



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Burton A. J. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal 2 Greencastle, Indiana Virginia & Kentucky Greencastle & Lebanon University & Normal 1876 Putnam County 43 60
1877 Branneman Lydia A. Cloverdale Putnam Indiana Common 1856 Hancock County 25 1200
1877 Butter E. H. Winchester Randolph Indiana 1865 Lafayette Common Schools 15 Hancock County Virginia
1877 Black Mrs. Ida. W. Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Shelbyville 4 Lebanon American Terre Haute Normal 1870 Lebanon, 40 60
1877 Bates A. K. Liberty Union Indiana
1877 Browne Miss Lida L. Liberty Union Indiana 5 Union County Indiana Ohio & New Jersey Oxford, Ohio College 1866 Liberty, Indiana 36 50
1877 Byers W. W. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1859 Indianapolis District 18 Henry County Indiana Virginia Oxford, Ohio University 1858 Henry County Indiana
1877 Bogley E. R. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Principal College School 6 Lee County Virginia American Oberlin, Ohio College 1871 Brunswick 47 65
1877 Burt B. C. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher State Normal 2 Bridgeton, Indiana Connecticut Terre Haute & Ann Arbor Normal & University 1875 Terre Haute 100 130
1877 Bowman John. M. Williamsport Warren Indiana 1877 Indianapolis 3 Berks County Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Common 40 80
1877 Boyd L. D. Cartersburg Hendricks Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Graded School 5 Stilesville, Indiana American Indiana Common & Normal 1872 Hendricks County 40 65
1877 Byers T. J. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Lebanon 8 Johnson County Indiana Indiana Indianapolis College & Normal 1870 State Line, Indiana 65 100
1877 Bay Joseph R. Edinburg Johnson Indiana 1871 Indianapolis Teacher 6 Johnson County Indiana Kentucky & Indiana Brookville College 1870 Johnson County Indiana 40 50
1877 Brandon Miss M. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bishop William Hanover Jefferson Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Benton A. R. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bryant T. J. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bronson G. W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bates Miss Betty Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Ballanger W. S. Williamsburg Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Brown Martha W. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1855 Madison
1877 Birdsell Miss H. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bond Milton Greens Fork Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bird J. F. Princeton Gibson Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Boyd W. L. Winchester Randolph Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Beswick James A. Brookville Franklin Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Bailey Harriet E. Noblesville Hamilton Indiana 1856 Indianapolils
1877 Beebe Miss E. V. Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Brady Joseph Connersville Fayette Indiana 1856 Indianapolis

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See questions at question marks (not in parentheses as those are part of the original text) in the following columns: First Name, Educated: Grade of School, Began Teaching: Where, Salary Per Month When Began Teaching.