


Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Cravens J.G. College Hill Jefferson Indiana 1857
1877 Chandler Miss C. R. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1857
1877 Cone G. W. Corydon Harrison Indiana 1857
1877 Coyner M. W Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1858
1877 Campbell J. T. Annapolis Parke Indiana 1858
1877 Covert John Rev. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1858 Terre Haute President Terre Haute Female College
1877 Clarkson Mrs. H. V. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1858
1877 Colegrove James Newville DeKalb Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Crowe Darrel Danville Hendricks Indiana 1858
1877 Clark Thomas Lafayetter Tippecanoe Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Collins Mrs. E. J. J. Indiana 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Cheshire W. W. 1859
1877 Coyner J. M. Lebanon Boone Indiana 1861
1877 Coyner Mrs. M. W. Lebanon Boone Indiana 1861
1877 Cox D. M. Plainfield Hendricks Indiana 1861
1877 Coffin Lizzie Chester Wayne Indiana 1861
1877 Conover Amanda Greensbury Decatur Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Carroll W. T. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Coffin Hannah Kokomo Howard Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Cropsey Miss Nebraska Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Campbell Mary Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Chapel William Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Crossman L. W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Colgan Miss Henrie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Colgan Mary Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Cannell Eliza C Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Coe Hessie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Catterson Emma New Bethel Marion Indiana 1865
1877 Catterson Maggie J. New Bethel Marion Indiana 1865

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not positive of first name for line 24, Colgan, Miss ?Henrie?