


Status: Complete

We have just completed the quadrennial occasion in whicech Americans express their preferences about what kind of world they want to live in.

Despite all predicton to the contrary the [illegible] was respectible one, and the result not [illegiblr

It has been a rather long time coming. For Jimmy Carter and his early supporters, it was the climax of more that two years of planning and work.

For those veterans of the contests of 1972 and 1968, it was a chance at power again, the creation of four years of breathing space in which to plot and plan the future.

For the loser, it is the end of a career that had already gonor gone further than it should.

For the country, it was a chance to turn loose a government which had been warm toward special interests and tight with a helping hand toward those who needed it.

For the winner, it was the beginning of a chance to prove that was not misplaced, the kope hope could be born again, and that charity would begin at home.

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