Status: Page Status Transcribed
Date (Year) | Last Name | First Name | Post Office | County | State | Became a Member: When | Became a Member: Where | Position at Time of Becoming a Member | Years of Experience | Place of Birth | Nativity of Parents | Educated: Where | Educated: Grade of School | Began Teaching: When | Began Teaching: Where | Salary per mo. when began teaching | Salary per mo. now |
1877 | Toby | Hannah | Terre Haute | Vigo | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Towns | Mary | Dublin | Wayne | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Thompson | Mrs. C. C. | Danville | Hendricks | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Terry | Miss M. | Columbus | Bartholomew | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Townsend | J. M. | Staunton | Clay | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Travis | William | Centre Point | Clay | Indiana | County Examiner Clay County | |||||||||||
1877 | Twiss | G. W. | Columbus | Franklin | Ohio | Book Agent | |||||||||||
1877 | Taylor | Jennie V. | Jefferson | Franklin | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Thompson | S. P. | Rensselaer | Jasper | Indiana | County Examiner | |||||||||||
1877 | Taggart | Mary J | Laporte | Laporte | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Todd | Annetta | Indianapolis | Marion | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Tyson | Ella. S. | Indianapolis | Marion | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Taylor | Mary A. | Lafayette | Tippecanoe | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Thompson | Mrs. R. L. | Lafayette | Tippecanoe | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Thompson | M. Anna | Lafayette | Tippecanoe | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Thomas | Carrie E. | Williamsport | Warren | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Timberlake | Edward | Richmond | Wayne | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Trueblood | Benjamin | Salem | Washington | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1877 | Tousley | O. V. | New Albany | Floyd | Indiana | Principal | |||||||||||
1877 | Townley | J. | |||||||||||||||
1877 | Tewkesbury | M. W. | Mendota | LaSalle | Illinois | Book Agent | |||||||||||
1877 | Todd | Reverend O. M. | Muncie | Delaware | Indiana | County Superintendent | |||||||||||
January 1879 | Thorp | E D | Logansport | Cass | Indiana | ||||||||||||
1879 | Tarbell | H. S. | Indianapolis | Marion | Indiana | 1879 | Fort Wayne | Superintendent City Schools | 20 | Chelsea Vermont | New England | Middletown Connecticut | University | 1859 | Belleville Ontario | 70 | 250 |
1879 | Thomas | Evan L | Richmond | Wayne | Indiana | 1879 | Fort Wayne | District | 6 | Pennville Jay County Indiana | American | Terre Haute | Normal | 1872 | Wayne County Indiana | 40 | 50 |
1879 | Thompson | Mary L | Fort Wayne | Allen | Indiana | 1872 | Logansport | Principal? | 9 | Durham New Hampshire | American | Concord New Hampshire | High School | ||||
1879 | Tyler | John L | Fort Wayne | Allen | Indiana | 1879 | Fort Wayne | Teacher Penmanship | 25? | Chesterfield New Hampshire | Chesterfield New Hampshire | New Hampshire and Vermont | Common and University | 1845 | New Hampshire | 80 | |
December 1879 | Tilson | A. M. | Indianapolis |
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