




county: Allen

township: Aboite

commissioner: Alx LeBoyles

page-number: 5

Name Crossed Out? No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
false 1 Osker S Barney 21 88th Farmer true
false 2 Nicholas Rear 34 88th Farmer true
false 3 Joshua Crawford 26 88th Farmer true
false 4 Hiram Graves 26 12th Farmer true
false 5 Henry Roads 24 44th Farmer true
false 6 MS Niles 36 12th Mechanic true
false 7 Robert W Hops 33 88th true
false 8 Frank M Paterson 21 88th true
false 9 Michael Caroll 50 44th Farmer true
false 10 Asa Turner 23 30th Farmer true
false 11 John Stilts 18 12th Farmer true
false 12 Henry Rily 22 12th Farmer true
false 13 Thomas Rily 17 12th Farmer true
false 14 William Bowers 26 34th Farmer true
false 15 Wilson Jonson 35 12th Mechanic true
false 16 Kyle Gaskill 23 75th Farmer true
false 17 William A Kelsey 21 44th true
false 18 Andrew Hatfield 24 75th Farmer true
false 19 Andrew Lowe 30 30th Mechanic true
false 20 Samuel L Bayless 22 44th Farmer true
false 21 Marcus W Bayless 32 44th Farmer false Died in service
false 22 Thomas Zentz 19 47th Farmer true
false 23 Henry Zentz 26 47th Farmer true
false 24 Jeremiah Gorarn 25 88th Farmer true
false 25 Samuel N Lovewood 18 47th Farmer false Died in service
false 26 John W Rine 20 47th Farmer true
false 27 John Smarts 23 30th Farmer true
false 28 Noah Napper 22 88th Farmer true
false 29 David Crouse 21 12th Farmer true
false 30 George Crouse 18 12th Farmer true
false 31 Joe Stull 20 15th Farmer true
false 32 George Stull 17 11 Batt Farmer true
false 33 Andrew Cunningham 30 30th Farmer false Died in service
false 34 Robert Burk 31 30th Farmer false Died in service
false 35 Sherman L Bulard 26 47th Farmer true
false 36 Frederick Fry 20 12th Farmer true
false 37 Henry Fry 19 12th Farmer true
false 38 William J Stuk 25 47th Farmer true
false 39 Samuel W Stuk 21 47th Farmer true
false 40 Samuel M Ingram 28 88th Farmer true
false 41 John Butler 32 88th Farmer true
Last edit 7 months ago by Nathan_IARA


County: Allen

Township: Aboit

Commissioner: Alx H Bayless

Page Number: 6

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
42 Jos M Evins 22 47th Farmer true
43 Alvin A Thatcher 22 88th Farmer true
44 Jos Foltz 26 47th Farmer true
45 Saml Foltz 18 12th Farmer true
46 Robert Green 34 11 Batt Farmer true
47 T T Wilson 30 88th Farmer true
48 Paul T King 27 88th Farmer true
49 Jos W Leesman 20 74th Farmer true
50 Chas Jonson 25 44th Farmer true
51 Henry Helley 22 30th Farmer true
52 Jos Foursyth 36 88th Farmer true
53 Ermine M Smith 29 30th Farmer true
Last edit over 2 years ago by Myren Mitchell


County: Allen

Township: Adams


Page Number: 15

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
1 Joseph W Whitaker 37 30 Blacksmith true 3 years in service
2 Charles Zollinger 30 30 Blacksmith true 3 years in service
3 George W Louthen 30 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
4 Douglas Phelps 24 30 Farmer true 3 years in service
5 John Brooks 45 30 Butcher true Dischd Rupture 3 years in service
6 John Rulo 26 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
7 Cyrus Fike 24 30 Laborer true Dischd wounded in battle 3 years in service
8 error false
9 Horace Wright 23 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
10 Robert Bell 21 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
11 George W Bell 27 30 Clerk true 3 years in service
12 Abraham Cochafew 32 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
13 William Lamb 20 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
14 James Richards 26 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
15 Tobias Fike 22 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
16 William Fulton 36 30 Miller true Dead in service 3 years in service
17 Robert Castle 35 30 Butcher true Discharged wounded in battle 3 years in service
18 Porter Chamberlain 28 30 Laborer true 3 years in service
19 John Boseker 32 30 Carpenter true Killed in battle 3 years in service
20 James Dawkins 28 30 Farmer true 3 years in service
21 William Perrin 30 30 Cooper true 3 years in service
22 Thomas Brooks 35 30 Plasterer true 3 years in service
23 John Jr Tuistner 24 30 Farmer true 3 years in service
24 Peter Miller 23 39 Farmer true Discharged 3 years in service
25 Zachariah Miller 18 30 Fifer true Discharged 3 years in service
26 Elias Miller 21 30 Laborer true Died in service 3 years in service
27 Isaac Miller 20 16 Ind Batt Laborer true 3 years in service
28 Jacob Compton 18 16 Ind Batt Laborer true 1 year term out
29 Milton Thompson 24 12 Laborer true discharged 3 years
30 Milo Thompson 22 13 Laborer true served time out 1 year
31 Henry Kellinger 23 12 Cooper true died in service 3 years in service
32 William Deiser 21 30 Farmer true 3 years in service
33 Cyrus Bryant 33 88 Sawyer true 3 years in service
34 Isaac Bateman 31 88 Preacher true 3 years in service
35 Charles Beugnot 20 88 Cooper true 3 years in service
36 Isaac Kindrick 21 88 Laborer true 3 years in service
37 Hubert Bell 20 88 Teamster true 3 years in service
38 Joseph Peter 22 88 Laborer true 3 years in service
39 Cyrus Fike 88 Laborer true 3 years in service
40 Milton Thompson 88 Laborer true 3 years in service
41 Henry Shob 20 88 Teamster true 3 years in service
42 Abraham Lowry 88 Carpenter true 3 years in service
Last edit about 2 years ago by Megan Morrison


County: Allen

Township: Adams


Page Number: 16

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
43 Alexander Voteran 22 88 Laborer true
44 Franklin C Bauerman 24 88 Clerk true
45 Benjamin F Tinkham 26 20 School Teacher true
46 Christopher Bridgeman 30 Laborer true Killed in Battle
47 James Wright 28 30 Laborer true
48 Joseph Devese 23 30 Blacksmith true
49 Thomas Devese 21 30 Laborer true
50 Samuel Peters 20 30 Laborer true
51 John Bar 28 88 Laborer true
52 James Brown 27 88 Laborer true
53 Edward Holcomb 24 30 Laborer true
54 George Dekay 38 44 Carpenter true
55 Simon VanLear 22 30 Laborer true
56 William Strong 20 30 Farmer true
57 Levi H Miller 22 88 Laborer true
58 John Day 88 Laborer true
59 William Stacks 32 10 Stone Cutter true Wounded
60 John Dingman 27 88 Laborer true
61 Peter Razor 25 30 Laborer true
62 Edward Bingham 30 30 Laborer true
63 Henry Miller 23 30 Laborer true
64 William Dein 30 Laborer true Died in service
65 Joshua Kelley 23 30 Cooper true
66 Mathias Conrad 18 88 Farmer true
67 John Hull 21 16 Ind Batt Farmer true
68 Hiram Hutchinson 18 30 Farmer true
69 John Hutchinson 35 30 Farmer true Died in service
70 Matthew M Preston 21 19 true
71 Madison A Klinger 21 88 Farmer true
72 Augustus Koch 18 16th Batt Laborer true
73 Nathaniel Koch 23 74 Laborer true
74 Homer Stow 23 30 Laborer true Died in service
75 Peter Battzell 23 30 Laborer true
76 John Noonen 28 16th Batt Laborer true
77 Andrew Battzell 25 44 Laborer true Killed in battle
78 Christopher Rourke 25 88 Laborer true
79 Isaac Rhodes 30 88 Laborer true
80 John Turner 21 88 Laborer true
81 Daniel Donovan 30 30 true
82 Asa C Mason 26 30 true
83 Harrison Jameson 26 30 Plasterer true
84 John Rhodes 24 30 Laborer true
Last edit about 2 years ago by Megan Morrison


County: Allen

Township: Adams


Page Number: 17

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
85 Danil Hoboker 30 30 Farmer true
86 Bradford Stevens 21 9 Laborer false
87 Allen Goddard 22 30 Laborer true
88 Harrison R Goddard 20 30 Laborer true
89 Frank Carter 30 30 Laborer true
90 Henry C McMaken 18 55 Farmer true
91 Christian Bishoff 38 12 Farmer true
92 Conrad Rohlink 26 60 Laborer true
93 Conrad Shoemaker 19 60 Laborer true
94 Marcus Tilberry 21 30 Farmer true
95 Nahman Tilberry 23 30 Farmer true
96 Anthony Horstman 23 42 Laborer true
97 Charles W Ledovick 28 30 Farmer true
98 William Ludovick 22 30 Farmer true
99 Joseph Ludovick 18 11th Batt Farmer true
100 Frederick Tobolson 25 88 Farmer true
101 Edward Strack 19 30 Farmer true
102 William Edsall 20 30 Farmer true
103 Peter Edsall 22 30 Farmer true
104 Oliver Tickel 22 30 Farmer true
105 Joseph Beechman 24 12 Laborer true
106 Joseph Barr 30 11 Laborer true
107 Isaac Barr 22 true
108 Phillip Michael 22 74 true
109 Alexander Reynolds 23 44 true
Last edit over 2 years ago by Myren Mitchell
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 50 in total