



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1876 Thompson Prof S. H. South Hanover Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor Hanover College
1876 Thompson W. E. Plainfield Hendricks Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Taylor Mrs. Margaret B. Madison Jefferson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Towne John P. Edinburg Johnson Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Terwilliger I. N. Anderson Madison Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Talbott Rev. J. C. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Todd C. N. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Teacher Female College
1876 Tanner Gordon Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Thornton H. J. Waveland Montgomery Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Tingley Joseph Greencastle Putnam Indiana 1854 Indianapolis Professor Natural Science Asbury University Greencastle College
1876 Twitchell D. S. Winchester Randolph Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Thornton E. C. New Garden Wayne Indiana 1854 Indianapolis
1876 Thom J. C. 1853 Madison
1876 Tarr Levi Thorntown Boone Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1876 Twining William Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1876 Trueblood A Canton Washington Indiana 1856 Lafayette
1876 Thompson Richard W. Terre Haute Vigo Indiana Secretary of Navy under Hayes Culpeper Virginia Virginia Privately 1831 Bedford
1876 Trussell Lizzie Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1876 Indianapolis 13 1/2 Brook County West Virginia Brook County West Virginia Glasgow Missouri College 1848 Brook County West Virginia 10 50
1876 Thompson T. L. Monrovia Morgan Indiana 1876 Indianapolis Principle Bellville Schools 3 Monrovia Indiana Indianapolis College 1873 Morgan County 45 60
1876 Taffe Kate Cumberland Marion Indiana 1871 or 1873 Indianapolis 12 Indianapolis Kentucky Bloomington Illinois Academy 1864 Marion County 40 47
1876 Thomas Alice B. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1872 Logansport Teacher Indianapolis 5 Indiana Ohio & Pennsylvania Indianapolis Common 1872 Indianapolis 45 55
1876 Thompson Kate A. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1874 Indianapolis Primary
1876 Tattersall Alice Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Teacher grade 7 Year Work 2 Cincinnati Ohio England & Alabama Indianapolis Common 1874 Indianapolis 45 50
1876 Townsend R. A. Vincennes Knox Indiana 1873 Indianapolis Principal High School 10 Lancaster Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Lewisburg College 1867 Lancaster 70 150
1876 Trueblood Rebecca Carmel Hamilton Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Indianapolis 12 Indiana Indiana & North Carolina Richmond College 1860 Lafayette 25 57
1876 Tiffany E. H. Greenfield Hancock Indiana 9 Perry County Ohio Yankee Meigs County Ohio Common 1866 West Virginia 16.33 40
1876 Trueblood Nora E. Kokomo Howard Indiana 1875 Indianapolis Kokomo 6 Russiaville Indiana Indiana Lebanon & Richmond Normal & College 1867 Russiaville 35 45
1876 Thornburg J. W. Portland Jay Indiana 1869 Indianapolis Student 5 Delaware County Indiana Ohio Muncie Indiana & Lebanon Ohio High School & Normal 1865 Near Muncie Indiana 33.33 80
1876 Tufts Frank H. Aurora Dearborn Indiana 1862 Indianapolis Principle School Milton Indiana 16 Farmington Maine Maine Yellow Springs Ohio College 1853 Dearborn County Indiana 25 125

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