


Page Status Needs Review


County: Bartholomew

Township: Haw Creek

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer ?

Page Number: 71

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
82 Henry Case 21 67th Student true
83 Josiah Fultz 28 6th Saddler true
Charles Chitterden 17 22nd Farmer true
84 Finley Rixler 18 6th Farmer true
85 Henry H Crist 30 33rd Teamster true
86 Henry Benham 21 33rd Carter ? true
87 Henry M Rhodes 24 33rd Carpenter false Disability
88 Harman Casteel 19 33rd Farmer true
89 Squire Riley 22 23rd Teacher true
90 Joseph Patterson 27 5 Ohio Shoemaker true
91 Felix Williams 20 7th Blacksmith true
92 Milton F Dixon 36 12th Merchant false Twelve months service
93 Alexander Gilliland 20 17th Farmer true
94 William Roam ? 31 17th Farmer true
95 Thomas F Butler 27 76th Farmer true
96 Dudley Price 18 Farmer true
97 Jesse Atchison 21 33rd Farmer true
98 Thomas Rominger 20 67th Farmer true
99 Samuel Whitman 32 33rd Farmer true
100 Charles Thole ? 48 33rd Baker true
101 Lewis Snider 21 67th Farmer true
102 Alexander Holland 20 67th Farmer true
103 George Keck 22 33rd Blacksmith false Died in service
104 Benjamin Robinson 20 22nd Apprentis true
105 Owen Billiard 22 67th Blacksmith true
106 Clinton Neligh ? 16 67th Apprentis true
George ?????er 18 33rd Apprentice true
107 Charles Reinsmith 24 33rd Tinner false Died in service
108 Walter Miller 24 33rd Painter true
109 Hannan ? F Schafer 27 Butcher true
110 David Cummings 24 22nd Farmer true
111 Julius Lookenbaugh 22 33rd Carpenter true
112 James H McKinley 20 67th Mason true
113 Jacob Shult ? 33 67th Carpenter true
114 John Gambold 28 67th Carpenter true
115 John S?ine 26 67th Farmer true
116 John W Smith 28 67th Laborer true
117 William Winters 28 67th Saddler true
118 Alexander ????lte 20 33rd Farmer true
119 Alfredo Rhodes 28 67th Carpenter true
120 Racae ? Ernest 20 33rd Laborer true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
Page Status Needs Review


County: Bartholomew

Township: Haw Creek

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer ?

Page Number: 72

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
121 Alexander D Alexander 21 33rd Farmer true
122 William Hauser 34 33rd Carpenter true
123 William Wohler 25 33rd Farmer true
124 William F Vogler 18 33rd Mechanic false Died in service
125 Edward Baughman 28 33rd Teacher true
126 Edward Sanders 25 33rd Laborer true
127 Christopher C Painter ? 2 33rd Farmer true
128 Alexander Lamon 19 33rd Plasterer true
129 Henry Christison 23 33rd Laborer true
130 David Christison 30 33rd Brick mason true
131 Charles F Brindle 23 33rd Clerk true
132 Albert Miller 30 33rd Laborer true
133 George Miller 25 33rd Mason false Wounded in hip
134 Henry Butner 28 33rd Blacksmith true
135 James Israel 20 67th Carpenter true
136 Charles West 22 67th Cooper true
137 Benton Borah 18 67th Farmer true
138 Charles Porter 22 33rd Teacher true
139 Annanias Graham 23 33rd Farmer true
140 Samuel Harris 19 33rd Laborer true
141 John H Reed 20 67th Farmer true
142 Emanuel Sowers 27 67th Farmer true
143 William I Motts ? 22 33rd Laborer true
144 Frederick Bowers 25 33rd Grocer true
145 Adolphua Stinson 25 6th Saddler true
146 George L Scott 30 33rd Tinner true
147 Richard Higgins 24 33rd Laborer true
148 Henry A Rothmek ? 26 33rd Blacksmith true
149 John Crouch 28 33rd Plasterer true
150 James Nickison 32 33rd Laborer true
Scott Carter 22 Unknown Farmer true
151 Frederick Belt ? 20 33rd Laborer true
152 James Q McLain 26 54th Painter true
153 John Ranks 30 67th Laborer true
154 Moses Crouch 25 7th Teamster true
155 Alonzo Hichburn ? 23 33rd Cooper true
156 George Holder 20 33rd Laborer true
157 Franklin B Tumer ? 24 33rd Farmer true
158 Benjamin F Jones 19 12th Laborer true
159 Bennett Miller 24 33rd Farmer true
160 Hugh McCalip 27 67th Tanner true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
Page Status Needs Review


County: Bartholomew

Township: Haw Creek

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer ?

Page Number: 73

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
161 Frelden McCaless 29 67th Laborer true
162 John Hall 16 67th Laborer true
163 John Carroll 20 12th Laborer true
164 David Vanskike 27 12th Farmer true
165 Henry Hall 20 12th Farmer true
166 John Burchem 31 67th Farmer true
167 Lewis Burchem 22 33rd Farmer true
168 William Patterson 30 5 Ohio Farmer true
169 John ? Hickox 19 67th Farmer true
170 George Bruner 19 67th Farmer true
171 Sandford A Reed 25 67th Farmer true
172 Richard Drake 21 67th Laborer true
173 Cyrus F Mullen 17 22nd Student true
174 John Clark 31 67th Laborer true
175 Charles H Snider 23 67th Farmer true
176 John W Simmons 22 33rd Farmer true
177 Thomas H Simmons 21 33rd Farmer true
178 Christopher Hemody ? 19 67th Farmer true
179 William Williams 22 33rd Farmer true
180 Henry F ? Williams 20 33rd Farmer true
181 William A Rominger 20 33rd Farmer true
182 Thomas W Rominger 19 33rd Farmer true
183 William H ? Reed ? 21 67th Farmer true
184 Joel Drake 32 33rd Farmer false Died in service
185 Lewis Hines 25 67th Farmer true
186 Francis O ? Sink 21 33rd Laborer true
187 David Boicourt 24 33rd Farmer true
188 John Hornady 21 33rd Farmer true
189 Simon Shore 20 33rd Farmer true
190 Henry J Holden 20 33rd Farmer true
191 Lewis Holden 25 33rd Farmer false Disease of Heart
192 Eli Zeigler 42 67th Farmer true
193 Gabriel A Bumpars ? 23 33rd Lofer (?) true
194 Henry Korsman ? 23 8th Farmer true
195 Elisha Burket 18 67th Farmer true
196 Mathias Collins 67th Farmer true
197 Charles Bittrick 36 33rd Butcher true
198 Charles Michael 33rd Blacksmith true
199 Levi L Levening ? 24 33rd Carpenter true
200 William Hill 33rd Farmer true
201 George Hartzell 30 ? 37th Blacksmith true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
Page Status Transcribed


County: Bartholomew

Township: Haw Creek

Commissioner: Simeon Stamifer

Page Number: 74

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
202 Henry Miller 33 Cabinet maker true
203 Sherman Voight 18 33 Tinner true
204 John G. Aldridge 24 77 Farmer true
205 David Dunbar 22 77 Farmer true
206 Benjamin Aldridge 32 77 Farmer true
207 Edward Millis 77 Farmer true
208 Bernhard Dale 18 77 Farmer true
209 Martin Marlin 20 77 Farmer true
210 Henry Clander 21 67 Farmer true
211 Henry Schultz 18 67 Farmer true
212 Jonas Loback 22 33 Laborer true
213 Elijah Loback 24 33 Laborer true
214 Julius Essex 20 33 Farmer true
215 John Kendall 21 33 Farmer true
216 Alfred Dustin 28 77 Farmer true
217 Joseph Gambold 40 67 Farmer true
218 Augustus Bruner 21 67 Farmer true
219 John Hall 20 67 Farmer true
220 William Showalter 18 67 Farmer true
221 Irvin Shultz 18 67 Farmer true
222 Martin Eastman 23 67 Farmer true
223 Orlando Smith 22 100 Ohio Farmer true
224 James Brown 25 67 Farmer true
225 William Kendall 22 67 Farmer true
226 John Hall 30 33 Farmer true
227 James Crouch 30 33 Farmer true
228 John A. Miller 28 33 Farmer true
229 Thomas Smiley 22 77 Farmer true
230 Lewis Dillman 22 33 Farmer true
231 George Frotter 24 12 Farmer true
232 Charles Snider 21 33 Farmer true
233 Julius Woehler 20 33 Farmer true
234 John W. Dearer 20 6 Farmer false 3 months service
Last edit over 2 years ago by elitranscribes
Page Status Needs Review


County: Bartholomew

Township: Jackson

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer ?

Page Number: 77

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
1 Miles ? V Morrison 24 22nd Farmer true
2 Albert Morrison 22 22nd Farmer true
3 John Morrison 20 12th Farmer true
4 Robert Morrison 18 12th Farmer true
5 Joseph F Richards 20 22nd Farmer false Died in service Oct 1861
6 Noah Waultand ? 22 12th Farmer true
7 William Beckwith 50 39th Farmer true
8 J??el Beckwith 28 12th Cooper true
9 George Jr Coons 23 13th Farmer true
10 James A Cooper 18 12th Farmer true
11 John Wm Rante ? 26 39th Farmer true
12 Robert Elkins 21 12th Farmer true
13 Abram Sutherland 21 22nd Farmer true
14 Alexander Osborn 16 12th Farmer true
15 Frederick Sittoh 22 8th Blacksmith false
16 Herman Vonstra? 24 22nd Farmer true
17 Henry Poppenhouse 20 22nd Laborer true
18 Noah Cooley 43 39th Gunsmith false General disability
19 Philip J Coons 28 22nd Farmer false Chronic Rheumatism
20 John P Miller 20 22nd Farmer false Died in service May 11 1862
21 Philip Jarrett 28 12th Farmer true
22 John L Mitchell 22 39th Farmer true
23 Charles H Mitchell 18 39th Farming true
24 George M D Mitchell 16 39 Farming true
25 Samuel T Griggs 32 12th Laborer true
26 John H Nolte ? 27 38th Farmer true
27 William Noblitts 32 39th Farmer false Died in hospital May 1862
28 William E Noore 23 39th Wagon maker false Rheumatism
29 Joseph Cooley 39 12th Farmer true
30 Elnathan Davis 24 12th Farmer true
31 Johnson Hayden 21 39th Farmer true
32 Mortimer Stibs 23 13th Blacksmith true
33 Charles L??kan 23 22nd Laborer true
34 Martin L Critchfield ? 21 22nd Painter true
35 William Jr Critchfield 17 22nd Farmer true
36 William Winesburg 42 12th Cooper true
37 John Dugan 23 33rd Farmer true
38 Robert O Richards 29 39th Cooper true
39 Frank Weddell 28 Farmer true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 45 in total