



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Caldwell John W Seymour Jackson Indiana 1870 Terre Haute Superintendent Attica 13 Circleville, Ohio Pennsylvania Delaware Ohio College 1856 Pickaway County, Ohio 33.25 166.67
1876 Charlton T. J. Vincennes Knox Indiana Indianapolis Superintendent North Vernon 10 Pleasant, Indiana Sligo Ireland Hanover, Indiana; West Point, New York College Military Institute 1862 Dupont Indiana 35 150
1876 Cox Sheridan Kokomo Howard Indiana 1866 Lafayette Principal Logansport High School 20 Ohio English Delaware College 1854 Coshocton County, Ohio 20 150
1876 Cox Miss Bessie G. Kokomo Howard Indiana Assistant Principal Logansport High School 20 Ohio English New Philadelphia Normal Schools 1853 New Philadelphia, Ohio 12 80
1876 Coulter M. S. Logansport Cass Indiana 1872 Logansport District School 5 Ning Po China American Hanover College 1871 Johnson County 45 120
1876 Cox Harriet Mooresville Morgan Indiana 1871 Indianapolis District School 5 Morgan County Pennsylvania and Ohio Indianapolis N. W. C. U. College 1864 Brooklyn, Indiana 20 40
1876 Campbell Rev M. M. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1874 Indianapolis County Superintendent 20 Claiborne County, E. Tennessee Virginia Bloomington N. W. C. U. College 1831 Bloomington 12.5 50
1876 Christy L. E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1870 Indianapolis Principal 7 Salem, Indiana North Carolina Ohio University 1870 Indianapolis 45 70
1876 Carle Lucy Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis County Primary No 22 1 1/2 Indianapolis Kentucky Indianapolis High School 1875 Indianapolis 45 50
1876 Croan Will M. Alexandria Madison Indiana 1874 Indianapolis District 4 Madison County, Indiana Irish & Dutch Anderson & Indianapolis 1872 Madison County 40 80
1876 Carr Bruce Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Book Agent 10 Orange County Indiana Bloomington University 1866 Washington County 40
1876 Chaplin E. M. Warsaw Kosciusko Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Book Agent 7 Elkhart County Scotch & American at large District 1869 Knox 30
1876 Chaille U. M. Whiteland Johnson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal 3 Frankfort, Kentucky French Chicago University 1873 Franklin 50 70
1876 Clifton Mary A. Seymour Jackson Indiana 1872 Logansport Grammar School Attica 11 Warren County, Ohio Delaware Thorntown Academy 1862 Warren County, Ohio 20 50
1876 Clark C. B. Friendswood Hendricks Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 4 Ohio Ohio Ohio District School 1872 Ohio 30 40
1876 Cummings J. C. A. Cicero Hamilton Indiana 1876 Indianapolis District 11 Freedom, Maine Maine Freedom, Maine Academy 1865 Indiana 35 50
1876 Cook C. W. Carmel Hamilton Indiana 1874 Indianapolis 6 Richmond, Indiana North Carolina Bloomingdale Academy 1861 East Branch 25 50
1876 Cox J. N. Carmel Hamilton Indiana 1869 Indianapolis District School Boone County 8 Thorntown, Indana North Carolina Lebanon Normal 1867 Boone County 33 90
1876 Chambers S. A. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1867 New Albany District School Scott County 20 Jefferson County, Indiana Scotch Franklin College 1855 Tifton County 12 95
1876 Clancy A. W. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1871 Indianapolis Principal 8 Ohio Ohio Lebanon Normal 1865 Ohio 35 75
1876 Carter Emma E. Jeffersonville Clark Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Jeffersonville School 4 Jeffersonville, Indiana Vermont and Tennessee Terre Haute Normal 1869 Jeffersonville 25 45
1877 Crawford Mrs. Sallie Worthington Greene Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Worthington, 3rd Grade 8 Indiana Kentucky Terre Haute Normal 40 50
1877 Carr Mrs. May New Albany Floyd Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Wife of Book agent Washington County, Indiana
1877 Cassel F. C. Frankton Madison Indiana 1877 7 Fountain County, Indiana Ohio & Kentucky Indianapolis University 1867 Warren County, Indiana 24 65
1877 Clifford Josie A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1877 District School 1/4 Rush County, Indiana Indiana Indianapolis High School 1877 Indianapolis 40
1877 Cassidy M. F. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1871 Indianapolis City Schools Troy, New York English & American Troy, New York Seminary Troy, New York 35
1877 Charlton O. C. Mooresville Morgan Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Country Schools 5 Switzerland County, Indiana Ireland Indiana Common & College 1872 Switzerland County 40 80
1877 Carrington Col. Henry B. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Military Professor Wabash College 10 Wallingford, Connecticut Connecticut New Haven, Connecticut Yale College 1846 New York 30
1877 Chilton W. O. Orleans Orange Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Common Schools 1 Kentucky Welch Lawrence County, Indiana High School 1876 Orange County 30 30

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