



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Date (Year) Last Name First Name Post Office County State Became a Member: When Became a Member: Where Position at Time of Becoming a Member Years of Experience Place of Birth Nativity of Parents Educated: Where Educated: Grade of School Began Teaching: When Began Teaching: Where Salary per mo. when began teaching Salary per mo. now
1893 Winans B.A. Decatur Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1893 Ward Anna Edinburg Indiana 1893 Indianapolis
1894 Waller Madge Muncie Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Willcuts R. Lou C. Marion Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Willcuts Alice Marion Indiana 1894
1894 Wray Ida Greensburg Indiana 1894
1894 Williams Blanch D. Columbus Indiana 1894
1894 Wyandt I. W. Angola Indiana 1894
1894 Winchester Clarabel Greensburg Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Woolley A. C. Kokomo Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Webb S. A. Louisville Kentucky 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Wells J. M Marion Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Whitemack Edith Terre Haute Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Wallace Wilmina Veedersburg Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Watt Lydia Oakland City Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Walker S. B. Pendleton Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Wort W. A. Redkey Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Werk N. L. Kansas Illinois 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Weedman G. P. Cannelton Indiana 1894 Indianapolis
1894 Warfel Nannie Monticello Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Wolfe Bertha Mitchell Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Willieard Miss Rosa Shelbyville Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Wilson C. B. Versailles Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Wallas William A. Washington Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Waldschmidt William M. Clinton Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Wise H. O. Fort Wayne Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Wharton Flora Flora Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Weir D. L. Muncie Indiana 1895 Indianapolis
1895 Waltz Edith Greencastle Indiana 1895 Indianapolis

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