. S. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1869 or 1871 Indianapolis Teacher 7 Evansville England Evansville & Greencastle College 1870 Vanderburg County 40 80

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