


Page Status Transcribed


Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Stevens Moses C. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor Math Greenmount College 8 Windham, Maine Maine U.S.A. Providence, Rhode Island College 1846 Little Compton, Rhode Island $16 & board
1876 Stevens Mrs. M. C. Richmond Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Shortridge A. C. Milton Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Village School since Superintendent Indianapolis & President Purdue University 22 Henry County Indiana Kentucky Fairview & Greenmount College 1852 Dublin 10 250
1876 Serjeant John M. Taylorsville Bartholomew Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Sawyer Mrs. Ann E. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Stoddard O. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Stone J. M. South Hanover Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Smith Miranda Madison Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Stevens Mrs. S. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Stowell A. M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Sinex Rev. T. H. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1854 Indianapolis President Bloomington Female College
1876 Stubbs Mrs. Helen M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Shanklin J. M. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Sperbeck Dr. J. R. South Bend St. Joseph Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Shannon J. N. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Slone George B. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1855 Madison Resident Ed School Jour Superintendent City School
1876 Stevens S. C. 1855 Madison
1876 Smith Anna M. Covington Miami Ohio 1876 Indianapolis Advance Grammar Grade 5 Cincinnati American Shelbyville & Terre Haute Common & Normal 1869 Shelbyville, Indiana 35 45
1876 Starr Mrs. Maria F. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1870 Terre Haute 5th Year Grade 15 New London, Connecticut American Connecticut Connecticut 12 80
1876 Scott Mrs. Ella K. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1871 Indianapolis 3rd Year Grade 6 Ohio American Terre Haute High School 1870 Terre Haute 40 57
1876 Smith J. Carey Sabine Marion Indiana 1871 Indianapolis Marion County Schools 5 Indianapolis South Carolina & Kentucky Irvington University 1871 Marion County 40 50
1876 Stoddard Eva H. Shelbyville Shelby Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 3 Shelbyville, Indiana American Shelbyville, Indiana High School 1873 Shelbyville 40 45
1876 Spencer John W. Sullivan Sullivan Indiana 1870 Terre Haute Common School Teacher 31 Salem, Indiana New York Bloomington, Indiana University 1845 Sullivan County 25 45
1876 Stockwell L. A. Cloverdale Putnam Indiana 1876 Indianapolis County Superintendent Putnam County 10 Brattleboro, Vermont English Vermont & Indiana Common 1867 Putnam County Indiana 32 100
1876 Stockinger Henry Morris Ripley Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Common School 10 Batesville Batesville Lawrenceburg High School 1865 Ballstown 20 50
1876 Spear Robert Vandalia Owen Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Two Grades 5 Ohio English Valparaiso Normal 1871 Gasport 25 40
1876 Sanders W. F. L. Bloomington Monroe Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Assistant Preparatory Department Indiana State University 9 Maxville, Indiana American Bloomington University 1865 Perry County Indiana 30 66
1876 Spray S. J. Bridgeport Marion Indiana 1869 Indianapolis Principal 3 Bridgeport Richmond College 1865 Kansas 25 50
1876 Stoner J. A. Peru Miami Indiana 1870 Terre Haute Principal 10 Miami County Indiana German Peru & Logansport High School & College 1866 Miami County 35 50
Last edit 12 months ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Strayer N. B. Peru Miami Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 6 Miami County Indiana Virginia Richmond High School 1870 Miami County Indiana 35 45
1876 Siddall Augusta M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1872 Logansport Teacher in Indianapolis 5 Indiana Indiana & Pennsylvania Indianapolis Common 1872 Indianapolis 45 55
1876 Study Mary I. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1868 Richmond Teacher 6 Wayne County Indiana Maryland & North Carolina Wayne County & Indianapolis Common 1870 Indianapolis 45 55
1876 Swett Anna L. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher 2nd Year Work 1 Cincinnati, Ohio New York Cincinnati & Indianapolis Common & Training 1876 Indianapolis 45 45
1876 Study J. N. Anderson Madison Indiana 1868 Richmond Teacher Graded Schools 10 Wayne County Indiana United States Delaware, Ohio College 1864 Wayne County 33 1/3 1600 per year
1876 Smart James H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1866 Lafayette Superintendent Fort Wayne Schools 18 New Hampshire New Hampshire New Hampshire Academy 1858 New Hampshire 16
1876 Surface O. B. Stone's Crossing Johnson Indiana 11 Preble County, Ohio Ohio Lebanon, Ohio Normal 1864 Johnson County 35 45
1876 Smith W. P. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1875 Indianapolis County Superintendent 15 Hancock County Indiana Virginia & Indiana Indianapolis University 1860 Hancock County 20 80
1876 Smith Walter S. Charlottesville Hancock Indiana 1869 Indianapolis Principal Milroy School Rush County 8 1/2 Indianapolis South Carolina & Ohio Indianapolis College 1864 Marion County 45 125
1876 Smith Francis M. Coatesville Hendricks Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 1/4 Coatesville, Indiana Tennessee & Kentucky 1876 Hendricks County 40 40
1876 Spray Miss R. C. Plainfield Hendricks Indiana Primary 7 Bridgeport Ohio & Indiana Richmond College 20 55
1876 Spencer Elvira L. Greensboro Henry Indiana 2 Henry County Indiana Ohio & North Carolina Spiceland Academy 1871 Henry County 35 41
1876 Shaw Lilla H. Huntington Huntington Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Assistant High School 6 Rockland, Massachusetts Louisiana Boston, Massachusetts High School 1872 Newton, Massachusetts 30 50
1876 Stott W. T. Franklin Johnson Indiana 1856 Indianapolis President Franklin College 11 Vernon, Indiana Kentucky Franklin, Indiana College 1854 Vernon 13
1876 Stanley Mrs. Ruth Westfield Hamilton Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 7 Indiana Indiana Oxford, Ohio College 1869 Wabash County 30 50
1876 Sisson W. S. Hazleton Gibson Indiana 1873 Indianapolis District School 5 Switzerland County Indiana American Marengo Academy 1868 Crawford County 30
1876 Seely C. M. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Grammar Grade 16 New York New York Illinois Common 1858 Iowa 16 66 2/3
1876 Simms H. B. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1871 Indianapolis Intermediate Grade 8 New Albany Indiana New Albany Common 1867 Jeffersonville 15 37
1876 Snoke A. J. Princeton Gibson Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Superintendent Schools Princeton, Indiana 16 Ohio Maryland & New Jersey Salem, Ohio & Tiffin, Ohio High School & College 1860 Trimbull County Ohio 18 150
1876 Snoke Mrs. A. J. Princeton Gibson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Princeton School 8 New York New York Prattsbury, New York Academy 1868 Prattsbury 20 50
1876 Sisson J. S. Hazleton Gibson Indiana 1876 Indianapolis District School 8 Switzerland County Indiana American Vincennes, Mt. Carmel, Terre Haute, &c, &c Common 1867 Knox County 30 54
1876 Shannon W. P. Greensburg Decatur Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principal Greensburg High School 3 Decatur County Indiana Kentucky Oxford, Ohio College 1873 Glendale, Ohio 100 100
1876 Shewmaker M. H. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Principal Graded Schools 10 Harrison County Indiana Kentucky & Virginia Harrison County Common 1859 Harrison County 20 75
1876 Saffer Levi G. Muncie Delaware Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher Graded Schools 10 Harrison County Indiana Indiana Harrison County Common 1865 Harrison County 30 50
1877 Segar Rachel Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Teacher 2 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1877 Stilwell W. T. Fort Branch Gibson Indiana County Examiner Gibson County Indiana American Princeton, Kentucky & Newburgh College, Academy 80
1877 Smethers W. R. Laurel Franklin Indiana 1877 Indianapolis District Teacher 4 1/2 Tennessee Tennessee Pendleton, Indiana 1868 Madison County 35 50
1877 Smith J. T. New Albany Floyd Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Grammar School 12 Elizabeth, Indiana Pennsylvania Pittsburgh & Elizabeth High School 1864 New Boston, Indiana 40 95
1877 Stewart George H. Everton Fayette Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 2 Connersville Indiana Fayette County & Northern Indiana Nonial? Normal 1876 Fayette County 45 45
Last edit 12 months ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Seiler M. Auburn DeKalb Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Superintendent Auburn School 4 West Lebanon, Ohio Pennsylvania Terre Haute Normal 1869 Michigan 32 116 2/3
1877 Stewart Mollie D. Camden Carroll Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Primary Teacher 3 Carroll County Indiana Indiana Camden Common 1874 Camden, Indiana 40
1877 Schuck J. W. Thorntown Boone Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal School 8 Johnson County Indiana Kentucky Hanover College 30 80
1877 Swain R. L. Pendleton Madison Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 5 Pendleton, Indiana Pennsylvania Richmond Common 1872 Madison County 38 40
1877 Swain Fannie L. Pendleton Madison Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Pendleton, Indiana Pennsylvania Madison County Common
1877 Street Edna C. Mansfield Parke Indiana 1865 Terre Haute Primary Teacher Rushville 17 Toledo, Ohio New Jersey and Pennsylvania Evansville Grammar 1860 Doug - 13 40
1877 Sisson Dallas Dunreith Henry Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Cadiz 9 (?) Rush County Indiana New York Spiceland High School 1870 (?) Rush County Indiana 55 80
1877 Shotts O. A. Colfax Clinton Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Colfax School 6 Linden American Crawfordsville College 1871 Montgomery County 42 70
1877 Smith O. H. Rockport Spencer Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Teacher Common School 18 Fayette County Indiana New York Greencastle University 1854 Bainbridge, Indiana 15 135
1877 Smith Edward E. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Principal Academy Purdue University 10 Danville, Kentucky American Lexington, Kentucky University 1867 Kentucky University Lexington 40 165
1877 Studebaker Joe Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Student 5 Logansport American Terre Haute Normal 1872 Cass County 40 55
1877 Scovell J. T. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Teacher 5 Michigan New England Oberlin College 1872 Michigan 16 140
1877 Sherrick John R. Westfield Hamilton Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 4 Milton
1877 Simmons W. A. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1876 Indianapolis
1877 Smith R. A. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 1877 Indianapolis Teacher 5 Hancock County Indiana Indiana Common 1871 Hancock County Indiana 40 50
1877 Smith Rev. G. C. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1855 Madison Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church
1877 Shellenberger Mary Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Sprague Nellie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Stanley J. C. Dublin Wayne Indiana 1856 Indianapolis
1877 Smith Miss M. A. Greenwood Johnson Indiana 1855 (?) Madison (?)
1877 Sheeks Miss Lucena Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Smith Miss Frances Reynoldsville White Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1877 Snow B. P. Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana 1856 Indianapolis Principal High School
1877 Scott M. J. North Vernon Jennings Indiana
1877 Semans Miss L. F. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Semans Miss Jennie
1877 Scott Mrs.
1877 Sims Thorntown Boone Indiana
1877 Sturgus Z. B. Charlestown Clark Indiana 1859 Indianapolis Principal Seminary Hanover College
Last edit 11 months ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Smith Benjamin Wilson Aurora Dearborn Indiana Greencastle University
1877 Soule Moses Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Scearce John N. Danville Hendricks Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Smith M. J. Lancaster Jefferson Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Schumm J. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Smith Cyrus Indianapolis Marion Michigan 1856 Indianapolis Teacher 15 Ohio New Jersey Indianapolis Common & Seminary 1850 Marion County Indiana 16 120
1877 Stowell Miss S. H. Bainbridge Putnam Indiana 1858 Indianapolis Assistant Bainbridge Academy Maine American Maine Seminary
1877 Staley E. H. Battle Ground Tippecanoe Indiana 1858 Indianapolis
1877 Shortridge Mrs. S. E. Centreville Wayne Indiana
1877 Stafford Seth Jacksonburg Wayne Indiana
1877 Simonson G. A. Wayne
1877 Single Delia Columbus Bartholomew Indiana
1877 Shillito Mary Madison Jefferson Indiana
1877 Shillito Lucy Madison Jefferson Indiana
1877 Smith Miss Sarah A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Smith Anna M. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Snow Fannie Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Stotsenburg G. W. St. Paul Decatur Indiana
1877 Stiles Ellen M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Smith G. M. Battle Ground Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Stonecypher J. S. Hartsville Bartholomew Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Shuck Reverend David Hartsville Bartholomew Indiana 1862 Indianapolis President Hartsville College
1877 Stotsenburg Mrs. M. J. St. Paul Decatur Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Snoddy Mrs. C. D. Stitesville Hendricks Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Smith Ada Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Sturdevant Charles Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Principal Female School
1877 Smith James V. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Suffern J. W. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Secrest Alice E. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
Last edit 11 months ago by MABarber
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Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Saunders James Valley Mills Marion Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Stuart J. H. Mooresville Morgan Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Smith Fannie M. Brookston White Indiana 1862 Indianapolis
1877 Smith Eliza Milton Wayne Indiana
1877 Squires W. I. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Snoddy J. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Seely Laura Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Street Emma Evansville Vanderburgh Indiana
1877 Smith Maria H. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Schofield Anna Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Steer Katie Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Shidler Lizzie Greencastle Putnam Indiana
1877 Secrest Miss N. D. Greencastle Putnam Indiana
1877 Summers Lizzie Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana
1877 Shoemaker Miss M. Lawrenceburg Dearborn Indiana
1877 Street Enice C. Rockville Parke Indiana
1877 Snell Abbie Greensburg Decatur Indiana
1877 Smith Miss L. V. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana
1877 Slayback Miss Linnie Mulberry Clinton Indiana
1877 Smith R. A. Frankfort Clinton Indiana
1877 Shiver Rebecca R. Greensburg Decatur Indiana
1877 Sanford A. W. Marion Grant Indiana
1877 Stanley Eliza A. Plainfield Hendricks Indiana
1877 Stanley Emily Danville Hendricks Indiana
1877 Swift Mary H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Snoddy Mrs. J. H. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Summers Libbie Rising Sun Ohio Indiana
1877 Smith Nelson G. Battle Ground Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Sallins John M. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
Last edit 11 months ago by MABarber
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 16 in total