


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1888 Browning Lucy Ewing Jackson Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Teacher in Common School 3 Ewing, Indiana American Brownstown High School 1885 Jackson County Indiana 30 37.5
1888 Buchanan Emma Rising Sun, Edinburg Ohio Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Rising Sun Public Schools 9 Rising Sun, Indiana Rising Sun & Lebanon High School & Normal 1880 Hartford Ohio County 35 40
1888 Blaker Mrs. E. A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1888 Indianapolis
1888 Borden W. W. New Providence Clarke Indiana 1888 Indianapolis
1888 Bateman J. W. Petersburg Pike Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Principal of High School 7 Boonville Indiana American Terre Haute, Indiana State Normal 1880 Boonville 35 60
1888 Banta Mabel Franklin Johnson Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Assistant Principal High School 2 1/3 Franklin American Bloomington, Indiana State University 1886 Franklin, Indiana 40 55
1889 Bierbower Julia Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana 1889 Indianapolis 22.5 80
1889 Bierbower Hattie Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana 1889 Indianapolis
1889 Brooks J. H. Westland Hancock Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Teacher 3 Indiana American Terre Haute State Normal 1885 Hancock County 38 42
1889 Braden L. D. Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1889 Indianapolis County Superintendent 7 Indiana American Valparaiso Normal 1882 Decatur County 37.5 104
1889 Blasdel Ambrose New Alsace Dearborn Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Common School 8 Indiana American Terre Haute State Normal 1876 Dearborn County 40 50
1889 Barnes W. A. Delphi Carroll Indiana 1889 Indianapolis County Superintendent 18 Indiana American Battle Ground & Terre Haute State Normal 1869 Carroll County 40 80
1889 Bryan E. B. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Assistant High School 6 Ohio American Terre Haute Normal 1882 Howard County 36 80
1889 Bryan Lula S. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1889 Indianapolis 2 Indiana American Terre Haute Normal 1887 Howard County 40
1889 Brown Mollie Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1889 Indianapolis
1889 Brown Della Acton Marion Indiana 1889 Indianapolis 4 Indiana American Paoli High School 1885 Marion County 40
1889 Bloom Josephine Michigan City La Porte Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Sixth Grade Illinois Michigan City, Terre Haute 1873 Michigan City 36 45
1889 Blackmore Alta Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Aurora School
1889 Batman Olive Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1889 Indianapolis
1889 Butler Emma Warsaw Kosciusko Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Assistant High School 10 Ohio American Goshen & Terre Haute Normal, High School 1875 Elkhart County 23 50
1889 Byerly Emma Knightstown Henry Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Teacher 6 Indiana American Knightstown High School 1880 Knightstown
1890 Borland Jeannie New Albany Floyd Indiana 1890 Indianapolis District School 3 Louisville, Kentucky English Terre Haute Normal 1887 Harrison County 40 42
1890 Bodemer Lena Limedale Putnam Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Primary 9 Gosport French & German Limedale & New Castle 40
1890 Bolinger Alice L. North Manchester Wabash Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Intermediate 2 Hartford, Connecticut American Terre Haute Normal, High School 1887 Somerset, Indiana 40 45
1890 Boyd Romulus Russellville Putnam Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Principal 4 Parke County American Bloomington University 1887 Putnam 45
1890 Beck C. B. Koro Carroll Indiana 1890 Indianapolis District 11 Burlington American Logansport 1879 Cass County 35 50
1890 Beck Mary F. Elkhart Elkhart Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Principal 3 Fort Wayne American Elkhart High School 1887 Elkhart 30 35
1890 Beddoe Ethel Washington Daviess Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Graded School 2 England English Washington, Indiana High School 1889 Washington 35 40
1890 Baldwin A. L. East Germantown Wayne Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Principal High School Cambridge City 10 Dalton American Valparaiso Normal 1880 Wayne County 40 60

Notes and Questions

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Needs Review:
21. Began Teaching: When - single digit for year
26. Post Office: appears as Koro, but no town of that name (or similar as Koso, Kaso, Karo) is listed in that county.


Found this map of Carroll County from 1908:

Looks like there was a town? named Koro in the bottom SE corner of the county. I was able to find some references to Koro Church in Carroll County as well - interesting!


Interesting! Great work everyone!