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to see her once more I put myself in
her way as she went to the station
and got a good passing look, and,
as I was alone at the particular
spot, I think a bow, the Princess is
different every time I see her, but in
all her phases is beautiful.

We all got through Smalls Hardy
after the seizure of his testa[mur]
became light-headed, light-hearted,
light-heeled. He, Brown, and I
proceeded to booze, at the Mitre,
and I forgot to pay my share,
but I believe Hardy meant to
feast us, in his delight.

For the first week of the long I
read the Georgics with Bond, tam-
ing him en passant but he takes
longer to tame than you. Now I am
with all, our tribe at Shanklin.
In the mornings I read the Histories

Gerard Hopkins July 10 1863

Dear Baillie,
Yes. You are a fool.
I can shew it syllogistically, by an epi-
mediculum or paradoxling. For you
will allow that he who lies is a fool
in the long run, and that he who
lies without any object to gain there-
by is immediately and directly a fool.
Now you are not a fool. But you say
you are a fool, therefore you lie
syllogistically then.


He who lies without an object to gain
is a fool.


You have lied without an object to gain.

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