



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Grubbs G. W. Franklin Johnson Indiana
1877 Gilmer Isabella Peru Miami Indiana
1877 Glasgow E. B. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Grosvenor Harriet Wabash Wabash Indiana
1877 Green E. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Grafton Kate A.. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Grimes Jennie Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Gray Alice Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Gaines Maria Sugar Grove Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Gillmore Miss R. E. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1877 Gorvin R. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Graff Clara A. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Teaching Terre Haute American Terre Haute Terre Haute
1877 Gilmore Hattie Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Gobin Hillary A. Greencastle Putnam Indiana
1877 Graecer L. Cincinnati Hamilton Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Teacher Gymnastics
1877 Gobin H. A. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1865 Student Terre Haute American, Virginia Terre Haute, Greencastle High School, College 188? Greencastle 1400 per year
1877 Gamble J. L. Frankfort Clinton Indiana
1877 Gould Mattie Aurora Dearborn Indiana
1877 Grafton Mary E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Goodwine M. Williamsport Warren Indiana
1877 Groff Sallie V. Paris Edgar Illinois
1877 Green Sarah H. Leesburgh Highland Ohio
1877 Goodman Naomai Yellow Springs Greene Ohio
1877 Gow A. M. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana 1867 New Albany Superintendent Evansville Schools 25 Washington, Pennsylvania Scotch Irish Washington, Pennsylvania College Washington 300
1877 Goulding Miss Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1879 Goodwin Jennie H. Kendallville Noble Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Grammar School 18 New Jersey Scotch Cleveland High School 1856 Euclid, Ohio 10 53.55
1879 Glenn George P. Kendallville Noble Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Superintendent 6 Hillsborough, Ohio American & French Ann Arbor University 1861 Holt, Missouri 20 133 1/3
1879 Glenn Mrs. Mary L. Kendallville Noble Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Principal 7 Savannah, Missouri Kentucky Tabor, Iowa High School 1865 Clarinda, Iowa 30 33

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