



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1877 Toby Hannah Terre Haute Vigo Indiana
1877 Towns Mary Dublin Wayne Indiana
1877 Thompson Mrs. C. C. Danville Hendricks Indiana
1877 Terry Miss M. Columbus Bartholomew Indiana
1877 Townsend J. M. Staunton Clay Indiana
1877 Travis William Centre Point Clay Indiana County Examiner Clay County
1877 Twiss G. W. Columbus Franklin Ohio Book Agent
1877 Taylor Jennie V. Jefferson Franklin Indiana
1877 Thompson S. P. Rensselaer Jasper Indiana County Examiner
1877 Taggart Mary J Laporte Laporte Indiana
1877 Todd Annetta Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Tyson Ella. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana
1877 Taylor Mary A. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Thompson Mrs. R. L. Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Thompson M. Anna Lafayette Tippecanoe Indiana
1877 Thomas Carrie E. Williamsport Warren Indiana
1877 Timberlake Edward Richmond Wayne Indiana
1877 Trueblood Benjamin Salem Washington Indiana
1877 Tousley O. V. New Albany Floyd Indiana Principal
1877 Townley J.
1877 Tewkesbury M. W. Mendota LaSalle Illinois Book Agent
1877 Todd Reverend O. M. Muncie Delaware Indiana County Superintendent
January 1879 Thorp E D Logansport Cass Indiana
1879 Tarbell H. S. Indianapolis Marion Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Superintendent City Schools 20 Chelsea Vermont New England Middletown Connecticut University 1859 Belleville Ontario 70 250
1879 Thomas Evan L Richmond Wayne Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne District 6 Pennville Jay County Indiana American Terre Haute Normal 1872 Wayne County Indiana 40 50
1879 Thompson Mary L Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1872 Logansport Principal? 9 Durham New Hampshire American Concord New Hampshire High School
1879 Tyler John L Fort Wayne Allen Indiana 1879 Fort Wayne Teacher Penmanship 25? Chesterfield New Hampshire Chesterfield New Hampshire New Hampshire and Vermont Common and University 1845 New Hampshire 80
December 1879 Tilson A. M. Indianapolis

Notes and Questions

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It appears that 1878 has been skipped. Intentional or accidental?


"Became a member: When" and "Where" sections appear water-damaged. Unsure if this occurred on this particular page or not.


Struggled to read "Position at time of becoming a member" section.


Greetings! For the 1878 question, we may never know. The problematic sections appear to me to be foxing, that is bleed through from other pages. This might have been caused by water damage. The transcription looks great, thanks for the hard work!