


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1891 Bettcher Elizabeth New Port Vermillion Indiana 1891 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 2 North Liberty, Indiana Terre Haute Normal 1888 North Liberty 50
1891 Brown Bertha M. Spiceland Henry Indiana 1891 Indianapolis Teacher 4 New York American St. Lawrence University College 1887 New York 35 50
1891 Barrow Luella Harrison Hamilton Ohio 1891 Indianapolis
1891 Branaman Francis Seymour Jackson Indiana 1891 Indianapolis
1892 Burris W. R. Bluffton Wells Indiana 1892
1892 Brown W. E. M. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Bell Mrs. Eliza A. Indianapolis
1892 Brown Sallie V. Gosport Owen
1892 Black W. W. Flora Carroll Indiana 1892
1892 Bounen J. F. DeMotte Jasper Indiana 1892
1892 Barton Ada Spencer Indiana 1892
1892 Bard C. A. Bringhurst 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Boud Adele Fountain City Wayne Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Bass Emma Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Burris Harriet C. Bluffton Wells Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Bayer J. N. Charleston Clarke Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Basey Jennie Arcadia Hamilton Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Brother S. C. Brazil Clay Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1893 Bryant J. C. Irvington Marion Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Bennett Laura Kokomo Howard Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Brooks Emilie Shoals Martin Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Butler Micha Charlottesville Hancock Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Butler Anna Charlottesville Hancock Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Bates Mary A. Liberty Union Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Brown George W. Winchester Randolph Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Baldwin Ira P. Gosport Owen Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Bennet Frankie Wabash Wabash Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Bowers W. T. Liberty Union Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Boone Della G.
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