


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1882 Quick Hugh S Columbus Bartholomew Ind 6 Columbus American Terre Haute & Franklin U & Coll 1871 Columbus 35 45
Last edit about 1 year ago by indjulia
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Reese Robert S. Belleville Hendricks Indiana 1852 Indianapolis
1876 Redding T.B. New Castle Henry Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Rankin James S. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Reasoner John R. Anderson Madison Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Read Professor Daniel LLD Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1857 Indianapolis Professor of Language, State University
1876 Rhodes William F. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Rhodes Jonathan J. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Rumsey John E. Tipton Tipton Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Roberts D.H. New Garden Wayne Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Richmond Mrs. Elizabeth Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1857 Indianapolis
1876 Ridpath Gillum Tullahoma Coffee Tennessee 5 Putnam County Indiana Virginia Greencastle University 1865 Douglas County Illinois 35
1876 Russell William Salem Washington Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Teacher County 10 Wayne County Indiana English Wayne County Indiana Common 1861 Webster Indiana 12 100
1876 Robinson S.R. Battle Ground Tippecanoe Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher Common School 3 Allen County Indiana Ohio Butler Indiana High School 1871 Allen County Indiana 30 45
1876 Robertson Carrie Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 3 Waldron County Indiana American Shelbyville High School 1875 Shelbyville 40 45
1876 Ridpath J.C. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1867 New Albany Superintendant 17 Putnam County Indiana Virginia Greencastle University 1857 Indiana 25 145
1876 Rucker T.H. Beech Grove Rush Indiana 1869 or 1871 Indianapolis Principal Burlington 16 Frankfort Kentucky Kentucky Hanover College 1861 Beech Grove 25 60
1876 Roudebush E.H. Irvington Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher Common Schools 7 Ohio Ohio Ohio & Indiana Colleges 1868 Ohio 40 47
1876 Raible Lizzie J. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Primary 2 Connersville Indiana Germany Indianapolis Common 1875 Indiana 45 50
1876 Rust H.L. Indianapolis Marion Indiana Indianapolis Superintendant Schools 10 Ohio New York Ingleside Academy 1865 Indiana 45 110
1876 Ropson Kate Indianapolis Marion Indiana 7 Indiana New York Indianapolis Seminary & Normal New York 35 80
1876 Richardson M.M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1864 Indianapolis Indianapolis Schools 15 Ontario County, New York American New York Grammar & Seminary Western New York 16 80
1876 Roberts J.B. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Principal High School 21 Illinois New York Yalesburg Illinois College 1848 Tazwell County 14 200
1876 Roseberry J.M. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis District 2 Jennings County Indiana Ohio & Indiana Nineveh Indiana Common 1875 Franklin Indiana 50 48
1876 Rogers A.E. Clayton Hendricks Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Teacher in Clayton 8 Clayton Indiana North Carolina Danville Indiana Academy 1866 Hendricks County 35 50
1877 Robinson Ray E. Broad Ripple Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Country School 7 Allen County Indiana American Common 1867 Allen County Schools 28 47
1877 Rankin Agnes R. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Graded School 5 Greencastle Indiana American Greencastle Indiana University 1872 Hendricks County Indiana 45
1877 Rankin Lou M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1870 Terre Haute Student 5 Greencastle Indiana American Greencastle Indiana University 1872 Hendricks County Indiana 45 50
1877 Richardson Charles Plymouth Marshall Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 3 Columbus Indiana American Bloomington Indiana University 1870 Tyner City Indiana 25 45
1877 Ramsay Jonathan A. Elletsville Monroe Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Superintendant Graded School 6 Portland Mills Indiana Kentucky Parke & Monroe Counties University 1866 Parke County Indiana 30 60
Last edit about 1 year ago by indjulia
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Ramage G. W. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1877 Indianapolis County Superintendent 5 Sharon, Ohio Ohio Ladoga Seminary 1872 Unionville, Indiana 25 80
1877 Rarick Charles W. Union City Randolph Indiana 1877 Indianapolis 4 Darke County, Ohio American Marietta, Ohio College 1866 Darke County, Ohio 40 60
1877 Ray Mattie R. Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1875 Indianapolis 3rd Primary 10 Missouri American Hannibal, Missouri Select 1867 Attica, Indiana 30 50
1877 Rennecamp Charles Fountaintown Shelby Indiana
1877 Rinard J. H. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 6 Pennsylvania American Valparaiso Normal 1870 Tippecanoe County 50 60
1877 Runkle J. D. L.L.D. Boston Suffolk Massachusetts 1877 Indianapolis President Massachusetts Institute Technology C
1877 Ragan James B. Belleville Hendricks Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Belleville School 3 Hendricks County Indiana Indiana Terre Haute Normal 1875 Hendricks County, Indiana 40 60
1877 Ratliff Cynthia Friendswood Hendricks Indiana 3 Henry County, Indiana Indiana 1872 Hendricks County, Indiana 45 45
1877 Robinson Mattie A. North Madison Jefferson Indiana 1867 New Albany Grammar 18 Indiana Indiana & Kentucky Salem College 1852 Salem
1877 Ralston Nettie Manville Jefferson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 1 Indiana Scotch Indiana 50 50
1877 Rennick Louie D. North Vernon Jennings Indiana Indianapolis 4 Cincinnati England & Ireland Cincinnati & North Vernon 1874 North Vernon 30 40
1877 Riley Phenia Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 3 Bedford, Indiana Indiana Bedford, Indiana High School 1874 Bedford, Indiana 50
1877 Rawlins Reverend B. F. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Greencastle University
1877 Roberts Mary Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Rhoads Ann E. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Rhoads Baskin E. Newport Vermillion Indiana 1856 Lafayette Teacher District School
1877 Ratliff William Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Rogers Miss Clara Richmond Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Rowell Miss M. Shelbyville Shelby Indiana
1877 Rawles Martha A. Westland Hancock Indiana
1877 Royce S. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1858 Terre Haute
1877 Rathenberger Jacob
1877 Riley S. H. 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Rugg Honorable S. L. Decatur Adams Indiana 1859 Indianapolis Oneida County, New York Superintendent of Public Instruction from 1859 to 1861 and 1863 to 1865
1877 Rugg D. W. C. Decatur Adams Indiana 1859 Indianapolis
1877 Reed J. R. Huntsville Bartholomew Indiana
1877 Royer Nellie Noblesville Hamilton Indiana
1877 Rice E. J. Newcastle Henry Indiana
1877 Russell Miss Reba West Newton Marion Indiana
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Reed J. J. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Rendall Miss F. M. C. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Ragan G. T. Bainbridge Putnam Indiana 1861 Indianapolis Principal Bainbridge Academy
1877 Ramsey J. E. Tipton Tipton Indiana
1877 Reed E. J. Hartsville Bartholomew Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Robinson Emma Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Rogers L. L. Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Greencastle University
1877 Railsback Mattie Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Robinson Mary Richmond Wayne Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Roberts Emma Milton Wayne Indiana
1877 Reynolds R. L. Annapolis Parke Indiana
1877 Rice Mrs. E. J. Newcastle Henry Indiana
1877 Rider Isaiah Indianapolis Marion Indiana Teacher Penmanship
1877 Raynor Miss L. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1877 Rippetoe J. L. Danville Hendricks Indiana Greencastle University
1877 Roedell C. Mount Carmel Franklin Indiana
1877 Rous John P. Thorntown Boone Indiana Greencastle University
1877 Rohrer J. H. Logansport Cass Indiana
1877 Ryder Faith Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Rous Mary A. Vevay Switzerland Indiana
1877 Ross Frank E. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Richards John Clinton Vermillion Indiana
1877 Robinson William A. New Goshen Vigo Indiana
1877 Rolfe John H. Chicago Cook Illinois Book Agent
1877 Reid G. I. Peru Miami Indiana County Examiner Merom College
1877 Reid Zella New Albany Floyd Indiana
1877 Rous Mrs. J. P. Thorntown Boone Indiana
1877 Royce Charles S. Norwalk Huron Ohio Aug 1859 Fort Wayne Lecturer
1877 Roddick Ophelia H. Washington Daviess Indiana 1869 Indianapolis Teacher 4th Year 15 Washington American Oxford; Washington Seminary Washington 10 50
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1879 Rubin Edward Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne 42 Hechingen, Hohenzollern, Prussia German Prussia University 1836 Hechingen
1879 Russell Mrs. Bina Marion Grant Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Teacher Randolph County 15 Lynn, Randolph County, Indiana North Carolina Richmond Normal Illinois Normal 1861 Cherry Grove, Randolph, Indiana 12 50
1879 Roberts Josie H. Huntington Huntington Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Primary 3 Brooklyn, New York English Brooklyn, New York Academy 1875 New Haven, Connecticut 40
1879 Randolph Orcena Lima Lagrange Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Teacher in Seminary 15 Ohio Eastern States Valparaiso Normal Elkhart County 14 25
1879 Roose Isaac Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Book Agent
1879 Robertson Maggie Wabash Wabash Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Primary 6 Warrensburg, New York Scotch Wabash, Indiana High School 1873 Wabash 40 42.5
1879 Remmel Ada E. Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Principal Training School 6 Stratford, Fulton County, New York German Fort Wayne Training & High School 1868 Stratford
1880 Reed William Hartford City Blackford Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Principal Hartford City Schools 16 East Liberty, Ohio Ohio & Michigan District & College 1860 West Mansfield, Ohio 16 65
1880 Reid Mary D. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Principal High School 20 Madison, Indiana American Madison, Indiana High School 1860 Madison, Indiana 25 90
1880 Reed Mrs. William Hartford City Blackford Indiana 1879 Indianapolis
1880 Robinson J. W. Bunker Hill Miami Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Superintendent Bunker Hill Schools 5 Wilmington, Ohio American Lebanon, Ohio 1874 Indiana 37.5 70
1880 Rosebury J. M. 1879 4.5 1875 50 56
1880 Riley Addie Bedford Lawrence Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Teacher in Martin County 3 Mitchell, Indiana American Bedford High School 1877 Lawrence 40 40
1880 Roth S. S. Bluffton Wells Indiana 1879 Indianapolis County Superintendent 11 Whitestown American College 1868 Prospect 120 100
1880 Ridenour C. S. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1879 Indianapolis Teaching 1.25 Indiana American Terre Haute State Normal 1876 Allen County, Indiana 35 40
1880 Ryan Mary South Bend St. Joseph Indiana 1879 Indianapolis District School Teacher 11 St. Joseph English & Irish South Bend & Terre Haute Normal 1864 St. Joseph County 16 40
1880 Ray Mattie R. Cambridge City & Attica Wayne Indiana 1875 Indianapolis
1880 Robinson Fannie M. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1880 Robinson Nora H. Richmond Wayne Indiana
1880 Ragan Dovey Clayton Hendricks Indiana 1880 Indianapolis Primary teacher 3 Clayton, Indiana Asbury Normal & Common School 1876 Hendricks County 44 42
1881 Ridpath Henry W. Paxton Ford Illinois 1881 Indianapolis Teacher at Paxton 1 Fillmore Virginia Asbury University 1881 Paxton 60
1881 Rodkey Lottie Shanghai Howard Indiana Indianapolis
1881 Ratliff Ryland Marion Grant Indiana 1881 Indianapolis Teaching 3 Marion American Marion & Spiceland Academy 1881 Grant County 39 39
1881 Rutledge L. E. Jeffersonville Clark Indiana 1867 New Albany 4th Grade 20 Jeffersonville English Clark, Madison, & Jefferson Common School 1858 Clark County 20 40
1882 Rank Wesley M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1872 Logansport Teaching Pickaway County, Ohio Americans Kingston, Ohio Academy 1863 Ross County, Ohio 20 70
1882 Rinehart M. L. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Principal 12 Virginia Maryland Dickinson Seminary 1870 Indiana 45 80
1882 Resser Samuel Silver Lake Kosciusko Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Principal 8 Virginia American Wintenberg College 1875 North Liberty
1882 Rigdon Jonathan Edinburg Johnson Indiana 1882 Indianapolis Principal Sang Hill School Grant County, Indiana Kentucky & Indiana Lebanon, Ohio Normal 1878 Shelby County 40 55
1882 Russell William Marion Grant Indiana
Last edit 8 months ago by indjulia
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 10 in total