Last Name: Baase
First Name: Walter
Middle Name: John
Army Serial Number: 110-00-20
Race: Not Given
Branch: Navy
Town or City of Residence: Indianapolis
County of Residence: Indiana
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Age: 21 3/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Babb
First Name: Kenneth
Middle Name: Lowell
Army Serial Number: 1100087
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Navy
Town or City of Residence: Remington
County of Residence:
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Age: 22 7/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Babb
First Name: Virgle
Middle Name:
Army Serial Number: 1100117
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Navy
Town or City of Residence: Shelbyville
County of Residence: Shelby
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Age: 21 6/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Babbitt
First Name: Fred
Middle Name: Charley
Army Serial Number: 1100129
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Coast Guard
Town or City of Residence: Indianapolis
County of Residence: Marion
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Age: 18 3/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no
Last Name: Babbitt
First Name: William
Middle Name:
Army Serial Number: 1100160
Race: Caucasian
Branch: Navy
Town or City of Residence: Indianapolis
County of Residence: Marion
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Age: 18 6/12
Is this card a reverse side? (Indicated by "-B"): no