Last Name: Epley
First Name: Wilson
Middle Name: Wayne
Army Serial Number: 1577558
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Army or Marines
Town or City of Residence: Fort Wayne
County of Residence:
Place of Birth: Bettsville, Ohio
Date of Birth:
Age: 26 3/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Epmeier
First Name: George
Middle Name:
Army Serial Number: 1568641
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Army or Marines
Town or City of Residence: Evansville
County of Residence:
Place of Birth: Evansville, Indiana
Date of Birth:
Age: 23 8/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Eppard
First Name: Clifford
Middle Name: Robert
Army Serial Number: 4419581
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Army or Marines
Town or City of Residence: Mount Etna
County of Residence:
Place of Birth: Muncie, Indiana
Date of Birth: 01/18/1894
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Eppards
First Name: Charles
Middle Name: E
Army Serial Number: 254005
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Army or Marines
Town or City of Residence: Muncie
County of Residence:
Place of Birth: Muncie, Indiana
Date of Birth:
Age: 21 2/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Eppel
First Name: Lawrence
Middle Name:
Army Serial Number: 3887115
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Army or Marines
Town or City of Residence: Kellerville
County of Residence:
Place of Birth: Louisville, Kentucky
Date of Birth:
Age: 25 10/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no