Status: Page Status Transcribed
Date (Year) | Last Name | First Name | Post Office | County | State | Became a Member: When | Became a Member: Where | Position at Time of Becoming a Member | Years of Experience | Place of Birth | Nativity of Parents | Educated: Where | Educated: Grade of School | Began Teaching: When | Began Teaching: Where | Salary per mo. when began teaching | Salary per mo. now |
1895 | Winter | Dr. G. G. | Shelbyville | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Wichman | Mary | Columbus | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Wellman | Mrs. May | New Salem | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Wheeler | Mrs. L. E. | Monticello | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Wicht | Kate | Sellersburg | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Walkup | Mary E. | New Ross | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Walton | Kate | Thorntown | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis | |||||||||||
1895 | Wisely | J. B. | Terre Haute | Indiana | 1895 | Indianapolis |
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