



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Bowman Dr. Thomas Greencastle Putnam Indiana Pennsylvania Carlisle, Pennsylvania Dickinson College
1877 Butter J. D. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana Professor Wabash College
1877 Bronson Mrs. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Balls O. H. Knightstown Henry Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Boggass Margaret Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Burns Mrs. N. E. Vernon Jennings Indiana
1877 Brumback Prof. J. 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Baldwin J. Kokomo Howard Indiana
1877 Brown E. C. Ohio
1877 Bush Mrs. Carrie D. Filkins Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Babcock J. S. St. Paul Decatur Indiana
1877 Brown Mrs. G. P. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Ballard Jennie Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Burkert E. A. East Germantown Wayne Indiana
1877 Baker W. S. Defiance Defiance Ohio
1877 Brown Anna E. Plainfield Hendricks Indiana
1877 Beck Miss R. M. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Brooks Mary L. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Bliss J. T. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Brown Anna P. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Bell Isabella W. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Barnes W.H. Centreville Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Boynton Eliza Whitewater Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Bradshaw Mary Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Barbour Annie Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Beck Maria Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Bowler N. E. D. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Boose Fannie Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana

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