


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Jocelyn Reverend George B. Centerville Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Jamison Reverend L. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Johnson Frankie Scottsburg Scott Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher Primary Department 1 Lexington, Indiana Lexington, Indiana Lexington Common 1876 Scottsburg 32 32
1876 Jones Lewis H. Woodband Marion Indiana 1868 Richmond Principal Graded School 8 Noblesville Tennessee New York Normal 1862 Grant County Indiana 23 120
1876 Johnson A. J. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher 10 Franklin, Indiana Kentucky Franklin College 1866 Johnson County 36 50
1876 Johnson Elizabeth S. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal 4th Ward Kokomo 6 Marlboro, Ohio American New London District 1871 Howard County 44
1876 Jacobs H. B. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Superintendent 16 Pennsylvania American 25 133
1876 Jenkins O. P. Moore's Hill Dearborn Indiana 1870 Terre Haute Principal Carthage, Indiana School 5 Bantam, Ohio Ohio Moore's Hill, Indiana & Evanston, Illinois College & University 1869 Clark County Indiana 35 80
1876 Julian Allen R. Martz Clay Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Superintendent Clay County Indiana North Carolina & Ohio Greencastle, Indiana University 1866 Warrick County 50
1876 Jones William A. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1869 Indianapolis President State Normal School 18 Middlesex County, Connecticut Connecticut Connecticut & Massachusetts 1851 Bristol, Connecticut 18 300
1877 Jones Mary Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher Primary Grade 1 Toronto, Canada England & Scotland Lawrenceburg Common 1877 Lawrenceburg 35 35
1877 Jones Belle Eaglesfield Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1877 Indianapolis District School Teacher 4 Putnamville American Terre Haute Female College 1877 30 40
1877 Johnson J. B. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1873 Indianapolis New London, Indiana 7 Marlboro, Ohio Virginia Ann Arbor, Michigan University 1867 Ervin, Indiana 50
1877 Jones George H. Michigan City La Porte Indiana
1877 Johnson R. M. La Porte La Porte Indiana 1856 Lafayette Principal La Porte Schools Indiana American Bloomington University
1877 Johnson Miss A. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Johnson Miss M. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Johnson Mrs. R. M. La Porte La Porte Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Teacher La Porte Monroe County Indiana American Bloomington Seminary
1877 Johnson J. L. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Jones Isaac Carmel Hamilton Indiana
1877 Johnson Rebecca N. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Jenkins Miss Lucinda B. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Jones Mary Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Johnson A. J. Knightstown Henry Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Teacher 25 Tennessee American Hanover College 1856 Ripley County Indiana 20 100
1877 Jameson Ada Vernon Jennings Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Jameson Sarah Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Johnson Albijah West Newton Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Jameson Rebecca R. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Jones Anna Indianapolis Marion Indiana
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Jones Mrs. J. O. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Jackson James Logansport Cass Indiana
1877 Jones Amanda Jonesboro Grant Indiana
1877 Johnson Emily Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Jones Maria H. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Joab C. W. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Johnson Clara L. Cambridge Wayne Indiana
1877 Jarrett Elizabeth Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Jarrett Mary Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Jones Mrs. J. H. Newport Campbell Kentucky
1877 john Reverend J. P. D. Moore's Hill Dearborn Indiana
1879 Johnson Emma F. Portland Jay Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne
1879 Jones Martha A. Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Cnti & Teacher in Training School 7 Fort Wayne Wales Fort Wayne & Indiana Holyoke Seminary 1866 Allen County
1880 Jones Alonze C. Hall Morgan Indiana 1880 Indianapolis Ungraded School 5 Clayton, Indiana Indiana Valparaiso Normal School 1875 Jasper County 20 60
1880 Johnson Effie C. Spencer Owen Indiana 1880 Indianapolis Spencer G. School 4 Spencer American Spencer High School 1877 Spencer 35 35
1880 Johnson Nora Spencer Owen Indiana 1880 Indianapolis
1881 Jacobs Mrs. H. B. New Albany Floyd Indianapolis
1881 Johnson Alice Marion Grant Indiana 1881 Indianapolis 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reader Grade 9 Lewisville Henry County American Terre Haute State Normal 1872 Hancock County 35 40.03
1881 Johnson B. F. Fowler Benton Indiana 1881 Indianapolis County Superintendent 15 Zanesville, Ohio American Bluffton High School 1866 Wells County 25 80?
1882 Johnson V. C. Stendal Pike Indiana Principal Stendal School Pike County Indiana Lebanon Normal 1874 Pike County Indiana 35 70
1882 Jones Ella M. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Teacher G. School Howard County Indiana America Indiana Normal 1876 Howard County Indiana 44 40
1883 Julian Will Spiceland Henry Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Indiana America Spiceland Academy 1876 Henry County 35 50
1883 Jones A. Glenwood Rush Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Village 4 Shelby County America Danville Normal 1875 Boone County 40 65
1883 Jones Mary Emma Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1883 Indianapolis Primary Greencastle America, Kentucky, Virginia Oxford, Ohio Seminary 1870 Greencastle 30 45
1884 Jay Eli Richmond Wayne Indiana
1884 Jordan Agnes Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1884 Indianapolis Hendricks County 2 Indianapolis Indianapolis 1883 Hancock County 38 48
1884 Jacques Lizzie Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1884 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 3 Thorntown Ohio Thorntown High School 1881 Boone County 30 40
1885 Jackson Mattie F. Logansport Cass Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 12 Richmond American Richmond High School 1883 Wayne County 20 40
1885 James Thomas N. Brazil Clay Indiana 1870 Terre Haute Common School 3 Indiana American Bloomingdale Academy 1869 Brazil 40 75
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1885 Johnson A. J. Newport Vermillion Indiana 1885 Indianapolis County Superintendent 8 Fountain County Indiana Common School & Wabash College 1873 Indiana 40 4 per day
1885 Johnston F. D. Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1885 Indianapolis near Aurora 3 1/2 Aurora Indiana Common Schools 1882 Dearborn 35 42
1885 Jarrett C. A. Ditney Warrick Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Principal Graded Schools 5 Warrick County Bloomington University 1880 Warrick County 38.2 75
1885 Jaquess Mary P. Mt. Vernon Posey Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 8 Owensville Terre Haute Normal 1875 Poseyville 40 45
1885 Jones Lida Jonesboro Grant Indiana 1885 Indianapolis Country School 10 West Milton, Ohio F. O. M. Indiana West Milton, Ohio 1874 Ohio 20 49
1886 Johnson James L. Burlington Carroll Indiana 1886 Indianapolis County Superintendent 21 Burlington Virginia Greencastle Mixed 1870 Carroll County 40 1000
1886 Johnson Helen South Bend St. Joseph Indiana 1886 Indianapolis Upper Intermediate South Bend 13 South Bend New England Valparaiso Normal 1873 St. Joseph County 25 40
1887 Jackman Mary E. Summit DeKalb Indiana 1887 Indianapolis 12 Indiana American Danville Normal 1872 DeKalb County 15
1887 Jackman Hattie Elkhart Elkhart Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Primary 2 Concord, New Hampshire American Elkhart High School 1885 Elkhart 30 40
1887 Jensen M. C. Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1887 Indianapolis Public Schools 6 Denmark Danish Crawfordsville Wabash College 1878 Greensburg 45 45
1888 Johnson Grace South Bend St. Joseph Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Teacher 3 South Bend, Indiana American South Bend High School 1886 St. Joseph County 40 40
1888 Jennings Flora Ellwood Madison Indiana 1888 Indianapolis 3rd & 4th Grades Anderson 5 Ellwood, Indiana German Ellwood Common 1883 Country 35 45
1888 Johnson Mrs. Mary E. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1888 Indianapolis Supervisor Drawing 17 Bangor, Maine American Massachusetts Art School Boston, Massachusetts 120
1888 Johnson J. L. Carroll Indianapolis
1889 Jenks Jeremiah W. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1889 Indianapolis Professor Economics and Social Science State University 8 St. Clair, Michigan American Ann Arbor University 1879 Mt. Morris, Illinois 70 170
1889 Jepson Lucy T. Washington Daviess Indiana 1889 Indianapolis 2nd Grade 4 Ohio American Washington, Indiana High School 1885 Washington 35 40
1889 Jones Kie Anderson Madison Indiana 1889 Indianapolis
1889 Jackson Quitman Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1889 Indianapolis County Superintendent 13 Indiana American Hancock Common & Township Graded 1876 Hancock County 35 100
1889 Jackson W. H. Rockport Spencer Indiana 1889 Indianapolis County Superintendent 8 Indiana American Lebanon, Ohio Normal 1880 Spencer County 35 100
1890 Johnson W. H. Vincennes Knox Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Richmond, Indiana American 1862 Washington County
1890 Johnson Mary Pawnee Montgomery Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Principal 5 Ladoga, Indiana American Terre Haute Normal 1884 Ladoga 40 60
1890 Jones Ralph W. Petersburgh Pike Indiana 1890 Indianapolis Principal 5 Franklin, Indiana Bloomington University 1883 Franklin 37.6 60
1891 Jones J. O. Wayback Carroll Indiana 1891 Indianapolis Teacher 20 Indiana American Indiana Normal 1872 Carroll 38 47
1891 Jaynes Libbie North Vernon Jennings Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Jones Frank L. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1892 Johnson Bertha Ekin Hamilton Indiana 1892 Indianapolis
1893 Johantgen Jennie Chesterfield Madison Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Juday C. C. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Jones A. W. Dunreith Henry Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1893 Jenna Elmer C. St. Paul Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Jackson James Logansport Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Jones J. B. Perrysburg Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Jarvis J. S. Brownsville Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Jordan Fred North Judson Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1894 Jeffers H. H. North Vernon Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Johnson Mary A. Lebanon Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Jennings Laura Lawrenceburg Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 James Ella (Mrs.) La Porte Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Johnson M. N. Anderson Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1895 Johnson J. W. Kokomo Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Jeffrey W. E. Groves Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Jackson Kate Decatur Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Keightly Mrs. M. A. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Killen T. P. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Kelley D. S. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Assistant Superintendent of Schools Evansville 4 Owen County Ohio Sullivan & Terre Haute Normal 1871 Owen County 30 80
1876 Krout Mary H. Crawfordsville Montgonery Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Dep. Grammar 5 Crawfordsville, Indiana Indiana & Kentucky Crawfordsville 1872 Montgomery County 43 50
1876 Kritz Henry S. Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Supterintendent Crawfordsville School 25 Jefferson County Indiana New York & Pennsylvania Hanover College 1853 Waveland 60 200
1876 King Isabella Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Teacher Primary School 4 London, England England St. Louis, Missouri Commercial 1873 Indianapolis 50 80
1876 Kane Kate Westfield Hamilton Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 1 Indiana American Westfield Common 1876 Near Westfield 38 38
1876 Kohler H. Frankfort Clinton Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Superintendent Clinton County 12 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania & Indiana University 1859 Clinton County 20
1876 Knowlton Fannie Logansport Cass Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 5th & 6th Years Logansport School 1/2 Logansport, Indiana American Logansport Training School 1876 Logansport 32 32
1877 Kirby Zell Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Common Schools 11 Decatur County Indiana American Greensburg High School 1866 Decatur County 35 45
1877 Kellum Lizzie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher & Gov. Colored Orphan School 2 Bridgeport American Richmond College 1875 Hendricks County Indiana 40 25
1877 Kice Mahala Martinsville Morgan Indiana 1877 Indianapolis 2nd Intermediate 7 Michigan New Jersey Michigan 1867 Michigan 7 47
1877 Keffer Monroe C. Cottage Grove Union Indiana 1874 Indianapolis 6 Union County Hartsville University 1872 Union County 40 50
1877 Kilpatrick Lillie Perrysville Vermillion Indiana 1877 Indianapolis District School 6 Perrysville, Indiana Ohio Perrysville High School 1871 Vermillion County Indiana 40 40
1877 Kendall Miss Frank Madison Jefferson Indiana 1861 Indianapolis Principal Ward School 20 New York
1877 Kessler F. C. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1877 Indianapolis District School 5 Jefferson County Moore's Hill College 1871 Jefferson County 35 45
1877 King William V. Franklin Johnson Indiana 7 North Vernon, Indiana Indiana 1868 Jennings 35 45
1877 Kinley Isaac New Castle Henry Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Kirlin Lizzie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Kent G. D. New Bradford White Indiana 1856 Lafayette County Examiner
1877 Kilborn L. S. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1856 Lafayette Teacher Lafayette Lebanon, Ohio Normal
1877 Kinman E. W. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Kulliner Miss Louisa Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Kimball Fort Wayne Allen Indiana
1877 Kilgore Miss B. Danville Hendricks Indiana
1877 Kirkwood Daniel Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1858 Indianapolis Professor Indiana State University Hartford County Indiana American York, Pennsylvania Academy
1877 Kirk Mary Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Kane Miss H. H. Kokomo Howard Indiana
1877 Kane Miss Maggie Kokomo Howard Indiana
Last edit about 1 year ago by MABarber
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 17 in total