


Page Status Transcribed


County: Bartholomew

Township: Union

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer

Page Number: 109

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
1 Luther H Wineship 20 27th Farming false Dead
2 John Roberts 22 79th Cooper true
3 Vincent Browning 19 79th Farming true
4 Thomas Browning 21 27th Farming true
5 Robert Foster 21 27th Farming true
6 John Warner 20 13th Farmer true
7 John Din 24 27th Farmer true
8 James Din 22 27th Farmer true
9 Elad Clark 19 53rd Laborer true
10 Edward Cole 23 7 Battery Laborer true
11 John Stults 30 7 Battery Laborer true
12 John Rush 23 Laborer true
13 David Yates 25 Laborer true
14 Adam Kaler 19 33rd Farming true
15 Jacob Waford 19 33rd Farming true
16 James Miller 24 33rd Laborer false Sick
17 Samuel Wright 53rd Laborer true
18 Henry Woods 18 67th Laborer true
19 James Johnson 23 79th Laborer true
20 Marion Wafford 18 33rd Laborer true
21 Albert Graves 67th Laborer true
22 Joseph Coffman 34 93rd Laborer true
23 Michael Hand 36 47th Farmer true
Henry Walker 23 33rd Farmer true
John Reynolds 35 33rd Farmer true
24 Alanson Bishop 93rd Farmer true
25 John Dunn 26 93rd Farmer true
26 Asa Stuart 93rd Farmer true
27 James K P Green 18 93rd Farmer true
28 George W Roberts 18 93rd Farmer true
29 Alfred M Rhodes 93rd Farmer true
30 William L Green 24 93rd Farmer true
31 Michael Denn Farmer true
32 Henry J Cutsinger 19 93rd Farmer true
33 David P Daum 93rd Farmer true
34 Tillman Peck 32 93rd Farmer true
35 Frederick Miller 93rd Farmer true
36 James Piles 36 93rd Farmer true
Last edit over 2 years ago by ISA_Josh
Page Status Needs Review


County: Bartholomew

Township: Wayne

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer

Page Number: 117

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
1 Harvey Johnson 25 12th Farmer true
2 John Johnson 23 22nd Laborer true
3 Joseph Johnson 19 22nd Laborer true
4 James Johnson 18 12th Laborer true
5 Elisha Myers 30 12th Farmer true
6 Benjamin F Sibert 18 Laborer true
7 Isaac H Porter 20 22nd Laborer false Dead
8 James Jennings 26 22nd Laborer false Dead
9 Lyman Smith 26 6th Laborer false Three months service
10 Noah Retts ? 21 12th true
11 Albert Prather 23 39th true
12 Benjamin F Prather 20 53rd true
13 Frederick Holt 23 22nd true
14 George S Tuckorer ? 22 19th Laborer true
15 George W Guire 25 22nd Laborer true
16 Benjamin F Horn 23 13th Harness maker true
17 Ephraim Neal 28 39th Farmer false Inability
18 Charles Gilbert 25 39th Farmer true
19 Charles W Lind 18 39th Farmer true
20 William H Watts 33 39th false Ulserated leg
21 Lee M Sackett 20 12th true
22 George Linson 23 6th true
23 Henry Crum? 19 39th true
24 Edward Spalding false Dead
25 Johnson Hadin 22 30th true
26 Philip Denzer 24 39th Laborer true
27 Silas Critchfield 18 22nd false Dead
28 Aaron K Ellenwood? 20 19th true
29 Basil R Prather 24 39th Farmer true
30 Thomas Murray 35 6th Laborer false Three months service
31 Gustavus Patrick 18 12th true
32 William Lock ? 28 39th Farmer true
33 Austin Wright 23 39th Farmer true
34 Michael R Coffman 20 39TH Laborer true
35 John Moyer 35 39th Carpenter true
36 Josiah D Gates 29 39th Laborer true
37 Denny H Spalding 21 39th Laborer true
38 William Haybecker 20 39th Blacksmith true
39 Francis Rucker 28 39th false Dead
40 Charles D Stubbard 19 12th Farmer true
41 Josiah Wilson 35 22nd Merchant false Resigned
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
Page Status Needs Review


County: Bartholomew

Township: Wayne

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer

Page Number: 118

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
42 Theodore Johnson 26 6th Farming true
43 Robert Warner 29 6th Farming true Dead
44 Joseph Scarbrough 28 19th Carpenter true
45 David Bevins 34 19th Laborer true
46 William Bevins 21 39th Laborer true
47 Henry J Talbott ? 18 12th Student true
48 William Edwards 33rd Farmer true
49 Joseph C Potts 21 39th Farmer true
50 Enoch Robnett 22 Farmer true
51 Henry C Snider 29 39th Farmer true
52 Warren Snider 22 22nd Laborer true
53 Rutton G Cordy 32 39th Farmer true
54 James T Knowland 18 39th Farmer true
55 Alexander Cozert ? 27 6th Cooper true
56 Samuel Cozert ? 20 22nd Laborer true
57 Amos Burtnett ? 26 39th Laborer true
58 Richard Stringer ? 3 ? 39th Farmer true
59 John M Franklin 45 67th Carpenter true
60 Amos Williams 19 39th Farmer true
61 John Stiles ? 20 39th Farmer true
62 Frank Norris 22 39th Laborer true
63 Samuel H McBride 33 22nd Physician true
64 Absalom C Graves 26 22nd RR ??? true
65 Thomas Feely 23 22nd Laborer true
66 Francis M Grinsted 32 12th Farmer true
67 Robert G Newby 31 Blacksmith true
68 Andrew J Hutchins 22 67th true
69 John Diggs 37 39th Brick layer true
70 John I Lucas 19 12th true
71 Jesse Lucas 18 12th true
72 Martin Kellar 21 22nd Farmer false Inability
73 Stephen R Jones 50 22nd Cooper true
74 Philip C Jones 21 22nd Farmer true
75 William J Jones 19 22nd Farmer true
76 John H Ball 26 22nd Farmer true
77 John Toller 25 12th Farmer true
78 Ewell Miles 25 12th Laborer true
79 Bartlett Hatchell ? 24 12th Farmer true
80 James Barger 29 22nd Farmer true
81 Archibald S Thompson 31 19th Farmer false Disability
82 William Lock 25 12th Shoemaker true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
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County: Bartholomew

Township: Wayne

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer

Page Number: 119

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
83 John W Matney 25 Gunboat Wagon Maker true
84 Benjamin F Locke 23 12th Farmer true
85 William Norton 26 67th Laborer true
86 Ferdinand Kindle 23 22nd Laborer true
87 Patrick Cain 21 13th Laborer true
88 James Cain 18 22nd Laborer true
89 John Wagner 19 67th Laborer true
90 James W McDaniel 32 22nd Sailor true
91 Essa Cox 28 67th Farmer true
92 William Phillips 22 37th Farmer true
93 Thomas Burnham 52 22nd Farmer true Inability
94 John Swank 24 67th Carpenter true
95 Isaiah Woods 27 12th Laborer true
96 Martin L Britton 20 22nd Laborer true
97 John C Britton 22 22nd Laborer false Dead
98 William A Jones 18 22nd Farmer true
99 George Wearen 20 22nd Farmer true
100 James A Kellar 22 22nd Farmer false Inability
101 Simpson J Horsett 23 70th Farmer true
102 Augustus Guy 18 77th Laborer true
103 William Guy 23 6th Laborer true
104 Thomas R Parnor ? 20 77th Laborer true
105 John Gerhart 25 12th Farmer true
106 William Gerhart 23 12th Farmer true
107 John Wieles 25 12th Farmer true
108 Jesse Pyle 25 22nd Farmer false disease of heart ?
109 John W Farrell 18 67th Laborer true
110 Eli Stringer 36 12th Farmer true
111 Richard Stringer 32 39th Farmer true
112 Fletcher Stringer 19 39th Farmer false Dead
113 John H Pardieck ? 22 3rd Ky Farmer true
114 Alonzo O Cody 18 39th Farmer true
115 Dobner Davis 22 22nd Laborer true
116 Henry Bolter 22 Clines Cav Farmer true
117 Thomas Sullivan 24 22nd Farmer true
118 Wesley Henry 18 12th Laborer true
119 Cyrus D Maxwell 25 12th Merchant true
120 David A Morton 27 12th Farmer true
121 George Barnett 28 39th Farmer true
122 John Betera 26 6th Laborer true
123 James Dinkens 22 22nd Laborer true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
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County: Bartholomew

Township: Wayne

Commissioner: Simeon Stansifer

Page Number: 120

No. First Name Last Name Age Regiment Occupation In Service Discharged, and Cause Remarks
124 John Swincher 28 22nd Miller true
125 Charles Pierce 27 33rd Farmer true
126 Carter Harrison 25 22nd Laborer true
127 Wa??en Harrison 20 22nd Laborer true
128 Charles Thames 24 22nd Laborer true
129 Martin Kellar 21 22nd Farmer false Inability
130 Augustus Horton 27 33rd Farmer true
131 Philip Horton 23 28 Ky Farmer true
132 William F Randolph 19 77th Plasterer true
133 James Anderson 55 33rd Locksmith true
134 Jeptha McConnell 20 Farmer true
135 As???y Pelkins 26 22nd Laborer true
136 James Webb 35 22nd Laborer true
137 Denny Sneed 23 13th Laborer true
138 Washington D??ffman 24 13th Laborer true
139 John Maloy 25 22nd Laborer true
140 James ? Vancleve 38 15 Battery Laborer true
131 William Winkler 31 7 Battery Farmer true
142 John Mansfield 19 7 Battery Laborer true
143 George Pearcefield 19 7 Battery Laborer true
144 Thomas Whalen 18 7 Battery Farmer true
145 Thomas Standley 18 7 Battery Laborer true
146 Cleonious N Sims ? 20 33rd Farmer true
147 Ira Thayer 22 22nd Farmer false Inability
148 Leonidas Thayer 20 22nd Farmer true
149 John Duff 22 22nd Farmer true
150 Isaac Betts 25 33rd Farmer true
151 Samuel H ? Betts 20 33rd Farmer true
152 Zachariah Coonrod 22 ? Laborer true
153 Charles Stoner 20 22nd Laborer true
154 John W Mc Connell 27 Laborer true
155 Denis Butler 38 12th ? Farmer true
156 Jochua F Ken???d 21 22nd Laborer true
157 William A Bowen 34 Laborer true
158 Benjamin Sibert Farmer true
159 John Davis Farmer true
160 John Jones 18 Farmer true
161 Thomas Stanley Farmer true
162 Thomas Whalen Farmer true
163 Richard Rice Farmer true
164 George Pearcefield Farmer true
165 Gilbert Pearcefield Farmer true
166 Charles G Thayer 17 33rd Farmer true
167 John Rice 33rd Farmer true
168 Charles Stader 33rd Farmer true
169 Noah Betts ? 25 93rd Farmer true
170 John A Page 20 93rd Farmer true
171 Walter Harrison 20 27th Laborer true
Last edit over 2 years ago by 29445
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 45 in total